Zodiac Academy 3: The Reckoning

The Reckoning: Chapter 36

KYLIE GROUND HERSELF AGAINST me as I lay back in the sand. My pack were going at it twenty yards away and Kylie seemed keen to start the party too. But she wouldn’t do it here. Not with an audience. Maybe that was why I hadn’t offered yet.

Her mouth ran down my bare chest and she tugged at my belt to unbuckle it. With the power of the full moon pulsing through my veins and the Lunar Eclipse looming ever closer, I was reduced to my most basic instincts. The problem was, they weren’t urging me after Kylie. Last night I’d hooked up with her, trying to screw a certain someone out of my head. But I’d failed. And it was eating me up from the inside out.

“Come on, Sethy,” Kylie urged. “Let’s go somewhere private.” Her hand rubbed over my crotch and Seth Junior made a real good effort for her.

Her pupils were full blown just like everyone else’s on the beach. The moon was urging me on and though she wasn’t my first choice tonight, she’d make a decent enough second. I let her pull me to my feet and guide me away from the cove, stepping behind a high boulder when we were far enough from the party for her to feel comfortable.

She tugged her top off with a giggle and unhooked her bra just as fast. I gave her a hungry look, tugging her closer by the waist and squeezing her tit. It was freezing out so I cast a bubble of heated air around us and the goosebumps settled down on her flesh.

She took out a packet of Pegasus glitter from her pocket and I smirked as she poured it into her palm and slid her hand down her skirt. Yeah, that shit did not work. But I kinda liked the tingly feeling it gave me and the way it made my dick look like I’d fucked a rainbow afterwards. The only problem was, tonight I didn’t really fancy a rainbow. There was only one colour on my mind, in fact. Blue.

Kylie dropped her panties, leaving her skirt in place and starting to dance for me. Shit was amusing so I leaned back against the boulder and took a swig of my beer, focusing on getting hard.

Come on, do it for the moon, Seth Junior. Forget about the Vega chick. She is so far off the menu, she’s not even on the specials board.

Kylie gazed up at the sky, raising her hands as she swung her hips to a tune located solely in her head. I caught her arm, dragging her against me and shutting my eyes. Her lips met mine and I kissed her savagely.

“Let’s pretend you’re my Omega,” I purred. Definitely not because I wanted to pretend she was my actual Omega.

“Okay,” she said excitedly.

“Turn around,” I commanded and she did so.

I kept my eyes shut as I dragged my mouth across her shoulder, shifting her hair aside and imagining it belonged to Darcy. 

“Stay quiet,” I said and Kylie nodded as I nuzzled into her neck.

I started to get hard and I sighed. Finally.

I pushed her onto her knees, dropping down and taking her roughly from behind, my eyes clamped shut as I concentrated. She started crying out as I slammed into her and I lifted one shoulder to ram it against my right ear.

“Oh Se-thy, Sethy baby, I love you.”

Shut up shut up shut up.

I dug my fingers into her hips. “Quiet, Omega,” I barked, but she didn’t and I felt my hard-on sinking like a flag down a pole.

“I love you,” she gasped again.

Yep, my boner is officially dead. RIP buddy.

“Er…Sethy?” she squeaked as I stopped, a horribly long moment passing between us where she realised what had happened. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I snapped, getting up from my knees and yanking my pants up. Fucking Vega Twins. What was with them? It was like they were sent from the stars themselves to screw with me and my friends. Ever since they’d shown up, we’d faced more problems than we had in our entire lives. Now my dick couldn’t even perform. My freaking dick!

Where even was Darcy right now, huh? I hadn’t seen her with her friends for most of the night.

I bet she’s off screwing the guy she’s secretly seeing. Well. Fuck. That.

If Caleb could chase Tory’s tail as much as he pleased, I was going after Darcy tonight. Our plans still stood. I would rain down hell on her for the flea stunt. But the moon was firmly controlling my libido tonight and every emotion I’d felt toward that girl since she’d arrived at Zodiac was welling up inside me, fit to burst. 

Just for tonight, I’d make her see how good we could make each other feel. I’d win her round and she’d be pinned beneath me before the Lunar Eclipse even started. I groaned, thinking about it, adrenaline ricocheting through my body. All of that blue hair wound around my fist while I made her body bow to mine. Yes.

“We’re done, Kylie,” I said. “It’s been fun. Really.” I tossed her her shirt and she stared at me as it hit her chest and fell to the sand at her feet.

“What?” she gasped.

“Sorry, babe. This has run its course. You’re a sweet chick, but I’ve been screwing my pack for months. I’m sorry you thought we were exclusive. We never were.”

