Chapter ~7


Please Note:

Bold sentences mean their wolf is talking.

Bold statement with italics 🐺 =mindlink/wolf speaking in thoughts

Italics are thoughts 💭

Despite the continuous drop in temperature many stayed outside the whole day. Large and small business, companies were all canceled that day. The traffic increased on the mainland road due to everyone rushing back home. Many rush home to go with their family and drink from the nourishing rivers, and some moonbathe exposing themselves to the light of the moon in an effort to drink in the cooling lunar energy. For the first time in almost over two decades, the Great Dires Pack felt their powers slowly emerged stronger than ever from the luminous lunar energy. Their wolves howl as they harness the energetic power of the moon’s light. Sending a silent prayer to whomever that released the power of the full moon.

Far up the mainland the residents of the Great Palace were restless. An exclusive meeting was held to discuss what was currently happening. The noise of the raucous crowd drowned out the sound of the Alpha entering the room. Some were upset that they couldn’t finish their moon bathing, others expressed their opinions about this blessed day. The Alpha growled loudly demanding his presence to be noticed and respected. This will be a challenge for The Alpha. There was doubt in his leadership and now that it is confirmed that he is not the true Alpha, some will try to take this opportunity to overthrow him.

He was livid. “After all these years. Why did the true alpha prophecy reveal themselves now? Could it be that aunt Luns is still alive?” The Alpha continues to think about the possibility that the story of his aunt may be false or rumours rather than the truth. “She may have just started the rumours herself. To protect herself and her mate. There’s no way she could’ve killed an entire pack and survived? What about the baby? The CHILD! He must be here!”

One of the Royal counsel men cleared his throat before speaking, “Alpha Ethan, please your majesty explain this matter for us to better understand the future of our pack.”

The people in the room knew all too well what this meant but they waited in silence for their Alpha to confirm.

The head royal counsel Luca broke the silence, “We can not confirm entirely right now but for what former Alpha Tobias has told us about the prophecy. It seems to be true. Either Princess Luns is alive and it is believed that her child may also be alive too. Those are the only two we could think of.”

Another counsel shouted out “Impossible! If she’s been alive all these years, how did she get back in? WE’VE SEARCH EVERYWHERE!”

“What about her mate! What pack was he from? Weren’t they moving there?” Someone else from the room asked.

“Yes! Yes! I remember they said he was from a pack called Heights Pack in the southern region.”

ENOUGH!” Alpha Ethan roared. “We cannot afford to go by assumption or false rumours, we need facts and only facts.”

The room went silent. The truth of the matter is that no one really knew the entire fact about this.

“The Heights residents will know.” Everyone turned to the woman who spoke.

Luca gazed at her and recognized her badge that was on the right side of her uniform. “A general,” Luca thought. “General..-“

“Beth. General Beth.” She said.

“General Beth, what do you suggest then?”

She had a serious face with a firm voice and said, “That we send out a team to investigate the Heights residents.”

“Excuse me.” A high pitch voice interrupted as she stood up from her chair and talk, not waiting for General Beth to speak. “I’m the Royal Head Lawyer, Heather Wrights. In section 51b. 4 the land agreement was made by former Alpha Tobias and Princess Luns. It states that no mainlander resident is to cross over the veil of the Heights land without the permission of a Heights bloodline and only a Heights bloodline. Those who break this term and agreement will perish severely.”

General Beth slammed the table, “Those people.” She said in a disdainful tone. “Are not true dires. The law also said that if the Great Land is threatened or a threat is amongst the Great Land then by law the warriors are to investigate. Are you suggesting we ignore this matter?”

Mrs.Wrights was not shaken by General Beth’s directness. Instead she smirked. “General Beth, there is a reason why you are a warrior and I am a lawyer. The law you stated is correct. But you have forgotten one thing. The Great Land constitution does not include the Heights Land. I quote,

‘The Great Land will only protect and uphold the Great Land laws. For here forward the Heights Land is responsible for their well-being and we the Great Land recognize this binding as Heights to be a separate nation unless war is amongst us both. Unquote or should I continue?"

