Zodiac Academy 2: Ruthless Fae

Ruthless Fae: Chapter 18

THE TEMPERATURE HAD descended in the night and I hugged my knees to my chest, staying in the warmth of my duvet a while longer with a permanent smile eating into my cheeks. The rain drummed against my window with the force of a hurricane and I shivered knowing I had my Air Elemental class first period. And unless I got the hang of heating the air around me or keeping the storm from touching me, it looked like I had a long winter ahead battling the weather.

I scrolled through the FaeBook feed on my Atlas which was sometimes like playing a game of Russian Roulette. The bullet in this gun was often the latest cruel joke at mine or Tory’s expense. After the Nymph attack, there had been a few oh-so-funny jokes wishing her royal highness (AKA me) hadn’t been fast enough to escape. But that paled into insignificance now with the wild rumours circling about Caleb and his Pegasus fetish. 

After a video of him had gone viral last night, looking like he was actually screwing the life out of that ‘Pegasex’ doll we’d planted in his room, there wasn’t a single other thing students were talking about. We couldn’t have planned it better if we’d tried. He was fast becoming the punchline of every joke on FaeBook. And every status I read drew my smug smile wider and wider.

Altair’s got the horn for horns! 

When he finished, did his winkle twinkle?

Do you prefer a stallion or a mare, Caleb? (asking for a friend)

Is it just Pegasus you’re into, Altair, because my Centaur cousin is single?

I soon dragged myself out of bed with vigour, enthused to my core. Haha sucker! Now you know what it feels like to have the entire Academy laugh at you.

 I showered then dressed in my uniform, pulling on my coat over the top of it and zipping it up. I twisted my hair into a high ponytail, having learned in the past few weeks that wearing my hair down during Air Elemental class was a rookie mistake. I spent a little longer running my fingers through it, pondering Orion’s persistent questioning. Blue or green? I still hadn’t answered him.

It seemed less important now. Like Seth taking my hair had been the ultimate reminder of what the blue had stood for. That trust was something I hadn’t given for a long time anyway.

Maybe I’ll dye it sunshine yellow and it can remind me that I’m a badass.

I headed out of my room, making my way to The Orb through the torrential rain as it swept across campus. I liked the changing seasons, but this rain was a bit much even with my preference for Fall.

When I stepped into The Orb, I immediately knew something was wrong. A commotion had broken out by the Heirs’ couch but the large group of people clustered around them made it impossible for me to see what was going on.

Fear pricked my heart and I did a quick sweep of the room, hunting for Tory, Sofia and Diego but I couldn’t spot them.

“What’s your Order, amigo?” Seth’s voice rang out and several of the crowd laughed.

My spine tingled with rage as I heard Diego respond. “I don’t know yet. Hey – give me that back!”

A hand shot into the air and I spotted Diego’s beanie dangling from it.

I set my jaw, knowing I was about as useless as a kitten in a lion fight right now, but I wasn’t going to let him stand alone.

“Your Majesty, you mustn’t intervene!” Geraldine called to me, climbing onto her chair and jumping onto her table to get my attention.

I ignored her as I pushed through the crowd and people lurched away from me like I was diseased.

I made it to the front of the group where the four vicious creatures who ruled this school were herding their prey. Diego was on his knees, his shirt pulled off of him and his shoulders shaking. Seth stood on the coffee table, dangling the beanie above his head while Max perched on the edge of his seat, his eyes narrowed like a predator’s. Darius was lounging on the furthest end of the couch, watching Seth and Diego’s interaction with half-hearted amusement, but I couldn’t spot Caleb.

“Hey!” I shouted, but they didn’t hear me over the clamour of the crowd. I moved to step forward but an arm slid around my shoulders and I found myself in the snare of Caleb’s arms. “Tory or Darcy?” he leaned in close, breathing deep. “Different shampoo. You’re Darcy.”

“Get off of me.” I tried to shrug out of his grip but he held on tight.

“I’m in a really foul mood today, sweetheart, so it’s best you don’t fight back,” Caleb growled and the reality of what we’d done to him sank in hard and fast. If he discovered Tory and I had humiliated him, we were worse than dead.

Seth dropped down from the table, his expensive boots thumping against the floor in front of Diego.

“Why is he doing this?” I begged of Caleb and the Vampire pulled me against him tighter, speaking into my ear.

“Your little friend started it.”

“He wouldn’t,” I insisted, my heart rocking angrily in my chest as I tried to break free again. I hesitated to use magic, afraid to bring down the wrath of the four of them on my head. But if I didn’t do something, who knew what Seth was going to do to Diego?

