Chapter ~2~


Luns' having no time to grieve, her eyes flashes first to gold then to bright red. She borrows energy from the great moon above that helps her create a forcefield around her womb. Luns falls on her hands slowly giving in to the uncontrollable rage. A loud growl escaped Luns’ throat as Maze takes full control over Luns.

She begins to grow bigger in size, shifting to the great dire wolf with a brilliant pure white fur . Maze faces up to the moon and howls in agony as she hears her mate take his very last breath. Her howl is powerful, shaking the earth’s ground. She stretches out her paws and kicks off from the once shaking ground. Running forward as her paws bound on with ears shoved forward. The wind marches on with her, blowing away the thought of grief, for now she must avenge her mate’s death. The loss of her mate numbed her to the extent where even ice can’t be colder than her heart.

“I’ll come for his body.” She thought as she continued to hunt down the rogue and the rest of their pack. It didn’t take her long to find them. As a dire wolf her strength is unmeasurable compared to a regular werewolf, but can one dire wolf fight a whole pack? Maze didn’t care; she charged forward their borders, starting an alarm. She came to the realization that this pack had used the rogue to attack his mate. What other explanation is there to why their scent led her here?

“I’ll just have to kill them all.” She snapped.

Many warriors at first hesitated in fear of her size and that she may have backup but when they saw her alone they began to charge at her. She fought with great strength, tearing apart every wolf that dared come her way. The magic of the great moon's significant power runs through her veins. Many wolves tried to distract her by attacking her belly but the magic fought back, creating a stronger mystically defensive shield from each attack. The shield was so strong that it would sometimes halt multiple wolves from attacking her. It was like an invisible circle had been formed absorbing a certain amount of wolves for her to attack while the rest were stopped and unable to cross over the circle. Maze rage flowed through her like lava as she snapped her mighty jaw, eliminating everyone. Living up to her legendary Royal Dire bloodline and showing just how ruthless a dire wolf can be.

Everything they ever feared in a dire wolf they witness it come true from her. Others have never met a werewolf this fast and calculative on every attack. Her fur is no longer pure white as it was before but instead it’s red covered with all of her victims blood. By the time she was finished she had wiped out the entire pack line of warriors along with the bystanders. Maze snarls, baring her teeth she now walks to where the Alpha stood in front protecting his mate and pup. The sight of this made her resentment grow heavy inside her like a tumor. He was the reason why her unborn son will not grow up to have a father. The idea of this made bark a howl as she simmered with anger. She smelled fear from the shewolf and the pup. That’s exactly what she wanted them to see before she kills them. The Alpha stance was tall, emitting a powerful aura but that didn’t frighten her at all. She has just killed an entire pack including the rogues by herself while pregnant. The audacity he had to be in front of her protecting his family.

She shifts back, naked in front of him. His mate eyes widened in astonishment and in shock as she sees the shield form around Luns pregnant belly. Luns gives a smuggish look while glaring at the Alpha.

Being a dire wolf she is able to mindlink with the other Alphas. “Choose. Do you want to die first or your mate?”

“Let them go, it is me that you want.” He said with a bass voice.

Luns snorts and says “Yes. Yes it is you that I want.”

A sudden release of warm gush amniotic fluid dripped down her legs as she felt an increased pressure in her abdomen giving signs that her water had broken. She was now in labor. The Alpha’s mate wanted to come forward but his wolf only pushed her back.

“Please I can help you with your birthing. The baby must be taken out.” The Alpha’s mate yells behind him.

Maze and Luns laughs wickedly “idiot” they thought.

“Do not take me as a mere shewolf” Luns said.

AN EYE FOR AN EYE! Enough talking, Luns finish them NOW!” Maze said with a flash of irritation.

Luns leaps forward and shifts in midair. With a blink of an eye, Maze had slaughtered the woman along with the pup. The Alpha howls in fury from the sight of his mate and child being slaughtered.The Alpha charges with great force up in the air but his strength can’t be compared to the great strength Maze had over the Alpha. She jumps in the air with her jaws open and grabs the alpha by the neck. Violently pulling his body down to the ground. The ground slightly cracks when Lun’s paws land on the ground. The Alpha snarls, still fighting her. Maze turns his head to the other side, forcing him to watch his mate and pup's body become lifeless.