She turned to Alpha Ethan, "Your majesty Alpha Ethan. To enter the Heights Land without their permission is a declaration for war, which we can not afford since there’s very few of us left. We must be civil in this matter and work in unity.”

The crowd nodded in agreement to Mrs.Wright's last statement. They all knew that another war would completely wipe out the entire dires line and this is exactly what they did not want.

Luca spoke, “So Mrs. Wrights if that’s what you propose then will you be the first to bring someone from the Heights land to talk to us? Surely they will assist their Royal Alpha.”

“Head Royal Counsel Luca did you not hear what I just said? How can I get a Heights representative if I’m not given permission to cross the veil?”

“Then Who! If we can’t cross over and they can’t come here, then who?” Luca asked.

“The hatred had made us blindly forget that there would be a day when we would need their help the most. But instead we chose to cut all ties with them, leaving us in this very situation.” Heather said.

A woman spoke from the table, she was another General. “Heather, if I may please call you that instead.” She said in a sincere tone. “I’m General Bright. You mentioned that only those who have gotten permission from the Heights bloodline can cross over? Did it specify who are in the Heights bloodline? From what history tells us there’s only three. Aaron Heights himself, Princess Luns, and their child. Wouldn’t that be a bit difficult if all three are assumed to not be here?”

Mrs.Wright's forms a friendly smile. “There’s one that you have missed. Princess Luns had sent back a young boy. I’m bound by the divines as a lawyer to not reveal everything but what I can say is there’s a Heights Bloodline that resides there. Luns imprinted on him.”

The room was now filled with whispers. General Bright spoke louder to silence the room. “How can we get a hold of him?”

“Make the call.” Mrs. Wrights said.

The crowded room gasped in shock. The call is a special blood magic call. It is used from the dires direct royal blood. A royal draws out their inherent power within their blood to fuel a casting call only for the royals to hear. This type of blood magic can be used for other things that were forbidden to be used, except to ‘make the call’. For years they would use it to hold a secret meeting. The reason for these meetings would either be due to a direct royal passover funeral, marriage, or secrecy and powers that are passed to the next set of royal generations. This is an ancient version that predates word-based magic and was considered to many direwolves as a powerful form of magic inherited only by the Royal Dires. Possibly the only reason why the Royal Dires were able to hold on to power amongst all direwerewolves for this long.

“We can’t do that Mrs.Wrights.” Luca said, “Right Alpha Ethan?”

The entire time Alpha Ethan had been quietly listening and thinking over the things that had been said. Alpha Ethan is never this quiet during discussion so it came to everyone surprise that he was still here in a meeting without having anything input.

Luca observes Alpha Ethan hesitation, “Alpha Ethan your majesty, may I remind you that to ‘make the call’ is to admit that he is actually royal. He is not royal! Doesn’t even have the blood of Princess Luns!”

“Actually if Heather is correct that Princess Luns had in fact imprinted on this boy. Then by our Moon of Goddess he is royal in our Goddess’ eyes.'' General Bright hinted.

“How do we know that Heather Wrights is telling us the truth. That Princess Luns imprinted on him.” Luca said.

Mrs. Wrights now irritated by Luca’s childish behaviour.“If you want a solution to this matter Luca then I suggest you either trust my word or we continue to argue on how we can get a representative from the Heights Land.”

The room went silent once again waiting for their Alpha to now speak and make the final decision. He stood up from his chair and said with a hoarse tone “Make the call and if he responds then we know he’s a part of the direct line of royalty.”

Others may have seen this as a deadly mistake by their Alpha. How can a half-caste be permitted to be part of the royal call? An honour that many never get to have even when married to a royal themselves. It angered those around who are related to the royals by marriage. What they didn’t know is that it angered Alpha Ethan the most. He wanted to see this man who his aunt imprinted on and find a way to kill him. Planning ways to corner this man to his death but before doing so he will do everything in his power to make him tell them the truth behind his aunt's disappearance.