Seth put on Diego’s hat and my friend’s eyes flashed with murder.

“Fight me.” Seth wielded the air around him, forcing Diego to bow his head. My friend’s shoulders strained against the onslaught of magic. “You wanted a fight, chico, now here it is. So fight me like a Fae.”

“What did he do?” I demanded of Caleb.

“Seth told him to bow and he didn’t. He said he’s not his king. This is what happens to your followers,” he snarled, his hand sliding up to cup my chin and angle me to watch as Seth aimed a sharp kick at Diego’s ribs.

Diego wheezed from the blow, clutching his side and Seth walked around him, placing his foot down on his back.

“Stop it!” I yelled, but if Seth heard it, he ignored me.

Darius glanced at his watch as if he had somewhere else to be as Seth heaved Diego up by the neck and threw him down on the coffee table. A chorus of oohhs sounded from the surrounding students. Max stood up, shifting his weight from foot to foot as if he hoped Diego might hurl an insult his way and give him an excuse to step him.

“You won’t fight me like Fae?” Seth snarled, leaning over Diego so his back was to me. “Then fight me like the useless mortal you are.”

A round of laughter went up from the crowd and someone started up a chant of, “Kill the mortal, kill the mortal, kill the mortal!”

Diego lifted his palms and Seth’s hair danced in a light breeze from the faint magic he cast.

“Useless.” Seth rammed his knuckles into Diego’s gut and I lost it.

I knew what it would cost me, but I flicked my fingers over my shoulder, casting ice cold water from the tips. Just enough to make Caleb flinch because it did not seem like a good time piss him off even more. The second his grip eased, I jerked free of his hold.

I lunged forward, reaching for Seth’s arm as he went to hit Diego again. He whipped it back so hard his elbow caught me in the face. Pain exploded through my cheekbone and I saw stars as I stumbled back. Ow – dammit!

Seth’s brows raised in surprise as he found me there and a soft whimper escaped his throat.

“Teach her a lesson Sethy.” Someone shoved me back toward him and I didn’t have to look to know it was Kylie.

In the corner of my eye I spotted Diego scrambling off of the table, snatching up his shirt from the floor and pulling it back on. I couldn’t take my gaze off of the fiend before me though, the sharpness of his eyes penetrating right through to my core. Seth stepped forward and I raised my hands, drawing magic to the tips in desperation to hold my own.

I’ll fight you with everything I’ve got.

“Get the fuck to class!” Orion’s voice suddenly filled the room. “You’re all late. And I’ll take ten points from every Fae standing in this room when I reach zero. Ten, nine, eight-”

“We’re not even close to done here,” Seth said with a smile that planted a seed of fear deep in my heart.

The room was half empty already and Tory suddenly jogged to my side, blurry eyed with rain dotting her cheeks. “What the hell happened?”

The rest of the crowd ran for the door and the Heirs were the last to head toward the exit apart from Tory, Diego and I. I spotted Seth checking his reflection in a mirror beside the door, not seeming in any hurry to leave.

Orion moved across the room with all the speed of a raging bull. Before Seth knew what was happening, Orion smashed his face straight into the mirror and I gasped. He held his head in place while yanking his right arm behind his back cop-style.

“Argh!” Seth roared as Orion stripped the braid of hair from his wrist and applied more pressure to his arm until he whined like a kicked dog. “I’m done with your fucking parading, Capella. This isn’t Academy approved school wear.” He swiped the beanie hat from his head while Seth nursed a broken nose.

“What da thuck?!” he spat at Orion and my heart leapt with the thrill of seeing him beaten.

His friends lingered outside The Orb and Darius gave Orion a raised eyebrow as if he was questioning his actions.

“Ten points from Aer,” Orion snarled, pointing to the door, his hand clenched around the contraband.

Seth squared up to him, growling deeply as if he was about to go full wolf. My gut knotted tightly as I glanced between them.

“Twenty,” Orion hissed, moving into a threatening stance. “And another thirty if you dare to lose control of your Order from, Capella.”

Seth glared at him for several seconds then backed up, taking his hand away from his face to reveal his newly healed nose. He wiped the blood away on the back of his hand before striding out of The Orb after the other Heirs.

Orion turned his gaze our way and Tory swore loudly.

“Twenty points from Aer and ten from Ignis. Get out.” He pointed at the door and we hurried toward it. I threw a lingering glance over my shoulder as we exited, spotting Orion pocketing the band of blue hair alongside Diego’s hat.

