Zero to Infinity


Just as Gordon could bring out fear without actually shifting, he also could bring out hope and love the same way. As ghastly as his thoughts were on the eradication of Theorians, something about Gordon was appealing. He had an overall charismatic charm to himself. It was clear he cared a lot about his people and the future existence of all galaxies.

Despite being captive, On occasion, Gordon would fix her dinner, bring her tea before bed, and even fluff her pillows. His mannerisms and behavior around her was sweet.

Jenny was confused. She knew she wasn’t supposed to be falling for Gordon, but without question, she began to want to spend more time with him. He didn’t belittle her questions or down talk her when she made a statement that totally went against their theories. Gordon spent time with Jenny. He sat with her and his library and they read different books for hours. He would share his stories with her and she would share hers. They would go for walks, discussing planets and sharing stories. All she was telling him of her shifting experiences and those who teased her, he would share with her the technology that their people had learned from different planets.

Jenny realized that it was a very typical beauty and the beast situation. Gordon being the beast, and Jenny, of course, being the beauty. And yet only once in a while would she think of zero. Zero the hero. The high and mighty, everyone loves me zero. And when she would think of zero on these occasions, she realized there was something about him that irritated her. Almost as though he was too good for anyone. She was lucky she wasn’t betrothed to him. She could totally be betrothed to November.

The days went on and the nights grew long. Although it had only been a few days Earth time, Jenny spent what she imagined were months with Gordon.

Late at night, Jenny would spend some time with Gordon. She started to believe that she could get to him. Maybe she could make him understand that what he was doing was not right. She would talk to him about changing his ways and being able to accept what their people do. She would work on teaching him what she was learning from zero just like he was teaching her. She thought that she could make Gordon believe that the eradication would not solve any problems.

Slowly but surely, Gordon gave her more and more freedom. She was allowed to leave his lair and wander the grounds. She was allowed to shift as long as she returned. And now, Jenny was being allowed the opportunity to visit the matriarch. Jenny thought to herself, if I can convince him to let me visit the matriarch, maybe I can convince him to let her go. If he lets her go, she can get to zero and they can rescue me.

Jenny had high hopes. She didn’t know what to expect but she was hopeful.

Eventually, permission was granted. Gordon had no concern with any attempt Jenny might make as he controlled her through fear. And even though his feelings had grown for her as well as hers for him, she knew deep down that she could not love Gordon. With trust and freedom throughout the layer, Jenny was able to visit the matriarch.

It have been several days since Gordon approved of their visits. Jenny took every opportunity she could to go and socialize. On some days, she would just take down some extra foods for her to eat. Another days, Jenny would go down to greet her with a good morning before heading off to explore the lands.

It was clear to the matriarch what Jenny was up to. So she played it cool with her. Her initial idea of Jenny and the immaturity she displayed did not seem the same anymore. It was as though the events had caused her to mature a bit. When Gordon would be away or preoccupied, Jenny would go down and see the matriarch. They would talk for hours. She would learn more and more of the history that was being shared.

“Jenny, we have existed for a very long time. It has done something to our bodies. For some, it’s been a good thing and for others not so much. It is because with each planet we land on, our DNA and biometrics are adjusted. Some of us cannot handle it. It takes a mental toll on us. For example, your planet ages slower than ours does. And with that, we see many days and many nights. While you see very few. For those who stay, it is a hard feat because they must succumb to those who are on earth.”

“If I may...,” the matriarch paused in order to attempt to share some information that Jenny needed to know.

“It would be like being 60 years old and told that you must now listen to everything your 10-year-old tells you to do. It can be hard. And for many, that can take a toll as well.”

“Yeah but I haven’t seen a thing out of place or any violence, and everyone seems to be so happy”, Jenny said with confusion.

“That may be true, but we shift into different creatures. Not all creatures can display their emotions as humans. Human show sadness through tears and frowns. We have the ability to show our sadness in other ways. For example, when a dog is happy, he wags his tail. When he is not, he drops his ears. Very subtle but enough. So you won’t see very many people crying or sad because we can display our emotions differently”

“Ohhh”, Jenny said realizing it made perfect sense.

“My dear... There’s so much for you to learn so much I want to share but I’m afraid I’m limited to just stories here”

“I’m working on a plan. Gordon is super nice to me. I’m going to use that to see if I can get you freed from this place”, Jenny said with a spark of excitement.

“Who as you must, but if Gordon realizes what you’re up to, he will not be nice.”

Jenny told to meet you at church to consideration and left for the night. It was late so she returned to her room and prepared for bed.


Gordon sat in his room with two candles lit on a large dresser. There were no electronics or televisions. There were no books or radios in sight. His room was very simple. A room for sleep. But at this moment, Gordon was far from sleeping. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he thought about his purpose. His plan. Gordon completely believed that the obtaining of knowledge across galaxies was not a good idea. But he had to find a way to reach his friend, Zero. Gordon still saw Zero as his friend because they had gone through so much as the youth. Zero was there when Gordon’s father was arrested for murdering his mother.

Most Theorians live a typically peaceful life, however working as part of the dominance, Gordon’s father had come in contact with a rare plant. This plant cause his father to become highly aggressive. It was in this aggressive state that his father transformed into a giant anaconda and crushed in his mother’s skull. When he came to his senses, he was so distraught about his actions that he then turned himself into a scorpion and began poisoning himself over and over.

Gordon realized in these moments that they value their people held and the ability to shift was already enough. Acquiring additional knowledge would be the downfall of his people. If his father had not gone to another planet to extract plants and learn of different species, he would not have come in contact with such a plant. Instead, his dad would be there and he would be happy with his family.

Gordon believed if anyone understood what was going on it would be zero. Although Zero maintained that cool demeanor and follow the rule mentality, Gordon knew that Zero was logical. He could talk with him. November was a brute and with Marcus as his little sidekick, the last thing he wanted to do was waste time and effort in convincing them of something they would never believe.

Gordon developed an idea. It would be this idea that would set him apart in the efforts of fixing what his people have done.

Asleep in her room, Gordon thought about Jenny. She had grown on him. The smile she would make when she was happy. The pinching of her nose and cheeks when she thought she made a silly mistake. Jenny was sweet to him. Despite him keeping her captive in his home. She even seemed to enjoy herself around him. But he knew he could not want to be with her. Because she would never be able to understand the bigger picture. He would try and try to convince her, but it was certain that she would not get it.

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