Chapter ~3~



Former Alpha Andy Heights POV

“Damn they’re still there?”

José sat down and placed his legs on top of the desk with his eyes closed and said “Yeah, it seems like it.”

Gods! I gotta admit this many dire werewolves near the borders just sets my wolf and I off. Big time! I could tell that no matter how cool José is trying to play this off his wolf is circling in alert, ready to hear the alarm being set off. Since retirement, the only time we’ve ever had an intruder cross our boards was Zion’s birth mother Luns. To be quite frank I would like to keep that record clean. The kids don’t know about what went down twenty-plus years ago. The bloody mascara that happened then will be recorded as the most brutal war in werewolves' history. I was never for the movement of killing innocent wolves. As long as they didn’t mess with my pack I was good. An equal number of southern packs agreed to this while some found ways to reason with their irrational fears and joined along with other northern packs to attack the dire wolves.

Jacob slams the door open irritated.

“I mean just break the front door will you?” I said sarcastically.

Jacob isn’t the coolheaded type of person. I looked at José to see if he knew why Jacob was circling the room like a mad man but instead, he shrugged. Fuck I’m too old for this shit. The only reason why we came back out of our retirement is that we live through the years when the war started. We were well trained to know who we are facing up against but the kids are now placed in confinement. Being trained by Master Elijah Moons, bless their kind souls. That man is brutal, I remember when Jacob, José and I had to undergo our training. Nearly had us on our deathbed.

Jacob, still anxious as ever, asked, “So are we just waiting for Zion to get better and then what?”

José opened one of his eyes, “Jacob sit your ass down. I’m trying to meditate and calm my wolf and your not fucking helping.”

I took a deep breath and looked out the open window. “All we can do is wait till he wakes up.”

It’s been three days now and the dire wolves have increased in numbers, hiding in waiting. They refused to talk to me and wanted to talk to the Alpha. This had pissed off my wolf but I had to remain calm. Just when I was about to head out the office door Zion comes in. Well shit! How can I even begin to describe to you the powerful aura this man holds now! It was as if he wasn’t my son who knew and remembered anymore. Zion is a completely different person, a completely different wolf. His aura is suffocating to the point where an Alpha like me stood frozen questioning my strength. Can you call yourself an Alpha if you don’t have this amount of power like his?

His shoulder-length hair is no longer black like before but wintry white. His left eye is topaz brown shining gold reflecting light and his right eye is light hazel. Though his eye colours haven’t changed since birth I noticed something different from his right eye. A noticeable bright gold ring is on the inside of his right irises. One of the ways you can decipher a true dire is through their eyes. They all have a noticeable bright gold ring around their irises. I figure since Zion is only half dire, this may be why he only has it on the right eye while the left eye resembles a lot like the Heights family eye colour. I continue to further observe him, he used to look a lot like his biological father Aaron, only now he looks more like a dire bloodline.


He still calls me Dad? But what did I expect him to call me? After all, I did raise him as my own, and I still see him as my son, not just my nephew. Aaron would have never forgiven me if I had broken my promise to Luns. I gave an oath to the gods and goddesses themselves, to my own mate’s life that I would see him as nothing else but my true son.

I cleared my throat, “Zion my boy! Are you well?” That transformation wasn’t a pretty sight to look at. “You know I was scared when you were undergoing your shifting transformation again.”

He rubs the back of his neck “yeah well you know..”

I don’t know why I felt this way but a sense of relief rushed through my body, relaxing my wolf and I. I was wrong. Physically he may have changed but inside he was still the Zion I watched grow up to be. I was happy to hear that it wasn't Zion that had changed but rather his wolf Zeus. Jacob and José had also noticed this and began to relax as well. It seems that we all were stressed in wonder at just how much the dires could change. I howled with laughter and hugged him. He tried to loosen my hug but I just couldn’t help but tighten it. Thank The Gods!