His eyes met mine for the briefest moment, blazing with a fierceness I didn’t understand. But as Tory tugged my sleeve, I turned away and tried not to wonder about the intensity of that look.

Darius and Caleb were still standing outside, but it seemed Max and Seth had headed off to class. I eyed the two of them cautiously as we exited The Orb.

“Hey Altair!” Tyler Corbin waved to Caleb from the end of the path leading toward Fire Territory, surrounded by a group of friends. I spotted Sofia amongst them and my brows jumped up.

 The Heirs turned to him as one, like a single beast firing two icy glares.

“What?” Caleb growled.

“Does this turn you on?” Tyler and his friends swiftly pulled off their clothes and burst into their sparkly Pegasus forms, turning around and waving their butts at him.

Tory and I burst out laughing as they kicked their legs and shook glitter from their coats.

“You mother fuckers!” Caleb roared, sprinting toward them with a burst of Vampire speed.

All eight of them cantered away, spreading their wings and launching themselves into the sky. Darius charged forward to assist his friend, tearing off clothes as he went. In seconds, the huge, golden dragon that lay dormant within him exploded into existence and shot into the sky with a powerful roar.

My heart pounded madly as my hair was drawn back by the forceful beat of his wings. He released a spurt of fire at the Pegasuses colourful tails, but their twinkling bodies were already disappearing up into the clouds. Run for your life Sofia, you rebel!

Caleb sprinted out onto the grass, following Darius on foot and shaking glitter from his hair as he went, shouting obscenities at the sky.

When Tory and I finally managed to rein in our laughter, I realised Diego was standing there moodily, staring off into the distance.

Tory gave me an awkward look then her eyes fell to my cheek. “Oh shit, are you alright?” she frowned.

I reached up to brush my thumb across my cheekbone and winced at the sharp sting it caused. “Yeah I’m fine.”

“Darcy,” Diego said, looking to me in despair. “I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have gotten involved.”

I shook my head, moving forward to hug him. “Where I come from, people don’t stand on the sidelines while their friends get hurt.”

“I like the sound of where you’re from.” He said into my shoulder and I pulled away with a terse smile.

Tory placed a hand on her hip, tutting. “That dog needs taking down a peg or two. I wish we could figure out how to hit him where it hurts.”

“How about in the dick?” Diego offered and we started laughing.

“I’ve still got that Aquarius Moonstone-” I started.

“Now you’re extra late,” Orion barked as he exited The Orb with a steaming mug of coffee in hand.

“So are you,” I countered and I was almost certain he smirked before he turned and headed off down the path in the direction of Jupiter Hall.

“When do I get my hat back?” Diego called after him and Orion answered with his middle finger. I snorted a laugh and Diego shot me a glare but I wasn’t paying enough attention. My gaze was lingering on Orion’s ass and Tory gave me a pointed look when I finally turned away.

“Come on, stop staring at the teacher, we’ve got class to get to,” she said, giggling as I tried to deny it.

We headed toward Air Territory and Diego started dragging his heels. He kept running his hand through his dark curls as if hoping to find his beanie there.

“You really like that hat,” I said gently and he nodded stiffly.

“Mi abuela knitted it for me before she…” He didn’t finish that sentence and Tory and I shared a frown as he drew to a halt and hung his head, looking utterly defeated. We stood on the plain of land which stretched toward the eastern cliff. Aer Tower stood tall to our left, the wind beating off of the ocean in a powerful blast and making the turbines spin wildly in the gust.

Diego released a heavy sigh.

“Come on Diego. It’s not so bad.” Tory nudged his foot with the toe of her shoe – which was affection in her language.

I rested a hand on his arm. “You can’t let them grind you down.”

“Yeah, I guess,” he sighed. Seeing him like that made me want to hug him all over again. “I think I’m gonna skip this class.” He looked up, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “You guys are so strong, I don’t know how you put up with them.”

Before we could object, he headed off toward Aer Tower with his head dipped low. I watched him go with sadness and anger bleeding into my stomach. Seth had been upping his cruelty the last few days. And him peeing on my sister in the middle of the woods, plus beating on Diego got my back up even more than it had when he’d targeted me. It was time we got our revenge on him. Today.

Tory and I headed to Air Cove, walking down the sheer set of steps cut into the cliff wall which led all the way to the beach where our Elemental Class was held. Sand shifted underfoot, the golden colour dulled to a murky brown beneath the dim light of the hanging storm. Although the cove was more sheltered from the wind, we were now closer to the choppy waves and sea spray carried over us like mist.

