Zenora, The Dragon's Fury

Chapter 13. News

“Keep pushing sis! You can do it!” I yelled at Natalya, who is just about to give birth to her son.

Natalya was a quiet pusher, much in contradiction to me, as I screamed bloody murder when the twins were born. She is just keeping in her breath when she pushed, holding her knees up when a contraction was coming again. In between pushes she steadily breathed, staying calm, waiting for the next contraction to come.

Tom was standing next to her, assisting her in keeping her knees up, talking to her with soothing words.

Within a few more contractions the head of my nephew came out, and one contraction later, he was born completely. Tom cut the umbilical cord and when hearing the first cry, he was wrapped up in a blanket and put on his mother’s chest.

They named their son Winston.

When everything was cleared, and cleaned, I offered the jar of cream to Natalya. The cream that Cirilya had made and healed my bottom, after the birth of Kaden and Tyler.

“No! I’m not going to use it right now. Maybe tomorrow… Maybe!” Natalya had said, and I laughed out loud.

Tom looked at me in a confusing manner, not knowing what Natalya knew about the cream. Of course, I had told her, that within ten minutes it started to enrage my hormones. But Natalya wasn’t so much sexually driven as I was, so she was a bit reluctant in using it.

“But if it helps you, please use it love.” Tom said and Natalya got a red blushing face.

“No, not yet, I want to have some sleep first.” She replied and Tom got even more confused.

“Tom, just listen to her, and be around her, when she does apply it.” I told him, and left the room for them to spend some blissful time with their son.

Cirilya and Anna were standing outside, next to Tom’s parents, awaiting their moment to see the new born.

“Everything is alright, you just have to wait for tomorrow, to see the little one. Natalya wants to sleep for now.” I said to them.

It was in the middle of the night now, and I was getting tired. So, I went off towards my room, crawling in bed next to Brock.

He asked about the boy, so I explained that everything went fine and fell asleep in his strong arms.

The next morning I woke up and noticed that Brock had been up already, probably training with Tyler. So, I looked out of the window, and as I expected, they were training on the fields behind the castle.

Tyler was becoming really fast, and hard to keep up by Brock. Brock had to step up his game and kept on avoiding his son’s attacks. I could see that Tyler became frustrated as he couldn’t land a blow on his dad’s body. I tried reading his mind from this far, but it wasn’t possible.

My hunter’s eyes were on point though, as I could clearly see Tyler’s eyes turning gold now. He was tapping into his warrior’s powers now and going faster than the speed of light. Knocking Brock over, and as he landed on the ground Tyler stood on top of his dad’s chest.

Tyler laughed and jumped on his father’s chest. Brock smiled and grabbed his four-year old at the sides and rolled them over, tickling him and wrestling with him, completely proud of what his son was capable off.

I’m wondering if Tyler could teach others to enhance their warrior’s powers. Maybe he was the one to pass on the golden glow, just as I could with the hunter’s blue glow. But I’m not sure if everyone is capable of unlocking the ancient powers, as Brock has been in some terrible situations already, but the golden glow never seemed to appear in his eyes.

A knock on the door made me jump in surprise, but I couldn’t open the door yet, as I was still dressed in my underwear.

“Just a second.” I said and got a robe, before opening the door.

My dad and William came into the room, clearly wanting to talk to me, as William was send off to find other houses that had been using slaves.

“I’m afraid it is much worse than we could have imagined, Princess.” William started and he explained that in the six closest villages and cities, all have some houses that are using women, men and children as their property. Their age differs from only little children at age eleven, tot some older people around their forties.

“I’m sorry to use the Kingdom’s money, but I managed to pay some of the ‘owners’ to take the littlest children with me, but the others have to be rescued in an aggressive manner I’m afraid.” William said.

I’m so glad that he used the money to take at least some of the children with him. I don’t care how much they have cost, they are safe now. William said that he was able to take four children with him, but there are plenty more. My stomach turned by the idea of all those children being molested and raped by adult men. It made me furious!

My eyes turned blue, I had to do something about this!

“Dad, I have to take at least a dozen men with me, to end this once and for all. Do I have your consent?” I asked him and looked at him with pleading eyes.

“Yes, I know you want to do that, but you are pregnant with my grand-daughter. So, take Nicolai with you, so he can shield you if necessary. And one dozen won’t be enough, take two dozen men with you.” Dad replied.

I nodded and went outside, to get Brock and fifteen of his men. Then I asked Archeops to come along too, but he had to stay with his wife, as their fifth child could be born any minute now.

“Take a few of your Rangers, they could use the practice.” Archeops said and I thanked him for his good idea, and wished for him and his wife to have a healthy child.

After arranging a room for the children that William had rescued, and appointing a few servants to help the children with their needs, I went to see Cirilya.

“How long does it take for the ritual of your father to end?” I asked her.

“I’m not sure, this doesn’t happen very often. It has been two weeks now, but it could end today or in a month, I’m not sure when he comes back.”

“Okay, don’t worry too much about him Cirilya, he will come back to you. He loves you.” I said, while hugging her.

Then I went to see my sons, to say goodbye.

“Mommy how long will you go away?” Kaden asked me.

“Are you going to find the bad man?” Tyler asked.

I have been telling them about a bad man, that put some bad magic on Ruth, so they understand a bit as to why I have to leave them. Of course they didn’t want me to go, but after explaining to them that young children were in danger too, they stopped hugging me, and wished me good luck.

I didn’t want to leave them either, but I couldn’t leave those other children in danger either.

“Kaden, just talk to me if something is wrong alright? I know you can do that, as Nicolai had told me.” I touched his nose and he blushed.

“Tyler, keep your brother safe, as you are becoming a powerful warrior already. I’ve seen you use your agility against your dad this morning. Your golden eyes impress me much!” I said firmly to him, and he nodded just like his dad. Not smiling, but standing straight, looking at me with his dark green eyes, trying to assure me of his strength. It looked so cute though, as he is still four, but he was acting like he was an adult warrior.

Kaden is the son that is soft and gentle, showing his emotions and laugh all the time. Tyler on the other hand is serious and driven to become the most powerful warrior ever. But I’m equally proud of both of them, and they know it.

I kissed them goodbye and told them to listen to Anna and Cirilya.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” I said, while holding back some tears. This was going to be the first time that I would leave them for several days, so it is really hard for me.

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