Zen's War: Captivity

Chapter 6: The Last Temptation of Joshua

Sahara was awoken by one of the cloaked men. She recognized him from the night before. Later she would come to learn that his name was Peter. It was not quite daybreak yet. Smoke rose from the dying embers of last night’s fire. Joshua sat in deep meditation, his eyes closed in concentration. She looked around, her green eyes slowly adjusting to the increasing sunlight. She then noticed out of the seven men, these two were the only ones who remained.

“Why did you wake me up? It took me forever to fall asleep. You know, it’s not exactly easy to sleep with rocks digging into your back,” Sahara said.

“The service of your Lord is more important than sleeping. It’s time for the morning prayer, followed by a sermon,” Peter answered excitedly. “Isn’t that great,” he smiled exaggerating a cleft lip.

Joshua continued to sit in meditation. In his hand Joshua held a beaded necklace with a cross on the end. He methodically was going over each bead, praying under his breath.

“What is he doing?” She asked.

“Reciting the rosary, of course,” Peter answered.

“What’s that?”

“Have you no religion at all?” Peter asked Sahara, with concern in his voice.

“My mother and father have taught me about all religions, from Buddhism to Christianity. I’ve learned about the great variety of belief systems,” Sahara answered.

Suddenly his demeanor completely changed from one of joy to disgust and suspicion. “Your parents are no doubt sorcerers or witches. Satan must be their master,” Peter said

Slowly light returned to the landscape. Joshua returned the necklace to his neck. Although he had been in deep meditation, he had been listening to the entire conversation. He stood up and began to speak, while he pulled back his hood. “Satan tempts us all. I myself have been tempted by the evil one on numerous occasions. He told me if I would worship him, I would have power over every kingdom and nation on earth. On another occasion when I wandered in the wilderness for forty days and nights again I was tempted. Starvation had overcome me from lack of nourishment. Satan asked me to turn stones into bread. Not one time did I give in to his advances,” Joshua said.

“There is only one true religion, and that is Christianity. All other belief systems are religions of Satan. Take Islam for example. Muslims nearly caused the extinction of the human race. These heathens were opposed to free will and the far superior Christian morality. As the Muslims are emissaries of the devil so too are your parents. In time all who oppose the reign of Christ on earth will pay for their sins,” Peter added, taking up where he left off.

“My parents are not evil. They’re good people, and there is nothing you can say to make me think otherwise,” Sahara said. “My parents are innocent of the charges you throw at them.”

“Innocent, none are innocent in the eyes of the Lord. All of humanity is born into sin. To be forgiven you must beg forgiveness for your sins. Those who do not acknowledge their sinful existence are condemned to suffer,” Peter said, continuing his rant.

Sahara was getting sick and tired of Peter’s theological rant. She tried to keep a calm demeanor, so she would not show fear. She decided the best course of action was to change the subject of the conversation. “Where did all those other men go?”

Joshua continued to sit on the ground by the remnants of the fire, as the sun rose over the rim of the canyon. Eventually the canyon was full of light. Joshua again spoke, “The other men have returned to the temple, to care for the other breeding vessels.”

“I assume you mean wives. How many others are there?” Sahara asked.

“Including you, there are twelve in all,” Joshua answered proudly.

“Isn’t eleven enough, can’t you just let me go back to my family,” she asked.

“You will come to accept us as your new family. There is no use in resisting. Your fate has been sealed. You will be a part of a new world order. From the ashes of destruction, the kingdom of heaven will rise,” Joshua answered.

“I will never join your family. Eventually my real family will find me. When they do, my advice is to run. When my brother Hector gets a hold of you, you’ll wish you had never been born,” Sahara said defiantly.

“You will learn your place. The demon that inhabits you will soon be exorcised,” Joshua said.

Sahara knew that running would be pointless. She had no idea where she would run to. Her mind raced. If she did run she knew that if they caught her the results would be ugly. Besides, she had no idea of the route they had taken to reach their current location.

She was extremely thirsty. She had been so caught up in the discussion she had almost forgotten. Her mouth was dry and her tongue was like sandpaper against the roof of her mouth.

“Is there any chance I can get some water?” Sahara asked desperately.

Again Peter forced his way into the conversation, “There’s no more water left, the supply’s been exhausted. We need to return to the Temple, there we have much food and water stored,” Peter explained.

“I agree it is time we left. The other men are expecting a sermon, and I am going to give them one they’ll never forget,” Joshua said.

With Joshua in the lead, Peter and Sahara followed close behind. Sahara had no idea where she was being led to. She followed, emotionally exhausted as well as physically drained.

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