Professor Perseus was flustered as usual, calling out orders at random as he tried to keep the class under control. He was a slight man with a quaff of hazel hair that constantly changed position in the breeze.

Max was chasing a girl with a piece of seaweed and she shrieked in delight as he caught her by the waist. Several others were wandering off down the beach while a few even looked like they were preparing for a dunk in the sea.

“Please, everybody!” Perseus called out, his voice lost to the wind. 

Seth was perched on a rock, his mood clearly sullied by Orion’s attack and I noticed his fingers were resting on his wrist where my hair had been. A sweet kind of justice flowed through me as I watched him.

Perseus clapped his hands. “If we could all gather-” Max threw the seaweed at the girl but she ducked it and it slapped Perseus dead in the face. He peeled it off, trying to flick it from his hand as it got stuck there. “Oh bother.”

Seth’s wolves from Aer House grouped around him, nuzzling and pawing at his hands. He waved them away, resting his chin on his knuckles, but they continued to surround him, one of the girls even licking his face.

I spotted Kylie turning redder and redder as she watched, but she didn’t step in. I guessed she had to let him be when it came to his pack.

Tory and I headed over to Perseus, apparently the only ones eager to learn today. Harnessing our powers was a number one priority if we were ever going to be able to truly defend ourselves against the Heirs. And after Seth’s run-in with Diego, I was ready to release the storm that had been brewing in me full force.

“Ah, good girls,” Perseus said, seeming happy that he had someone to teach. “Today we’ll be focusing on wind shields. They can be used for many purposes, but repelling the magic of other Fae is perhaps the most important. I personally like to use them to keep the rain off.” He chuckled.

I smiled, eager to learn that particular skill as raindrops gathered in my hair and icy droplets slid down my neck.

“You’ve both been doing wonderfully with releasing your energy on the sea. This is a slightly more refined technique so you’ll have to keep that deep well of power in check. However, once mastered, you’ll find this skill is as easy as breathing.”

“Can we do hot air too?” Tory asked. “I’m sick of being damp and cold.”

“All in time, all in time.” He nodded, raising his hands. “Now I just want you to feel the shape of mine first of all.”

“I bet you do!” Max called as he ran past, continuing his seaweed game.

Perseus muttered under his breath then gave us a bright smile once again. “Okay have a feel.”

I reached out, brushing my fingers against the shield he was casting around himself. It pushed back against my fingers with a gentle pressure. “This is enough to keep away the rain, but a firmer shield feels like this.”

“Watch out, it’s getting hard now!” Max darted back past us and I tried not to laugh. Damn fish boy.

Perseus muttered something about miscreants then gestured for us to feel the shield again. I brushed my fingers over the invisible barrier and this time it was practically solid, pushing back against my hand like a forcefield.

“Yup, I want this,” I said eagerly and Perseus laughed.

“I’m going to live in one full of warm air,” Tory said wistfully.

Perseus taught us how to push the air out around us and I marvelled at the way it felt to gain more control over my powers. My skin tingled as the wind drifted away from me in a continuous stream, but every time I lost focus, it stuttered and died. The rain beat down on me again and I squinted against the onslaught as a crack of thunder rumbled over head.

“Ay yi yi yi!” Max hollered like an Apache warrior as he stripped off, his Siren form already in place by the time he pulled off the last of his clothes.

“Mr Rigel, this is an Air class!” Perseus called as Max waded into the water, his scales glittering navy and deepest green as they met the sea.

He disappeared under the waves and Perseus sighed wearily.

“Okay girls, I’ll leave you to practice, I’d better round up some of these lollygaggers.” He headed away and I faced Tory as we started working on creating our shields.

My eyes kept drifting to Seth whose pack were now piled around him like sleeping dogs.

“What’s wrong Sethy baby?” Kylie approached, seeming slightly cautious as she neared the group.

Seth glanced our way then shook his head at her in warning.

“What would cheer you up?” She tilted her head to one side and I noticed she didn’t have a grasp on shields either, her golden hair glistening with moisture.

Seth stood up, shrugging off his pack and making a beeline for Tory and I without responding to her.

“Oh no.” I nudged Tory and she turned, her shoulders stiffening.

I wielded the air around me, making as strong a shield as I could manage and holding onto it with all my might.

He stopped before us, folding his arms, his muscles tightening as he observed us. “Darcy.” He pointed at me. “Come here.” He beckoned me across the two feet parting us, but of course I didn’t move.

“How do you know I’m Darcy?” I asked coldly. “I don’t have the blue anymore.”

“Not in your hair you don’t.” He stared at my face and Tory shifted closer.

