
Chapter 24

"You look beautiful,” Marisa comments as she takes away my breakfast, the empty plate making her smile as usual. I guess most female guests don’t finish all of the food. I thank Marisa, bidding her a good day as she heads out, closing the door softly behind her.

This morning when I got back, I messed up my bed, making it seem as if I slept in it. Why? I don’t want castle gossip.

Once I slide on my flats, I take in a deep breath. Today will be one to test my patiences around Alphas for sure, especially when they will be fighting over what I’m to do. As I let out a deep breath, I spot the engagement ring upon the night stand, slightly hidden under my necklace and earning from last night.

Zion would want me to wear it. It wouldn’t make me any differences due to the way he acts around me now, no one would take it as a surprise. So, I decide to slide the ring on, the band feeling unfamiliar upon my finger. I only pray that Zion will keep the wedding simple, but knowing him, he will not.

“A new Alpha will be there today, one from your pack,” Zion states as he enters my room, dressed in the usual navy suit, fixing his black tie as his crown is tilted and his robes tied up in the back.

“And I wonder why.”

Fingers cup my chin as my head turns to the side. “It had to happen.”

“I don’t see why it was such a big thing to actually to practically decapitate Sebastian before his mate.”

The atmosphere becomes tense as I say those words, memories flooding my mind of his rich red blood across the marble floor. White and red. “You would have gone back to him.”

I scoff, shaking my head. “I highly doubt that, I would never go back to someone who threw me out with no guilt. He had no remorse and I didn’t care for him,” I snap, turning around with a scowl across my face. “You should believe me here, you should know I’m telling the truth, I’m not some weakling to go and beg for a relationship with someone who does not love them!”

Zion looks taken back, shocked, surprised. I don’t know if it’s because of my tone or the words I put out. “You do not own me, Zion, I’m not property. Sure, I may let you make many decisions just because you’re some stupid King, but I’m not some toy! I have emotions and a brain of my own.”


“I know you have a brain in there, I know all of that, but I could not take the chance of Sebastian wanting you back. Mates are born to be together.”

“You don’t see me hunting down your mate to kill her,” I add, walking over to a window, pulling the curtains open as the sunlight floods in. “I don’t tell you what to do, just let me be myself. I’m young and should also have the right to say and do whatever I please.” Zion straightens out his posture, fixing his crown as I take in a deep breath. “Promise me that as I work as the middleman between you and the rogues, that I get those rights.”

He’s not used to letting someone else be in charge. Hell, his whole life he’s practically been given everything he wants. Glad he did not turn out like Geoffrey Lanaster. “Do you promise?”

Practically asking him to hand over all of his control in the situation if what I am doing.

“I promise you that.”

Offering the King a gentle smile, the gong rings, telling us that the Senate has been called in. “Then, shall we go?”

I nod, taking his arm as we leave the room and the secret hall, heading to the Senate chambers. Already I can hear the chatter of the Alphas’, their voices loud as they argue and greet one another. “Just don’t let them get to you,” Zion whispers, giving me a gentle kiss to the temple as the guards begin to open the Senate doors.

Taking in a deep breath, I try and push my nerves away as I know today, I will have a say in the next war. “Okay.” As the doors open, my palms becoming sweaty as the noise of the Senate grow louder.

Walking in feel different, how the whole chamber becomes silent and still, eyes upon me as I follow Zion through. “Alpha King Zion, all Alphas are accounted for,” one of the War Lord Alphas inform. I believe he is Alpha Nixon, the alpha of Criminal something the last word escaping me as his midnight blue eyes fall upon me. “We would like to start discussing matters with Lady Sybil.”

“Once we finish up on the vote for it to become final,” Zion states, taking a seat upon his throne, motioning me to a chair beside Alpha Cratos. “All Alphas do agree that Lady Sybil will be the one to contact the ring leaders of the rogues?” All voices agree, signs of approval as I find myself growing even more nervous. “Then let us begin.”