Aaron and Zion had already exited The Great Dires Land veil. Aaron had feared that at any day the alarm would ring making it harder to cross the veil without being noticed.

“Tell me why I can’t shift? This journey would be a lot quicker if we were in our wolf form.” Zion asked.

“Because of your markings. Your wolf Zeus now glows. It was easier when you didn’t have any markings, everyone that sees us would just assume we are like any other dire.” Aaron stops to look at his younger brother, “Work on whatever you have to work on. Make sure they are safe but remember after fifteen days you must leave and come back.”

“You really think my wolf Zeus will attack them? My own people.”

“When will you get Zion? A dire is bound to its pack, especially an Alpha. Zeus is an Alpha wolf, he will claim his title, trust me on this. Either he kills your previous pack or he kills The Great Dire pack. Both ways blood will be spilled. To avoid that, accept your destiny.”

A sudden powerful gust of wind howls, amid the snowy branches that groan, in the ever whitening forestry. Zion looks up at the sky and sees grey clouds, bold and strong, forming into a blizzard, as if a sky-dam had burst. Aaron's eyes glowed gold then bright blue, he smiled at his younger brother Zion. Without a trace Aaron was whited-out from the blizzard.

“AARON! AARON!” Zion yelled.


Zion POV

I open my eyes to see myself back at Master Elijah’s office.

“Welcome back Alpha Zion.” Master Elijah said.

I jumped up from the couch that I was lying on and grabbed Master Elijah by his neck. “Give me ONE FUCKING REASON WHY I SHOULDNT TEAR YOU APART RIGHT NOW!” I growled.

Master Elijah did not flinch instead said, “because….” He took my hands that were wrapped around his throat and pushed them down. It took some time but with hesitation I put my hands down.

“Because I did nothing but speak the truth.”

I snorted with annoyance. Oldhead always has something smart to say. I tossed my hair back, circling back and forth from the room. This must’ve been some sort of fucked up vision. It had to be. Master Elijah has that power to mind fuck people so maybe he just mindfucked me. As weird as this may be, I wish for this to be his answer, that this was all some sort fucked up joke.

I glance at his direction, seeing how relaxed and calm he looks annoyed me but I wasn’t here to be easily annoyed. I needed answers. “It wasn’t real right?”

“You tell me.” He said while pointing at me.

I looked at my arms and noticed the tribal markings still on my skin. “Fuck!” Remembering that I now have fifteen days before my wolf bond becomes untamed. Giving the upper hand in deciding which pack he would lead. Ruffling my hair in frustration. FIFTEEN FUCKING DAYS!

“You know everything don’t you?” Of course he knows, he was probably in my mind the whole time. Gods! It’s one thing to have a mate as a Moons who can get inside your mind . Cool whatever she’s my mate. But him!


“Don’t tell anyone!” I ordered.

“I can’t promise you that. You may have fifteen days but your markings will be visible for everyone to see in four days. The Moons coven higher ranks will soon know.”

Ahhhh shiiiddddd… FUUUCCCKK! “So in other words I got four days to figure this shit out.”


“Where’s Azah?”

“She’s been looking for you restlessly. Only for her to find out that she isn’t able to find The Great Dires veil. You must’ve masked your scent so well that even your own mate couldn’t find you.”

Why do I get the feeling that he’s impressed by this.

“You sound impressed?”

“Very, actually. In a short period of time you’ve mastered one of dire’s distinguishing abilities.”

Yeah this couldn’t be good. Master Elijah may be impressed but I sure as hell know Azah isn’t going to be. “How long have I been gone?”

“Five days, give and take.”

“FIVE FUC…” she’s going to kill me! Five fucking days!

“Open the door to your right hand when leaving. It will take you back to your house.”


She must’ve sensed my presence coming because Azah threw a shoe at me. Luckily I was able to dodge it before it could hit me. I made the mistake in lowering my guard too early. I did not expect her to be this quick when she came close and punched me in the stomach. Her punch sent me back all the way to the wall creating a massive dent where my back laid on and some cracks.

Gods she looked hot! I couldn’t help it. That was my woman, all angry and shit but damn she’s gorgeous.