“Your cheek is bruised,” Tory explained and I lifted a hand automatically to touch it, the skin throbbing beneath my fingers. I lost focus on my shield and Seth shot forward.

“No.” I threw up an arm to defend myself, willing any magic into existence as panic surged. Vines snapped around his throat, closing tight, but he didn’t stop coming, reaching out to touch the bruise on my face. I jerked away but I was too late to stop his thumb skating across it.

Warmth spread through my skin and I inhaled sharply as I realised what he’d done. Confusion rattled through me. He’d healed it.

He gripped the vines around his neck, releasing a choked noise as he severed them with his own earth gifts.

Tory looked between us, her hands raised defensively. “You okay?” she asked me.

“Yeah,” I said with a baffled frown then looked to Seth. “Why’d you do that?” I demanded, weirded out by the strange act.

“My fight was with Diego. Fae to Fae.” He hunched his shoulders, seeming uncomfortable about something. “And plus, I have to – fucking -” He growled as if he was trying to stop himself from continuing. “Gah.” He turned away, marching across the beach, his body shaking as he went. He looked ready to shift and I wasn’t surprised when he and the rest of his pack started stripping off.

“If you could all remain in your Fae forms for the rest of the class!” Professor Perseus begged, but the wolves continued to take their clothes off.

“Sethy, what were you doing talking to the Vegas?” Kylie asked, hurrying forward to link her arms around his neck while he wasn’t smothered by his pack. Seth released a booming bark in her face and she lurched backwards, her foot slipping on a wet rock. She nearly fell over but regained her balance at the last second.

Seth leapt forward, shifting into his enormous white form and charging off down the beach, leaving huge paw prints in the sand. His pack howled as they tore after him and shock took hold of me.

“Five points from Aer!” Perseus called, but his voice was once again lost to the wind.

“He’s in a bad mood,” Tory said quietly.

I nodded. “Well he’ll be in a much worse mood after tonight.”

A grin pulled at Tory’s lips. “Just be careful.”

“That’s code for don’t screw it up.” I arched a brow and she snorted a laugh.

“Not at all, I believe in you.” She gave me a teasing grin.

“Good. Because this is one mission, I am not going to fail, Tor.”




I’d done a casual wander past the corridor leading to Seth’s room three times since dinner. I’d overheard him at The Orb saying he was going into town with his wolf pack and I kept waiting for him to fulfill that promise. 

The tower was quiet as most people headed out for Friday night. It was the perfect time for revenge plans as there’d be very few witnesses around.

As I trailed up the stairs once more, I found one of the muscular guys from the wolf pack glaring at me outside Seth’s floor. I couldn’t turn back, so continued past him and headed up the stairs into the common room as if that was where I’d been intending to go. Dammit, why aren’t they leaving?

The huge room was empty for once and though it wasn’t somewhere I generally spent my time, I figured I’d have to until Mr Tall And Intimidating had vacated the hallway downstairs. 

I headed over to a large grey armchair by the furthest window and dropped into it.

Diego hadn’t shown his face at dinner and as I curled up in the seat and looked out across the sea, I wondered if I should go and visit him. But maybe he needed some alone time. Besides, I had to spend at least a little while here in case that muscle factory downstairs was watching my moves.

I practised my earth magic as I gazed across the roiling sea, growing a little row of flowers along the arm of my chair. The wind hammered against the pane, the world wild and chaotic beyond it.

Whines and whimpers caught my ear, announcing the arrival of the wolf pack and my heart jolted. I sank lower in my seat, curling my legs up to my chest. With the chair facing the view, no one would know I was here unless they came to the window. I was in the perfect position to eavesdrop and hoped I might overhear what time they planned on going out tonight.

“Come and sit down, Alpha,” a girl said softly.

“Okay, Ashanti,” he said sullenly and I fought an eye-roll. Is your life too hard, Prince Perfect? Must be tough ruling the whole school and making everyone else’s lives hell.

“What can we do?” a guy asked, his voice pitching into a low howl like a lament of pain.

“Nothing,” Seth sighed. “It’s too late.”

“Too late for what?” Ashanti asked soothingly.

Seth released a snarl which sounded like a warning.

“Forgive me, I only wanted to cheer you up,” Ashanti said warily.

“Nothing can,” Seth hissed.

The wolves started whining again and I shook my head. This pack stuff was messed up. No wonder he treated everyone like they were beneath him. He didn’t know any different. Not that that made it in any way excusable.

I wish I could cut him off from his pack, make him experience what it’s like to be the outcast.

