Zenora, The Dragon's Fury

Chapter 26. 'Bare' Necessities

Arch, I remember cutting his name short.

I remember a lot of things that happened when I was with my children. For instance, I saw how Tyler had Ruth pinned down on the dining table and that Kaden teleported himself and his brother away. And I know that Nicolai has been training Kaden with Mage studies.

But there are also a lot of gaps, as I don’t know why Ruth is being dangerous in my presence, or who Nicolai was in relation to me.

One thing that doesn’t leave a gap, is the love that I feel for those boys. They are the most precious things on the planet and nothing will keep me away from saving them.

“Arch, where could they keep the kids?” I asked him.

“I understand that you have learned more. But we aren’t going to the children immediately, we have to get to one of Emily’s closest friends.” Arch said.

I don’t know what he was getting at, as all of our friends were in the dungeon with us right? But he kept walking into a certain direction, so I followed him.

We walked across several hallways and then reached a thick wooden door. He opened it, we stepped outside and Arch turned around, to face me. We were standing on a stone terrace, overlooking the training fields, which I remember from training Tyler and Kaden.

“I know you don’t know this friend, but watch his claws as he comes towards you.” He said to me with a chuckle.

Is Arch going to betray me? Is he sending a foul creature my way, to end my life?

“Ursai, be gentle with him. He is a bit tired.” Arch spoke down the stairs.

A large shadow appeared on the stairs and covered Arch’s body completely. Then a big black nuzzle came around and he growled deeply to Arch. I was right! Arch did plan on killing me!

I walked back to the door, as I could see the massive black and white furred body of the bear, follow behind the nuzzle I saw first! The bear walked up the terrace and faced me.

“Brock, please trust me. He won’t hurt you.” Arch said.

The bear showed his teeth and growled softly.

“The hell he is!” I yelled to him.

I walked further back, going slowly not to antagonise the bear. But he kept getting closer and closer. Archeops was laughing, how masochistic is this man!? Sending his bear towards me! Is he working together with my brother? Getting rid of me would surely help him to become King easier. As my brother looks just the same as me!

I glanced back towards the door. Just a few more steps...

But I tripped, as my feet stumbled upon a loose stone. My back fell on the ground and in a reflex, I put my arms in front of my face. Ready to embrace myself from the attack that was bound to be unleashed on me.

I heard his claws scrape the stones as he took step after step closer into my direction. Then he placed his paws next to my body, one on each side of my head. He growled softly, making me lower my arms just enough to see what he was doing. A normal bear would have attacked by now, so why didn’t he?

I was expecting a swipe from one of his claws, or a bite from his massive jaws, but it was nothing like that at all. Instead, he leaned in closer towards my face, I could feel the air leaving his nose, so I closed my eyes, and awaited his sentence.

Suddenly I could feel a wet, rough, yet pliable piece of flesh embracing my complete face. Succumbing it with this massive amount of bear-saliva.

Arch couldn’t keep himself together anymore. He laughed out loud, telling me that he would never let me forget this moment. Masochistic he is, but luckily not in an abusive, hurting way...

“Do you remember what Emily just said?” Arch suddenly asked me, when I was granted a moment to stand up again.

“Yes, to pack our things and leave this place.” I said.

“No, she said to get the ‘bare’ necessities and leave the castle.” Emphasizing heavily on the ‘bare’ part.

“And isn’t that exactly what we just did? We are outside the castle, getting her ‘bear’.” He stated, while pointing to Ursai.

Emily’s point of view:

“Aahhhhh! What the hell is wrong with my baby, Cirilya? This doesn’t feel normal!” I screamed.

“I can hear her heartbeat, it’s going steadily, calm even. So, I’m not sure either. I don’t understand the pain that you are feeling at all.” She replied, which only worries me even more.

“I’m having contractions, so clearly my body wants her out!”

“Then let’s start pushing Emily, whatever happens, I will heal you afterwards.”

I really wanted Brock to be here, but circumstances aren’t allowing it. I’m just hoping that the others are safe, but I can’t worry about them now. I have to focus on my girl.

I have stepped out of the tub, hardly able to walk because of the pain. But Cirilya held me up, guiding me to the bed.

Hayden was still in the room with us, not saying a word, only looking at what was happening in front of him. He stood at the end of the bed, looking in between my legs.

“Are you making sure that she will come out, from beneath there?” I sneered at him.

“Could you please make yourself useful and hand me those towels?” Cirilya also sneered at him, making him move away from the view he was looking at.

He handed her the towels and finally stood at the corner of the room. At least that way I’m not that much exposed.

Cirilya came to sit in between my feet and told me to hold my knees up.

“Just push when you feel it coming.”

It took me all my strength for more contractions to endure and push, when finally, ...

“I can almost see her head, keep pushing!”

My belly began to glow with a purple bright light! Purple? No this can’t be! Purple is the colour my eyes turn into when... No, I can’t think of that. Not while Hayden is constantly reading my mind!

“Cirilya, he has to leave.” I whispered to her, at which she nodded.

I got another contraction and then I heard Cirilya gasp. Not loud enough for Hayden to hear, but still alarming enough for me to know that something is wrong.

“You have to get hot water, from the kitchen. As that water is boiled and clean! I need it when she is born.” She told Hayden.

He went to the door to talk to one of his warriors, but they weren’t there anymore, as Brock killed them.

“I’ll tell my mages...”

“No! You have to get it now! The kitchen is below this room! Emily can’t go anywhere so get the water, now!”

He hesitated about what to do, but finally he went out.

“Emily, don’t be scared, but I’m not seeing her head.”

“Then what the hell do you see?”

“Well... I don’t know how to put this... I guess the goddess has strange ways to fulfil every ancient power’s destiny.” Cirilya cryptically said.

“What the hell do you mean by that?” I asked her.

“Well, you are about to give birth to a dragon egg.”

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