Alpha Zion POV

I really didn’t want to be here. I was hoping that the Great Dire Pack would leave after two days but instead they're still here messing up my whole mood. All I want is to enjoy these few moments with my mate Azah. Instead, I’m back to dealing with Alpha business. Fuck my life! What makes shit worse is that everyone in town now knows who I am. Some fear and others are more cautious than ever before when around me. They’ve heard stories about my kind and well it’s not the fairy tale type of stories you would be reading to your kids at night. I entered the office room where my dad and the former Beta José along with former Gamma Jacob were inside. I can sense their wolves are on the edge of frustration, ready to shift at any moment if I happen to turn into the monster they think I am.

I look at my dad for a moment and see that he’s anxiously observing. Though he is not my biological dad my uncle has always been a dad to me.

“Dad?” I didn’t expect him to give me the same look that everyone else gives me. Fear. I look at him, hurt to see that even his wolf won’t relax in front of me. Like I’m a stranger to them waiting to be snuffed out before they can put their guards down.

He clears his throat “Zion my boy! Are you well?”

No. Instead I rub the back of my neck and say “yeah well you know…”

All of their wolves relax and my dad hugs me.

Yeah, this isn’t a good idea.

I’ve been keeping my distance for a reason. Zeus is still agitated from all this and for one I’ve noticed his increasing need for space from everyone. The only person who is allowed to touch and be in our space is Azah.

My dad let’s go and clear his throat again.

“So. Alpha Zion should we go?”

I look around to see that there’s no one else besides them in the large office. I raise my eyebrow in question. Former Beta José noticed and said, “Beta Michael and Gamma Josiah are in confinement training with Master Elijah.”

Damn Master Elijah! That’s some serious training!

“Take them out,” I urged.

They all looked confused.

“Zion… I mean Alpha Zion ever since the dire pack came out of hiding you will need your Beta and Gamma in good strength. We also had to go through this training during our time as well and they aren’t like -…” Former Gamma Jacob stopped after realizing what he was just saying and who he was saying it to.

“Exactly. My Beta and Gamma are in good strength because they had me. When we trained I was still a dire wolf not a full-grown one but I was still stronger than a regular werewolf. Their wolves know my wolf Zeus more than you guys. Zeus and I need to be surrounded by the ones we are familiar with. If we’re going to fight I need my Beta and Gamma. José and Jacob your wolf will take my order but they will hesitate until the order gets approved by your alpha.''

I smirk at my dad “with all due respect I would rather have my men behind me or I fight this one alone.”

They stood there in silence with their jaws dropped. My dad was the first to break the silence with his laughter. José and Jacob grinned and kept their silence.

I look outside the open vast greenery field I could see everything in tiny details. It’s like a fine art portrait of the field displayed right in front of me. I could see and hear the dire wolf over our borderline as well as the ones that have stayed hidden.

This could be interesting. I thought to myself.

Not only has my vision improved 10x better than before but I can now recognize an individual's heartbeat. Before it was just the smell but now it’s also my hearing. I don't need to be told who was behind those doors I had already known

I learned that everyone had a different rhythm to the way their heartbeats. I turned to face my Beta Michael and Gamma Josiah along with Azah’s cousin Yeshua.

“Yeshua?” I didn’t expect him to come. Yeshua’s spirit is an ancient wolf named Yehu. Who serves as Azah’s spirit guardian. I would think he would be with Azah instead of here.

“My uncle Helios… shit.. I mean Master Helios is in deep meditation. Since Master Elijah is also occupied you have me.”

Master Helios Moons is a powerful sorcerer with the incredible brain power to hold everything. This knowledge is passed down from generations of the Moons male family members. Yeshua Moons was meant to take the title of one of the next leading Masters for the Moons' coven. Since he has Yehu, the ancient spirit wolf and his obligation as a guardian first, they will have to wait for the next generation of male Moons to be born.

“We won’t be fighting. But we will need Yehu” I said.

Yeshua’s eyes flash electric blue, showing that Yehu has now taken control and is listening. “Alpha Zion.

I nodded and greeted “Guardian Yehu.”

I mindlink all the warriors and high-rank officers. “Stand guard. I want half to be in their wolf form and the other half to be on guard in case they need to shift. I don’t believe they will fight but for safety measures, I ask the Moons coven to be ready to cast their shield.”

I hear everyone answering “YES ALPHA.”