“Let’s go out. It will take your mind off of things,” a male voice encouraged.

“No, I’ve changed my mind,” Seth growled. “I don’t want to go out.”


I ground my teeth, frustrated that he was screwing up our plans. And now I was stuck here until they left.

While the wolves started showering Seth in compliments to try and make him feel better, I mulled over whether I should just get up and head out the door. But I’d been sat here too long already. They’d think I’d been listening in on them intentionally.

“Maybe this will make you feel better,” Ashanti purred.

A second later, Seth released a low moan of pleasure and I stilled, my heart pinging off the walls of my chest.

Oh God, what’s happening?

I curled up tighter in my chair as I heard zippers rolling and more soft, breathy moans from several of the pack.

“Is this better, Alpha?” Ashanti sighed and he groaned again.

Holy crap, I have to get out of here!

I threw a glance around my seat, spotting the wolves surrounding Seth’s armchair in front of the fire. Their focus was entirely on him and I spotted a girl’s head moving up and down above his lap. Oh god.

The common room was empty apart from me and the pack, but anyone could have walked in. They didn’t seem to care at all. Another girl in the group leaned down to kiss Seth while a guy massaged his shoulders. A few more of them were starting their own threesomes opposite him so he could watch.

I shook my head, making a solid decision. With my heart hammering, I slid out of my chair and made a run for it. I just simply couldn’t sit there and listen to that.

No one seemed to notice me and I thanked my lucky stars as I slipped into the stairwell and released a breath.

I hurried back to my room, my mouth dry as I headed inside and pressed my back to the door.

What now?

My eyes fell on my desk and I considered giving up on my task and spending the evening doing some new sketches instead. But as I thought it, my gaze landed on the glistening white stone I’d put on top of my notebook. The Aquarius Moonstone.

They’re all upstairs screwing each other, maybe now is as good an opportunity as any?

I grabbed my Atlas, sitting at the desk and finding the screenshot I’d taken when I’d returned to Venus Library the other day. 


Aquarius Moonstone:

Often referred to as a ‘howling stone’. The Aquarius Moonstone gives off a magical signal which attracts Werewolf fleas to it. The stone can be wielded with a simple earth magic and sends an intense call to many of the lice at once.



One Aquarius Moonstone

One Werewolf Hair from the intended host (from human or wolf form)

Essence of Earth Magic


With the wolf pack thoroughly distracted I figured now was as good a time as any to sneak into Seth’s room. I grabbed a couple of hairpins and stuffed them into my pocket, my heart beating a nervous tune as I hurried back upstairs. Tory had been teaching me her lock picking skills in preparation for this and I felt sure I was ready.

I quickened my pace as I turned into his corridor, the sound of moans carrying down from the common room.

As I headed down the passage, I realised it only had one door which made this a whole lot easier. I walked up to it as adrenaline pounded through my blood and Tory’s pro tip rang in my ears: “Don’t start picking a lock until you’ve tried the door handle. I’ve wasted too many precious seconds believing people aren’t stupid enough to leave their doors unlocked.”

With a shrug, I turned the handle on the off chance that – yes! It opened and I grinned wickedly as I stepped into his room.

It. Was. Huge.

The whole floor was given to him and I guessed his wolf pack too as there were three large beds in the room. The biggest of all sat at the heart of it with red satin sheets. It had the feel of a brothel to it with its black walls and gothic lanterns. Large doors on the left wall presumably led to the bathroom and the opposite wall was nothing but a huge window with heavy-looking red curtains drawn either side of it.

I hurried over to the bed, hunting the pillow for a sign of Seth’s hair.

It was spotless.

I sighed, shifting the pillows and searching for what I needed. But with the amount of people who obviously slept in here, even if I did find a couple of hairs I couldn’t be sure they’d belong to him. Crap, this is not going to plan.

Giggles sounded out in the corridor and I froze. With a swell of panic, I darted into the closet beside the bed just as the pack spilled into the room.

The slatted door gave me a view out and my breathing became choked as I realised I was now stuck in here. There were ten of them in total, all crowding around Seth as they pulled his clothes from his body. He slid his tongue into Ashanti’s mouth while reaching out to stroke the chest of the nearest guy. It was the hunk of muscle I’d seen earlier, his hair cropped short and his eyes deepest green. The rest of the pack tore their clothes off, falling onto the central bed, kissing and caressing one another.

Oh my god, I’m going to have to stay here while this orgy plays out.

The closet door was right beside the central bed and I had no chance of escaping without being seen.

