Zenora, The Dragon's Fury

Chapter 3. Drama Donkey

Still with her mind at the wedding:

When I stood next to my loved one, holding both of his hands. He whispered to me that I looked beautiful, before the priest softly called out our names, noting for us to turn towards him.

“Dearly beloved, friends and family.” The priest started his speech with these casual words, words that a lot of wedding-ceremony start with.

“We have gathered here today to….

“GROAARRR!!!” Ayinthur suddenly roared outside, making one of the glass-stained windows that was close to him, crack and shatter into pieces.

I growled angry and stepped towards the balcony, that was attached to the throne room.

“Goddess! Ayinthur, a simple growl would’ve sufficed, you donkey! If you were on time, the doors off the balcony could have been opened for you!” I yelled at him.

“DONKEY?! You call me donkey?” He said angry.

“Yes you stubborn oaf! Now sit back and enjoy the view from a bit back now would you?” I huffed, but relaxed a bit.

“Thanks for coming though.” I gently smiled and blinked my eye towards him. I can't be angry with him, I'm just really glad that he came at all.

I looked at the stained glass that was on the balcony floor, and shook my head. I knew my dad was not going to be happy about it. When I stepped inside again, I saw Brock holding on to my dad, forcing him to not be able to rush out and yell at the big-assed donkey that stood outside smirking.

“Not only a donkey, but one with a big ass now?” Ayinthur spoke in my head, and I wasn’t surprised he reacted to that, knowing I swirled my eyes just a tad purple when I linked him that thought.

“Dad, please sit down. I’m sure Nicolai could fix that window.” I gently spoke to him, while holding his shoulders.

And indeed, without asking further, Nicolai swished his hands and fixed the two-hundred year old, glass-stained window. I nodded to him thankfully.

“Let’s not get this day ruined by one broken window, alright?”

“Yes, I suppose you are right.” My dad replied and got to sit down again, on the first row of benches.

The other people who had been standing up, screaming in fear when the glass was shattered because of Ayinthur’s roar, calmed themselves and sat on their benches again as well.

Brock took my hands and guided me towards the priest again, continuing the ceremony, as if nothing had happened.

What’s a wedding without a little drama, right?

Looking at the simple golden ring, with one shiny diamond in it, I smiled from ear to ear. I had put the ring that I had got from Anna, on my left hand, and now on my right hand, the ring Brock gave me, shone in all its glory. The ring wasn’t delicate, or intricated with a lot of jewels or filigree or anything like that. Brock new that I didn’t want that, even though I liked the swirly ring that Anna had given me. But the simple, yet elegant look of it, just resembles myself. Calm, sturdy, but still amazingly beautiful. Yes, I called myself beautiful, it is my wedding day, and I look fucking gorgeous. So, just let me be!

The ceremony went on as it should be, tears were shed by many woman, including me. After finishing the ceremony and congratulating us, Ayinthur once again left towards the mountains.

We were sitting in the large dining-room now, watching and listening to our friends and family, saying their speeches. Kind loving words were spoken by several people, and my handkerchief was completely soaked by my tears. I didn’t know that I could be so emotional about words, but I guess my hormones were kicking in as well.

After a delicious main course of the dinner, I was eating my third dessert. Hey, I was eating for three now right? So, no one is going to judge me by it, and besides that, I couldn’t disappoint Anna, with only eating one of them. Anna had told the kitchen of my favourite dessert, Crème brûlée… I know, it’s such a simple dessert, but I love the crunchy sugar on top of the vanilla pudding so I was happily eating.

Following dinner, we sat for another hour, letting the food go down for a while. All our guests left the room, to go to the ball-room, and Brock and I took a moment to freshen up, before going there as well.

We stood in the bathroom that was close to our bedroom.

“Your mine, my fierce little wife. You always have been, but now everyone knows.” Brock said to me in a husky voice. “Tonight after the dance, I’m going to take care of those hormones of yours.”

“What are you going to do then, husband?” I asked him teasingly, knowing exactly what was going to happen, but I still wanted to hear him say it.

But he didn’t speak at all. He lifted me up on the bathroom counter and squatted a bit to lift my gown, to be able to crawl underneath it with his head.

He spread my legs and shoved the laced panties aside, giving him the space to reach my already wet folds. I moaned out of pleasure, as his tongue lavished over every piece of soft flesh between my legs. While grabbing his head, that was still covered beneath my gown, I pushed him tighter against my pussy, making him groan underneath it.

This feeling was something that I never wanted to stop, but before he made me finish, he got up from underneath the gown, looked at me and kissed me vigorously. I could taste a little of my own bodily juice, but I didn’t care, I love these sex driven actions of his.

“You taste delicious, and you purr like a little kitten, but I want you to have your orgasm later this night.”

“Fucker!” I hit his shoulders, but all he did was chuckle, before lifting me off the counter again.

After using the toilet, and cooling myself down, we left towards the ball-room. The servant that stood on top of the stairs, that we were about to descend from, announced our arrival and all of our guests looked up towards us. When I looked at Cirilya, she whispered some words, as I could see her lips moving. And then I noticed something about my gown.

The magic water droplets, that still were hold on to the dress, even after the little wild adventure from earlier, were flowing upwards, to the back of the gown. When they were all gathered between my shoulder blades, they flowed outwards, away from me, forming into circular shapes and swirls, until two beautiful delicate wings appeared from them!

This was the surprise that Cirilya had spoken about!

Our guests awed.

The wings lifted me just a few inches of the floor, while flapping gently. I took a hold of Brock’s right hand and he guided me down the stairs, while his left hand was behind his back.

The idea of tripping down the stairs, because I was pretty nervous, went out the window by these gorgeous wings. I was hovering above the stairs, smiling from this crazy flying sensation. I felt as light as a feather!

When we were all the way down the many stairsteps, the wings started to flap a bit slower, and gently lowered my feet back on the ground again.

Everyone clapped and smiled towards us, clearing a path for us to walk into the centre.

Magical music started playing, and Brock took the lead as he started moving his feet, dancing with me, all night.

“What are you thinking about love?” Brock asked me, snapping me out of my flashback, pulling me back to reality. I looked down at my arms, seeing my beautiful sons sound asleep in my arms.

Natalya came into the room, and took them away from me, to lay them in their seperate cribs.

“I was just thinking about the wedding, and the night we had after that.” I smiled.

“You just gave birth to our sons, and you are already thinking of sex, love?” Brock said to me, with a bright glow in his eyes.

“Yes, but you have to wait for a few days to get my bottom all healed.” I said to him, while Natalya came back into the bedroom again.

“No you don’t.” She smirked, while picking up a little jar from a table, and gave it to me. “Apply this, you know where, and then wait for an hour or two. Cirilya had made this a few days ago, explaining to me that it would heal you in no-time.”

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