She mindlinks him and says “I want you to listen when they breathe their last breath. I want you to hear their last heartbeat.”

After some time of struggling to break free but failing to do so his heart shattered when he heard his mate and pup take their last breath. A tear streams down his eye as he glares into his mate's lifeless eyes. Luns waits until he feels every bit of pain that she felt when she heard Aaron’s life taken away from her. After some time she snaps his neck, pulling out his spine, and ripping him piece by piece. Finalizing her revenge she made sure everyone was dead. Starting a fire burning the entire town. She hears a heartbeat quicken as she approaches the person.

“Come out.” She demanded.

Frightened the small boy comes out. She notices his white hair and his eyes have gold rings on the inside of both the irises. The boy was a dire wolf.

Her heart shattered when came to this realization, “Are you alone.”

Shaken, he whispers “yes.”

“Where are your parents?”

“I don’t have any. That’s.. that’s what they told me.” The small boy said in a mere tone.

“Your name?”

“They call me many names but I don’t have a real name.”


With her powers she transforms some of her energy that was used to protect her unborn son to him. She knew this boy was too young to shift but she knew without his wolf he could die. She ties the magical bond together with him and his wolf, awakening the wolf with her powers “Shift to your wolf.”

The boy was frightened and unaware of what she meant.

“Listen to the voice deep inside of you, he is there and ready to protect you. Allow him.”

From thah instruction the boy’s bones in his body began to break during transformation. He did not feel the pain of the transformation thanks to Luns energy protection. The rapid growth of hair and claws and his eyes flash gold. The wolf glances at his Alpha. Luns is not aware that now with no other alpha around, the wolf now looks at her as his alpha.

She mindlinks him. “I have hidden your scent, it is invisible to other werewolves. Only a dire wolf can sense you. Follow my spirit and voice, it will lead you to my pack. When you arrive do not fear they will accept you but do not tell them who bought you there. That is very important. Look for Heather Wrights and only tell her what you have seen. You share an energy from my womb. If you ever meet this child, greet him well, you two are brothers.”

His small eyes twinkled focusing on her every word. Tears slowly trace down her cheeks memorizing the boy's face. “He looks like you Aaron.” The small wolf senses the heavy sadness that his mother is carrying in her heart. The boy wolf whimpered and said “I'm here I promise.”

Hearing those words as they echoed, reminding her of Aaron’s last words.

Your name will be Aaron Zeus-Heights. Named after your father Aaron Heights. If they ask, always mention your name is Aaron Zeus but leave out the Heights until it is the right time. You will know when it’s the right time, just be patient. Remember my child, my spirit will always be with you for you are now my blood and my first born.

The boy felt a rush of gratitude, all he ever wanted was to be loved and given a name. Now he has found someone who can give him that love.

“Aaron you must go now.”

Will you be back?” Aaron Jr. said as he wagged his tail.

She didn’t want to disappoint him, “yes I’ll be back.”

With that the boy started running. Just as Luns had promised her spirit shielded him from all danger. The last thing she did in the town was leave a statement embedded on the grass.

Now you have seen the power of The Great Dire Wolf, be warned. I’ll be back.”

~The she-wolf dire of death

Now with nothing else in her mind she felt her labor pains intensified. Her breaths came in short grasps in fatigue. She mustered up the last bits of strength the great moon gave her and placed Aaron’s dead body behind her back. It would seem that fighting an entire pack may have been the hardest thing Luns has ever done. This is not entirely true, what will be the hardest thing she has ever done is having to carry both her unborn child in the womb while his dead father lays on her back. With no time to unravel the memories that she and Aaron created together. Under the Moonlight that is pure like wine, a tomb-like silence fell over the earth. Luns could not feel the wind nor the ground that her paws touch when she ran. Instead she is completely numb from existing as her heart silently screams in pain.