Seth drew Ashanti and Muscle Man onto the bed and the pack parted around him as he moved to the centre of it. He pushed Ashanti beneath him and I couldn’t draw my eyes away as he claimed her with one powerful thrust of his hips.

My cheeks burned with heat and I moved further back into the closet, the sound of sex clamouring in my ears. More of the pack were groaning, a sea of writhing limbs and naked flesh laid out before me.

Seth’s movements were powerful and dominant, every push of his hips eliciting a desperate cry from Ashanti. The muscular male he’d drawn down beside them alternated between kissing Seth and the girl. I was half aware there was no sign of any contraception anywhere and wondered how the hell that was possible if this was a regular occurrence.

Several more minutes passed and I dropped down to crouch on the floor, burying my face in my knees. When a bare ass slammed up against the closet door I nearly let out a squeak of surprise. Seth had a different girl pinned against it and I shot upright, backing into the veil of coats in alarm. His eyes were glazed as he thrust into her again and again, holding her against the door. His usually stern face was set in a mask of pleasure as he stared somewhere off to the right of her head. But the way his face was angled, it was almost as if he was looking right at me and my heart tripled its pace as I clung to the coats around me.

I shut my eyes, trying to block out the loud grunts and slaps of flesh on flesh as I pressed my face into a leather jacket. When they finally moved elsewhere, I lifted my head, wishing I hadn’t come here with all my heart.

“Shower time!” someone called and laughter rang out. The pounding of footsteps sounded across the room and hope beamed through me as I hurried forward, gazing through the slats.

The entire group headed into the bathroom and the door swung shut behind them before the sound of falling water rushed through the air. More moans and gasps of pleasure carried from beyond it and I shoved my way out of the door in a surge of motion, making a beeline for the exit.

I’d get the hair another day. Then I’d plant the damn moonstone. Now was so not the time to hang around.

I caught hold of the door handle when a voice cut into me.

“Darcy Vega,” Seth barked and I stiffened, not moving an inch as my hand remained in place and my heart shattered into a million sharp pieces.

I sensed him moving closer and I turned, pressing my back to the door, knowing I had no choice but to face his wrath. He was soaking wet, his arousal on full display as he closed in on me. “What the fuck are you doing in my room?”

I shook my head, having absolutely no answer. My eyes automatically skimmed down the shining muscles of his body then snapped back up to meet his gaze. Fear was a living thing that coiled through my veins like a snake.

He snatched some boxers from the floor, tugging them on and I sighed a breath of relief.

Seth scowled deeply, stalking closer like a predator. “Explain. Now.”

He kept moving, planting his hands either side of me and staring down his nose with an intimidating glare. His body gleamed with water, defining every firmed muscle on his frame.

I cleared my throat, unsure how the hell I was going to talk my way out of this. But I said the only thing I could think of.

“I came to thank you for healing me earlier,” I breathed, my mouth overly dry as his wet hair dripped moisture onto my arms. “I didn’t realise you- that you-” I nodded to the bathroom door where wanton noises still carried to us.

“So you let yourself in,” he growled and a tremor rocked my heart.

“You didn’t answer when I knocked and the door was open.” I shrugged innocently and he chewed on his lower lip as he surveyed me. The image of him screwing several people was imprinted into my mind with a laser and I prayed it wasn’t printed all over my face too.

He released a low groan in his throat then leaned in, nuzzling into my neck. I stiffened in horror, shoving him back and he whimpered softly.

“What the hell are you doing?” I kept my hands pressed to his shoulders, the heat of his damp skin clamming against my palms.

He tilted his head, something overly wolfish about him in that moment. “We have a problem,” he said, his voice holding a dark tension to it. He pushed my hands away and nuzzled into my neck again, running the pad of his tongue up to my ear.

“Stop it!” I shoved him again and he backed up like a wounded puppy, beginning to pace.

I realised I was shaking as he weaved back and forth before me, seeming confused and desperate. I was unsure whether to run or fight. But from the way he was acting, I had the strangest feeling that he was about to open up to me. So running away felt like refusing free ammo.

A few of the pack reappeared, dropping down onto one of the beds, not seeming to notice me as they continued their sex fest. Seth didn’t pay them any attention either as he moved before me like a pacing lion.

Maybe he wasn’t going to open up to me after all.

“I should go,” I said, unable to ignore the girl spread across the nearest bed while two guys rubbed, squeezed and licked every inch of her. Heat surged up and down my spine and I gripped the door handle again in an attempt to make good on those words.

“Wait,” Seth insisted, catching hold of my wrist. I yanked my hand free but he moved into my breathing space again, his arousal digging into my thigh.