When approaching the borders I told the other to step three feet back. I didn’t want the dire wolves to know that the Moons coven have already placed a shield on the borders line. Matter of fact we all don’t know if the strong shield of the Moons coven will work, I heard that my birth mom was able to cross over without ring injured so it’s a 50/50 chance that it may or may not work for them. I stand on the line and notice a man walking forward.

He was in shock to see me and I was too. Ever since my transitioning my hair is now white my eye colour glows gold to red when Zeus surfaces. Everything about me is more pronounced. This man looked like me, I’ve never seen a dire face to face until now. He had the same hair colour but his was longer down to his waist. His eyes were brown with a bright golden ring inside like my right eye.

“I don’t believe it.” His voice was deep and his eyes widened in astonishment as he looked me up and down. He stepped forward before I could raise my hand to stop him.

“I think we can hear and see each other clear enough where we stand,” I said with a bass voice.

“Interesting.” He said.

In other regular wolves' eyes, this may have looked very fast to them but for me, it was like in slow motion. A large dire wolf leap midair and landed an inch away from the line facing down at me. I guess this was to see how I would react. I didn’t flinch but I knew this act has Michael’s wolf Beta Micah and Josiah’s wolf Gamma Jere appear closer now. I could hear them growling a foot behind me.

“Calm down. He is just testing me. Don’t move until I say so.” I mindlink the pack.

I cross over the line with a sluggish look on my face, my eyes still on the man rather than the wolf thats following behind him. This must be his Beta or Gamma. “You come all way over here to confirm something?” I ask dryly.

“Rumors have surfaced that Luns Zeus is here. So we wanted to come and confirm.”

Zeus laid low at first but now we sense that their attention is not pure. No they are here for something else,” Zeus said to me.

I shrugged and said, “If that is all you came here for then.”

The man looked irritated, his eyes flashing gold before going back to its original brown colour. He curled his hands into a fist “We are looking for Luns and her son.”

Why is he trying to calm down his wolf? I asked Zeus.

I don’t know but he is not a true Alpha.

He is an Alpha though? I asked, confused to what Zeus was trying to tell me.

“Yes he is an Alpha but in the eyes of the Moon Goddess he is not the true Alpha for a dire wolf. He is a pure Royal Dire which is why they made him an Alpha.”

I give the guy a scrutiny look as I watch him fight for control with his wolf. Here I thought Zeus wasn’t a calm Alpha wolf. To see someone else wolf impatient like that just makes me have a small sense of relief that Zeus isn’t like that. He took a deep breath in and out before asking, “We would like to talk to Luns Zeus.”

“She’s dead.” I blurted out. I couldn’t tell what type of expression he had, there were just so many mixed emotions that appeared.

“Her son?”

“I think you know the answer to that.”

“So you are the one?”

The rest of the dire wolves that were hidden now appeared suddenly behind him. There were about eight of them all lined up. Zeus and I rolled our eyes, I won’t shift.

Why should I go against a false Alpha?

Zeus and his pride. But he was right. They've come all the way here to challenge me? Why? I never calm their throne.

“You're not the least bit curious as to why we’ve come here?” He asked in a snide tone.

“I have my own pack. Whatever you came here for, I'm not interested in being involved in this child's play.”

Master Helios mindlinks to me “Alpha Zion as you may have probably known he is a false Alpha. He created his own pack outside of the Great Dire Pack. He is part of the Royal bloodline but not high rank. Your mother was the daughter of Royal Dire Alpha, which makes you one of the heirs . Do what you must with this information but don’t let him defeat you, otherwise he will have calm over the Heights Pack.”

Master Helios didn’t have to tell me twice. My duty to protect this pack comes before anything else. “I really wish you guys had just minded your own business because now I’m just going to have kill you.” Within an instant I had shifted.

“Beta Micah and Gamma Jere stand your ground. All must stand your ground, this is an order!

My Beta and Gamma may have been ready to fight but facing eight dire wolves at once is something the warriors have not been trained well for and I knew this is exactly what the Alpha wanted. I will send my pack in a mascara unprepared. If they want me then they’ll have to fight me first.

Alpha Zeus” Micah disagreed with my order.

Beta Micah, my command is to stay within the borders if they cross it then you must fight.”

Alpha Zeus! We can’t just watch you fight.” Micah said.

You will and that's an order.

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