My throat grows dry. “Then the first matter, we need to set up a meeting between the ring leaders.”

Ring leaders, the five most respected rogues by all the others, talked about as if criminals. I know of the five, one female and four males, each dominant and dangerous. The female was actually hired by Zion’s father to hunt down three werewolf hunters, knighted as well for her service. “Do you plan on all of them in the same meeting?” I ask, my voice cracking from the nerves as the eyes turn to me.

I’m taken as an idiot.

“Lady Sybil, I do not know if you are accustomed to these types of things, but let us set up the meeting,” Penelope informs, making me feel less of myself. “We know how these things run.”

My jaw tightens as I spot Zion, a hard stare upon me. I have two options here: be the puppet or the master.

“Now, as for the meeting...” Penelope continues, silencing me as my heart pounds in my chest. For once I would li-

“You gave me, a rogue, the task of meeting with these rogues,” I state, getting to my feet as Penelope becomes silent. “If you know anything about rogues, they do not like contact with rogues directly. And if you know this, you know they will not like the idea of Alphas setting up this meeting, contacting them, or even speaking to them.”

All eyes are on me. All mouths are shut.

I look to Zion, watching as he sits there, a smirk tugging at his lips. “So tell me, do you want the rogues to help, or to sit this one out?” I’ve never seen Penelope so angry, so humiliated. It’s something I could get used to.

“I do believe we have come to a decision,” Alpha Nixon states, checking his watch. “So, let us talk of setting up the meeting. Rogue, do you know how to contact the ring leaders?”

“You’re saying that you have no clue how to reach them?” I scoff, sitting back in my chain as the Alphas look offended. One Alpha shakes his head to signal that I am correct. Turning to Zion, I feel my heart flutter.

Penelope stands to her feet, looking directly at me as I roll my shoulders back. “We were hoping you would know how to contact these rogues.”

I shake my head, thinking of the first time I saw one of the ring leaders. One of the men, middle aged and turned rogue because he slept with the Alpha’s Luna. “You can’t reach them immediately, but there are brawls that rogues have once a month, people betting as they shift and attack one another. There’s always one of the rogues in their inner circle. We are more organized than you think,” I explain, telling them insight upon the rogue world, of the outcasts. “You have to be rogue to get in.”

Zion nods his head, understanding as I get to my feet once more. “These meets are at the end of every month, the last Thursday. That’s the only time you can bet on a number or place to meet the ring leaders.”

“So we need a group of rogues to go in and get us-”

The Alpha stops talking as we meet each other’s gaze, his dark green eyes meeting mine. Trent. Only two times did he ever give me a smile or nice greeting. “You go in a group and they already don’t like you. Rogues are loners for the most part, you all know that’s, right?”

For another hour we discuss how things will go, Zion making it final how I will be one of the two rogues to go to the ring next Thursday, only five days away. After one hour of me talking with Alphas as if a second nature and no fear of insulting, the meeting is out on break, everyone heading out for either tea or just a chat.

“You understand I don’t want to place you out there, to the ring,” Zion greets as we head into the massive dinning hall, only us. “How putting the future Queen and my future wife into a ring is dangerous. I don’t want you to get hurt, and no doubt they have heard of you.”

I nod, taking a seat next to Zion. “Then all the reason why the leaders will want to chat with me. Rogue Queen, not everyday she comes to your door for a chat.”

Zion smiles, leaning back in his chair. I know he is proud of me, it’s written across his face. It’s as if I found a new sense of sticking up for myself today.

But what Zion knows won’t hurt him. I have another deal I want to get done, another thing I want to discover. The ring leaders and rogues who attend the fights know things, rumors fly. No doubt they would know something that no one is telling me.

These people would have information upon a couple being slaughtered, either by the King or by rogues. They could help me find out who killed my parents.

I trust Zion, but I need a true answer. I need to know who killed my parents.

Even if my world spirals out of control, I need to know.

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