Zero to Infinity


Jenny rushed to her room and excitement and began jumping for joy. She had no idea why she was jumping for joy. But a part of her felt like it was time. Like she knew she had waited all her life for this moment, and she was excited for it.

She continued to ask multiple questions while gathering herself a so-called bag to go. She decided that if this was going to be her big adventure, she wanted to dress her best and be ready. How she began packing herself a small little bag, she could hear the shape shifter in the other room yell out, we don’t have time for this. We need to go now.

“What’s so important that we have to go now that I can’t pack a bag for the adventure of a lifetime. I’ve seen plenty of movies. I’m probably never going to come to this house again. The least I can do is grab a few things that I’ll know for sure I’ll miss.”

As she starts stuffing things into her bag because she’s not really in the mood to be rushed but doesn’t want to miss out on an opportunity, she hears a knock at the door.

“Hey can you get that?” Yelling back to the shape shifter who she knows not the name of and nor does he actually live there to be someone to actually answer the door. She’s gotten so comfortable but when someone lives a life of solitude for so long and they finally meet someone like them, it’s no wonder Jenny jumped to the opportunity.

Just then, he burst into her room grabs her by the arm and rushes towards the door.

“We got to get out of here now”

“Wait... I need my things”

Hearing the knock at the door become a bang, Jenny becomes slightly excited because she knows it’s on. Wanting to see who was on the other side of the door because who wants to run away from everything, and what’s the benefit of getting ready to go on an adventure without knowing who you’re going to be running from, Jenny pulls away from the shifter and runs to the door

“I just want to get a quick peek”

“What the hell are you doing?”, demanded the shifter.

Infuriated, the shape shifter loses his cool, and attempts to knock her off her feet.

Shifting to a cat moments before he’s able to land his demise, Jenny shifts back into human and grabs the door knob

Opening the door, she sees a slender and very tall man. He’s got the bluest of blue eyes that you would ever see. Jenny was so mesmerized by his eyes she didn’t see in his hand he had a special type of gun. When she had never seen before. And in a most bizarre manner, a smile appears across her face.

Glitchy, but shifting to a jaguar, the shifter grabs Jenny by the arm with his mouth and jumps forward towards the slender man with blue eyes, throwing jenny onto his back but still holding onto her arm. Over his head he attempts to make a getaway as he runs off into the trees before him.

Still mesmerized from the slender Man’s eyes, Jenny seems to be paralyzed.

The shape shifter had been running for about 30 minutes when he realized Jenny was starting to come too.

“Hey what the hell. I left my bag back there.”

“I told you, we didn’t have time for this crap. This guy mean business.”

“Well since you decided to kidnap me I guess it would be important for me to know my kidnappers name now. So much for the excitement of going on my big adventure.”

Just then, the shifter stopped running and dropped Jenny to the ground.

“I’m Zero.”

“Zero as in the number?”

“Yes Zero as in the number. Zero as in nothing. Zero as in nameless”

“Wow that’s original”, Jenny said with such annoyance. Of course you would have the name Zero. And such an adventurous takeoff, my shapeshifting captor has a big name as Zero, she thought to herself was such an attitude.

“It’s my name. Call me Zero.”

“Okay Zero”, Jenny said sarcastically as if she were ready to dismiss him and write him off. Forget the fact that he just saved her life from some tall handsome sapphire man. Or the fact that he was also a shape shifter. Jenny couldn’t get past the fact that he said his name was Zero.

“Okay Zero”, she said mockingly. “Who the hell was that guy. I mean when I looked into his eyes I couldn’t move. I was like in some sort of trans. Like paralyzed or something.”

“Yes that’s was Gordon,” Zero said nonchalantly.

“Gordon?” She said with an attitude. “Oh come on. These are the best names you’ve got?”

“I don’t understand?”

“Your name is Zero. I’m on a great adventure and I’m on it with a guy named Zero. I don’t know what to make of that. And then you’ve got Gordon chasing us. Of all the bad guy names to come up with, Gordon is chasing us?”

“I’m sorry his name is into your liking. But I don’t think it would matter with the bounty that’s on your head.”

“Oh wait, let me guess. I’m like the last survivor of a family line and some kingdom is in jeopardy if I don’t take the throne?”


“Oh wait, okay so then that means I’m a special shapeshifter with powers that are so strong that others must beat me to ensure their future rule?”

“No”, Zero said with an attitude.

“Okay, okay. I think I got it. I am...”

“Nothing special Jenny. You are nothing special.”

“If I were nothing special, you’d have no reason to save me, now would you?”

Looking as though he had finally been caught in a lie, Zero dropped his head ever so slightly.

With a smirk on her face, Jenny commented with a, “yeah I know I’m special. You don’t even have to tell me”

“I come to bring you home. And that’s that.”

“Okay Zero”. Ending her statement with her eyes lifted and her smirk still going. She knew there was more to it than he was telling. But if she had all the answers to her special event, the adventure of a lifetime, it would be no point in continuing on. So she accepted this one mystery as to who he really was to her and decided to carry forward.

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