“Back up.” I pushed him again and he snarled, baring teeth as he began pacing once more. I felt like I was cornered by a wild dog and I had no idea what to do.

“You need to understand something,” he lowered his tone, halting his pacing and fixing me in his gaze.

I nodded slowly, my hand still locked around the handle behind my back as a Plan B escape route.

Stay and listen, then run the hell away.

“I made you part of my pack,” he spat out, looking furious with himself. “I didn’t mean to, obviously.” He hounded closer as I frowned, not understanding.

“No I’m not,” I said firmly. “And thank god for that.”

He growled again and I flattened myself to the door.

“I told you you were an Omega,” he said. “Remember?”

I nodded. “But that doesn’t mean-”

“I didn’t think it did either, but now my instincts are all twisted up, babe.” He ran a hand into his hair.

A three-way slammed into the wall beside us and I jumped in alarm. Nope. I’m out.

I dragged the door open, darting into the corridor and shuddering as I ran away.

Seth caught my wrist before I made it to freedom and I turned around sharply, slamming my palm into his face.

“Don’t touch me,” I demanded, but his grip on my wrist hardened as he pulled me into his body.

He ran his hands down my back and I jolted as his fingers came dangerously close to my butt.

“Get your filthy paws off of me this second,” I snarled.

“Listen, babe, I can’t stop this. I’m an Alpha. And you see all that going on in there?”

I nodded stiffly, backing out of his arms as I tried to remain calm.

“That’s how we make this work. They want to please me because I’m in charge. But you’re at the bottom of the pack, the newest member. I have to initiate you,” he said half of it through his teeth like he wished he could stop himself.

I thought of his twisted initiation into Aer House and shook my head furiously. “I don’t want to be in your pack. And I am not going to be initiated. Whatever that means.”

“It’s ingrained in me.” He thumped the centre of his chest and I narrowed my eyes.

“Well it’s not ingrained in me, so tough luck.” My eyes slipped to his hair and I wondered if I could somehow yank a few out before I made my escape.

“I have to protect the weakest in the pack until they find their place,” he said in a low voice. “That’s why I healed you today. You have to find your position so I can stop feeling like this.”

“Well I resign,” I said determinedly. “I’m not playing your game, Seth. I don’t want anything to do with you or your pack.”

He whimpered again, pulling me nearer. “Please just…relax for a second. I’m not going to hurt you.”

I placed my hand on his chest as he tried to close the distance between us, but then my gaze landed on his hair. My insides knotted and my shoulders stiffened but if I could put up with this for a few seconds, I could maybe…

It took everything I had to let my body go slack and allow my own personal tormentor to wind his arms around me. He pawed at me greedily, his lips brushing against my temple then moving dangerously close to my mouth as he released a breathy groan. “You have to either please me or challenge me, babe. Pleasing is easier.”

I shuddered, but I guessed he mistook it for a shiver of pleasure as he leaned in closer. My throat burned like acid at the idea of him kissing me again. But I’d let him think he could, just for a few seconds longer.

He drew me flush against him so I felt every hard angle of his body. I wrapped my hands around his shoulders, hating the way it spurred him on as he dragged me even closer with a desperate moan.

I reached into his hair, wrapping my fingers in it and tugging sharply. He gasped excitedly and my skin crawled as he rutted against me, pressing his hard length into my stomach.

“Just one night,” he begged as I tilted my head back so he couldn’t get his mouth too close to mine. “That’s all it takes. Then I can forget about you, you’ll just be a bottom feeding Omega.”

“There’s just one problem with that, Seth…” I whispered.

“What?” he asked breathlessly.

I yanked his hair so hard his neck whipped back and he yelped like a beaten dog. A few hairs came loose between my fingers and I shoved him forcefully away with a gust of air. He stumbled into the opposite wall, staring at me in complete disbelief.

“I’d rather never have sex again in my entire life than screw you once.” I darted away, leaving him stunned and totally confused.

His hair was clamped between my fingers as I headed into the corridor and ran downstairs. Victory sang a tune in my heart as I quickened my pace to a sprint, tearing into my room and slamming the door behind me. I locked it firmly and rubbed my arms, trying to shake off the feeling of his hands on me. Ick.

I headed to the desk, laying out the moonstone with the hair and reading the instructions on my Atlas.

I hope this is worth what I just endured to get it.

A smile pulled at my mouth despite the fact I could still smell that wolf bastard on my clothes. It hadn’t gone down remotely how I’d planned, but I hadn’t screwed it up either. So mission accomplished.

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