She hooked up her shirt from the ground, pulling it on then stormed toward me. Her hair burst into coils of angry snakes, her skin turning green and her teeth sharpening to points. Man, I’d really found that hot once. But not anymore.

“You don’t mean it!” she shrieked.

“I do,” I sighed, running a hand over my face. “And babe?”

“What?” she snarled.

“Pegasus glitter doesn’t kill Werewolf sperm.” I shrugged innocently. “Feels kinda good though. For guys. I mean, I dunno what that’s like for you but…” I shrugged again and her hand crashed into my cheek with the force of air magic behind it. I let her do it because, well, she was owed it. I’d cheated on her for a really fucking long time. I reckoned she knew that though. I didn’t exactly keep it a secret. The burn in my cheek sizzled away and I gave her an apologetic expression.

“Seth Capella you are an asshole,” she growled, her eyes swimming with tears. Every snake on her head bared its fangs at me and I wondered if she’d attack me again.

“I know,” I grunted.

She shoved me in the chest then clawed her fingers around my neck, her lower lip quivering. “You loved me once though, didn’t you? You can do it again.”

I really considered lying to her. I did. But I didn’t want to mindfuck Kylie Major anymore – or actually fuck her. She deserved better. I shook my head, leaning in to nuzzle her cheek in apology but she shoved me away.

Her lips tightened for a second as she surveyed me. “Darcy Vega doesn’t want you, you know that right?” She stormed off and I waited until she was gone, downing the last of my beer before throwing the bottle against the cliff wall so it smashed into a thousand pieces. 


I locked my jaw, heading back along the beach on a hunt for the girl who was driving me to insanity tonight. I was gonna prove Kylie wrong and myself right. Darcy wanted me, she just had trouble admitting it because it was hard for her to look past what I’d done to her. But she’d liked me once. When she’d first come to Zodiac, I’d had her. Why did I have to go and fuck that up? The hair stunt hadn’t worked anyway. She could have been mine by now and I wouldn’t feel like my heart was constantly trying to bash itself to death on my ribcage every time I saw her.

Why is being bad so fucking hard when it comes to her?

I asked every member of my pack – who were way too moon-high to be pissy at me tonight -if they’d seen her until finally Frank pointed to the path that led back up to campus.

“Think I saw her head that way.” He caught my arm before I could leave, his fingers brushing down my chest. “Forget the Vega girl, come have some fun. We can put aside our issues for tonight…Alpha.” His voice was full of lust and I could practically see the moon in his eyes as he stared at me. I imagined I was at the top of a lot of people’s moon lists tonight, but I wasn’t interested. Even if it did feel euphoric to be called Alpha again. I glanced past him to the orgy my pack were shamelessly having in front of the entire party. 

I’ll probably win them back if I stay. But…Darcy.

I pulled free of Frank’s grip and picked up a bottle of rum, heading away without a word.

“We’ll be here when she rejects you, Alpha!” Frank called, howling to me as I went but I refused to look back.

Maybe she won’t this time.

I headed up the path, jogging all the way to Air Territory and searching the horizon. I looked to Aer Tower, my eyes travelling up to her room on the eleventh floor where the light was on. I bit down on the inside of my cheek, knowing she was up there fucking some douchebag. 

I huffed, pacing back and forth at the top of the hill. She had to come back this way eventually if she was gonna re-join the party, so I dropped down onto the path and leaned back against the sandy bank on one side of it. Then I’ll see who said douchebag is.

 I opened the rum, taking a long swig as I waited.

When she heads back to the beach I’ll make her see that whoever this waste of space fling is, he’s not gonna satisfy her like I can.

I took another long drink.

I bet his name’s Brody or something just as lame. Fucking Brody.

I spotted Darius at the bottom of the path, alternating between sipping on a bottle of beer and pacing. He kept looking across the beach then returned to drinking and pacing. He was too far away for me to shout out to him and frankly he looked like he was having his own personal pity party. If we teamed up, it would be the most pathetic Moon Party we’d ever thrown.

Go get laid, man. 

He eventually headed off down the beach again and I frowned, wondering if I should go after him. But the moon was encouraging me to sit my ass there until the girl I craved came to me. So that was just what I was gonna do.

I’d made it through three quarters of the bottle by the time Darcy arrived. I heard her laugh and wasn’t sure if I’d imagined it or not. I tried to get up but shitballs I was drunk. I crawled forward, poking my head out of the pathway. She was in some muscular guy’s arms, his mouth was against her neck and her eyes were swimming with delight as she clawed at his shoulders. They thought they were alone. But they weren’t fucking alone.