She crosses the Heights Pack’s Border, sounding the alarms. Knowing that she couldn’t wait any longer, she struggles and pushes out her baby boy by herself. Sweat streams down her face as she finally gives out her last push. The umbilical cord still attached, she takes him to her embrace and begins to hush him to sleep.

“Shhh My baby Zion. Mama is here. Mama will always be with you” She murmurs in fatigue overwhelmed by a euphoric feeling as she rocks her baby boy. A heart wrenching bittersweet moment. She holds back her tears and closes her eyes, imagining Aaron’s spirit looking at her and his son. Imagining his brilliant grin widened to a captivating smile. His voice pronouncing his son’s name “Zion.”

“Yes Zion, your baby boy.”

Many warriors come forward, some have shifted and others are on alert if they need to shift. Gamma Jacob Deacon cautiously approaches Luns in his human form. He notices a dead body laid next to her.

“I’m Aaron Heights mate. Please call Alpha Andy Heights” she said.

Jacob Deacon alerts the entire pack of warriors to this news. Luns looks at Jacob, “His name is Zion Aaron Heights. Also known as Zion Zeus-Aaron Heights.”

Jacob nods in acknowledgment, silently staying by her side as directed by Alpha Andy.

Alpha Andy had dropped everything he was doing and quickly ran to the borders. He ordered the pack doctors to come along with him. By the time he had arrived, the first thing he saw was his brother’s dead body laid down on the ground. Concern eyes quickly observed his sister-in-law naked body to see if she was injured. He walks over and bends down to look at the baby.

Zion's hair was pure white momentarily before it turned black. His eyes widened upon this, hearing the stories of pups being born as a dire wolf. The first sign was their hair were white as snow when coming out of their mother’s womb. Then it would turn to a different colour until they’ve reached the age where the hair will turn white again. Andy had no idea that his brother’s mate is a dire wolf. He carefully analyzes Luns as this was the first time he ever faced her. He only heard about her from Aaron but never got the chance to see her in person. Luns places her warm hand on Alpha Andy's cheek while holding Zion on the other hand. She could hold the heartbreak no longer as she looked into Andy's eyes. The same eyes that Aaron had. In a disheveled heap as her grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears.

“I.. I… couldn’t keep his promise. I killed them all.” She heaped.

“What? What.. oh ok Luns just take a deep breath for me. The doctors are here.” Andy said.

“No, take Zion first . My magic is running out and he needs intensive care.”

Andy gently takes the baby out of Luns hold and gives the baby to the doctors. Two of the doctors rush baby Zion to the hospital.

“I killed the pack.” She choked with saddened emotions.

Andy couldn’t believe it and neither could Jacob. Jacob too had noticed Zion’s hair colour turn. So the rumors were true about how powerful a dire wolf could be.

Andy She not only killed the entire pack but she killed a pack while she’s pregnant!” Jacob says through mindlink.

Though Andy ignored what Jacob said, he couldn't stop thinking about it. Astonished to see that she did not seem to be injured at all. Andy tries to lift Luns up and she refuses. “No, Andy promise me! Promise me with your mate’s life you will take him as your own. You and your mate will treat him as your own, promise me that!”

“Luns your not dying. I’m here I’ll take care of you.”

“His name is Zion.” She murmurs.

“Zion Aaron Heights also known as Zion Zeus-Aaron Heights.” Gamma Jacob repeated.

Luns turns to Jacob and gives a faint smile.

“Luns I promise. I promise the Moon Goddess to all gods and goddesses. I promise my mate’s life that I’ll take and treat Zion as my own.”

With those very last words Luns looked up at the sky. The clouds were dark and sky, murky and gray like her vision. As she had feared and envisioned the hunt has now cross to the southern. A weird tingling sensation cruises her body. In time she recognizes her energy spirit that was once with Aaron Jr. came back to her. Informing her that Aaron Jr. is safely with Heather. With this info Luns begins to relax, relieved to know that both of her sons are safe with a home.

Eyes that once twinkle with a spark of life left once her soul had left her body. A deep breath was exhaled, taking her last breath.

“now my sky has crumpled and disappeared. I have become the new sky. It’s breathtaking, scary and fearful.”


~End of Flashback~

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