Her eyes glowed and her temper sparked tenfold “WHY THE HELL DID YOU MASK YOUR SCENT!”

I knew better than to answer a woman this angry but something told me that if I ignore her I'll be just as dead. “Babe I promise you I didn’t know!”

“Your an Alpha, how THE FUCK do you not know!”

Shit true… ZEUS! Calling my wolf for an answer since he is that one that masked our scent. But the great Zeus was terrified to even face his mate. Leaving me defenceless with no explanation.

“I’m sorry!” I quickly got up from the floor and rushed to her. I could imagine how stressed she must’ve been. Her eyes looked tired from the lack of sleep. “I should’ve gone with you.” I took her hand and sat down on the couch with her on my lap. The matebond starts soothing us both. It’s been a long time so I’ve touched her. I missed everything about her.

“Does your wolf not trust me?” She whispers.

Zeus resurfaced and said “I promise you, I do.”

“Then why mask your scent from me! I’m your mate!” Her voice cracked fighting back her sobs. She starts hitting my chest multiple times with her fist. “DO YOU KNOW HOW SCARED I WAS! When… when you jumped into the waters..”

“Wait what!”

Her beautiful light hazel eyes locked with mine. Suddenly I didn’t care about what she saw or what I did. I just wanted to be under her smooth caramel brown skin, kiss and feel her full lips on mine. I started rubbing her smooth thighs while gently kissing her neck, and both of her cheeks till I got to her lips. I could hear her heart beat rapidly and feel the goosebumps on her, responding to my touch.

My hands are now underneath my shirt she is wearing. I give her a peck on the lips softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made her cling to me. The warm feeling of her breath. destabilizing me but yet inviting. She placed her hands around my neck and I grabbed her thighs pulling her body closer to me as I got up. She gasped and wrapped her legs around my hips while taking control over the kiss with instantane and urgency. Finally I’m home. Just being with her soothes my entire being. I enter the room and lay her gently on our bed.

She is intoxicating. The heady excitement, the newness, everything with her always feels fresh and alive. I devoured her mouth and found her as hungry for me as I was for her. Unreserved fire and passion met me, incredibly. My tongue plunged between her lips, tasted her, found her tongue twined around mine. My hands drove into all of that lush auburn locs, grabbed handfuls of it and crushed her mouth to mine as her strong fingers slid into my hair to pull mine mouth down against hers. Damn us for keeping her in the dark. This is our mate, our other half. How could we? There was fire there, and heat, and they poured into me, seared through me.

I could feel her, the fullness of her. I drew the t-shirt up just enough to slide my hands beneath it. Closing my hands around her waist, her caramel soft and silky to the touch and sought out the curve of her beautiful frame. Tightening my hands and pulling her closer as her mouth moved beneath mine, nibbled, suck. She made a subtle moan and that was enough to make me go crazy. It was delicious. I groaned as her skin heated from my touch. My hand slipped between her thighs and she cried out on a half sob of pleasure as I touched delicate, aching flesh.Her pelvis rose from the bed as if seeking something in the air. I knew all too well what she wanted but I didn’t want to give it to her just yet. I wanted to watch her. Her black eye nipples rise, as I took her nipple in my mouth and cradled her other breast in my calloused palm. She moaned louder and louder while climaxing.

I pressed my dick inside of her, “SHIT! Your fucking wet!” I was frantic as I drove myself harder into her. She was whining with pleasure. I kept on, slowly. She pushed her knees up higher. Stroking faster and faster.

“Turn around.” I said in a deep sensual tone. I wanted to see that ass clap from behind. Her lips stretched in an involuntary smile and turned over with her face on the pillow and ass up twerking, taunting me. I watched her bubble shaped ass jiggling and her wetness dripping down. My arousal is tangling with her needs. I go inside of her deep, my hands gripping her by the hips. I knew from the tone of her moans that she’s going to climax soon. I was almost there and so was she, again. Once she had climaxed, the feel of her wetness inside had my dick dissolved in fire, melting as I cum inside of her.

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