“Brody,” I growled, dragging myself to my feet ready to knock him out. The guy lurched back a step and my vision doubled for a second.

What? My head spun as I stared at the guy standing there. I must be seriously fucking drunk.

“Orion?” I slurred.

He glanced at Darcy then me. “Thanks for the drink,” he shot at her and I frowned.

Oh yeah…Vampire.

“You’re not Brody.” I waved Orion aside. “Go back to your cave.”

“You’re drunk, Capella,” he said in warning. “Go back to your House.”

I stumbled toward them and found Darcy looking at me with something that might have been concern. Or maybe I was just being hopeful.

“You’re not the boss of me, asshole.” I shoved Orion aside except I didn’t. Because his hand crashed into my chest and I stumbled towards the cliff edge.

“Did you see that?” I balked at Darcy. “He tried to throw me off the fucking cliff.”

“Seth,” Darcy said carefully. “Maybe you should go to bed.” She reached for me and I caught her hand, bringing it to my cheek and smiling at her.

“You’ll come with me though, right babe?”

Orion knocked me on my ass so hard the sky spun. He leaned over me, teeth bared. “Get out of here or I’ll start taking House Points.”

I threw air at him but he blocked it, throwing it back at me. I grunted in fury, pushing myself to my knees as he evaporated the spell. “I need to talk to her. You’ve had your blood, now fuck off.”

Orion’s eyes sharpened like knives. “I’m not going anywhere.”

I snorted. “Oh you’re not, are you? Well I’ll take Darcy with me. She’s my Omega. I need to have some wolf words with her, sir.”

Orion put himself between us and Darcy caught his arm, leaning around him. I looked between the two of them with a frown, feeling like I was missing something here.

Orion pushed her aside and she stumbled back. “Go to the beach, Miss Vega.”

“No – wait,” I begged. Shit, what was that pleading tone I’d just used? That didn’t sound like me. It kept pouring out though. “Talk to me for five minutes, Darcy. That’s it. I won’t touch you.”

Orion went to object but Darcy stepped in. “Go ahead, but you can say it in front of Professor Orion, too.”

I sighed heavily. “Fine. But back up.” I pointed at him and his hands curled into fists. He did not move.

Darcy gave him a look of encouragement and he growled as he marched away several feet to give us some space. I knew he’d hear us with his fucking bat ears, but whatever. He was just some dried-up-dreams teacher who would bow at my feet one day.

I drew my shoulders back, the moonlight throbbing against my back. “I broke up with Kylie,” I told her, lifting my chin with a hopeful smile. 

“Oh right,” she said, folding her arms, having barely any reaction to that.

The fuck was with her?

“The moon drives you toward the people you want most. I know it’s fucking crazy because I’m gonna be your enemy again tomorrow, babe, but you must feel this too. The moon is making you hot for me, right?”

Orion shifted in my periphery, but I ignored him. I wasn’t doing shit wrong. He could stand there like a perverted tree listening in on his students if he wanted to, didn’t matter to me. He could stay there while I screwed Darcy into next week too if he fancied. Not my issue.

Darcy’s eyes widened and I took in her dilated pupils with a deep, burning lust in my core. Yeah, she was so into me right now.

“I don’t know how to make myself clearer to you, Seth. I’m not interested. The moon is not driving me anywhere near you.”

Orion released a breath of laughter and a snarl left my throat. Rejection cascaded through me as I took in the hard wall in her eyes. The one that firmly said no to me.

“Liar,” I spat and she raised her hands to defend herself. Not that I was gonna do shit. Not tonight. But fuck her. Fuck her so fucking hard. I was Seth Capella. How dare she make a fool of me?

“I know what you did,” I said in a deadly tone.

Her eyes flickered for a moment. “I don’t know what you mean.”

I stepped forward, sensing Orion moving in my periphery. I looked to him with a sneer. “Why don’t you go back to your fucking job, sir?”

He squared his shoulders at me and I wondered how much trouble I’d be in if I started pounding on him.

I moved closer to Darcy and felt her shield press against my skin. I lay my palms flat on it and ran my tongue up the dome of air.

“That’s the last time you reject me, Omega.” I turned and marched away, heading back to the beach to find someone to get drunk with. Caleb came to mind and I howled to the sky, wishing his mom hadn’t made him go home for the Eclipse. 

I jogged down the track, trying to drag my mind away from Orion and Darcy up on the hill. But it was damn impossible. Something kept circling in my mind and I wasn’t sure if it was induced by the rum or not.

If he bit her…where was the blood?


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