Zarafa and the Higher Power

Chapter Chapter Three

Dexter was waiting for her when she returned to the room, perched neatly on the bed, holding so still the sheets still looked pristine. He rose as she closed the door behind her and gave her an expectant look, waiting for her to update him on the developments of the night. She gave him a heartfelt smile. “I made it into the finalists!” she announced, keeping her hands neatly clasped in front of her as she spoke. “The ceremony is in the morning.”

“Wonderful!” Dexter beamed, walking up to her and taking her hands in his. “The fight isn’t over yet, I’m afraid. Now comes a bit of information cramming to prepare you in the event you are selected tomorrow.”

“Good thing I don’t really sleep anymore,” she joked, feeling lighthearted in relief that she had made it as far as was in her power to go. She couldn’t do much more at this point; it was purely up to Astrid and possibly Gabrielle as well.

“Yes, well, we’ll make sure you get your one hour to make sure you’re rested and your mind is clear.” He walked over to the table in the room and waved for her to follow. “We’ll begin with a refresher on the Higher Power.”

“Will you finally tell me more about Dravyn?” she asked, eagerness entering her voice as she slipped into the chair opposite Dexter.

Smiling a little at her, he shook his head a little. “I’m afraid there’s not much to tell, Zarafa. Dravyn may lead the Higher Power, but he doesn’t care for anyone to know more about him than necessary. Astrid knows the most about him, but she won’t tell you either.”

“What can you tell me?” she sighed and slumped into the chair a little. Not enough for him to scold her, but enough to relax a little.

“Dravyn is powerful. Much more than you or I, though we don’t really know where he gets his power from since he isn’t a vampire; nor does he seem to have any specific Gifts. He’s been around, it’s rumored, since the realms were formed.”

“But… how is that possible?” Zarafa gasped, then paused, thinking. “Why does he need the Higher Power, then? If he’s so old and powerful? I’m sure he could take over the realms by himself with ease. Why wait until now? Why gather an army?”

“Again, he does not reveal all his secrets with us,” Dexter replied, his eyebrows furrowing at her questions. “Suffice it to say, there is clearly another great force standing between him and his total control over the realms. He’s seen glimpses of the future, however, and it seems we are nearing a tipping point. Either Dravyn is victorious, or… he’ll be utterly destroyed. So I hope you treat the opportunity to help tip the scales in his favor as the blessing it is.”

“Of course,” she mumbled, lowering her gaze in humility.

Dexter watched her until he was satisfied she grasped the gravity of the situation. Moving his gaze to his left hand, he murmured a spell. “Tnem laec nocehtt fil.” As she watched, a blue eye symbol appeared on the back of the hand, appearing silver where it caught the light. This must be the insignia those idiot competitors were talking about, she realizes, intrigued. “This insignia binds the leaders of the Higher Power together. It’s often referred to as ‘the Great Eye.’ It is used for Dravyn to keep watch over everyone, and for the leaders to converse with each other- though it can be highly taxing to use if you aren’t accustomed to it. They are to be hidden at all times. Those less skilled with magic use gloves, but for obvious reasons, that isn’t always practical. Those who can handle the constant drain of the concealment spell use that. You will receive yours tomorrow, should you be selected.”

“Understood,” Zarafa nodded, and he put the spell back up, his hand returning to its smooth, unblemished appearance. They continued to talk into the night, explaining the social hierarchy of the Higher Power. She pictured it like a pyramid- Dravyn was at the top, with Astrid below him. Below her, Gabrielle, and below her, Dexter and a man named Alvin. They were the main people the pyramid consisted of, currently. There was room for more in his immediate circle, but it was notoriously difficult to get in. The circle was at its smallest now, since apparently there had begun to be factions of sorts, and when it got to be bad enough, Dravyn had swept in and wiped them all out. He had the highest expectations for those closest to him.

Despite the danger that apparently could take place at Dravyn’s hand, she couldn’t help but wonder if she would ever rise that high in the ranks of the Higher Power. She wasn’t too afraid of upsetting him- she was fiercely loyal and would do anything he asked. Just as she told Astrid in her interview.

Zarafa and Dexter parted ways for the night after a few hours to get some rest before the ceremony. Climbing into bed, she slipped into her meditative state, visions of ruling by Dravyn’s side playing behind her closed eyes. She couldn’t imagine a better future for herself. Ruling over all seven realms… there would be no better way to erase her past as a beggar on Ponorama completely.

Feeling deep satisfaction in her chest, Zarafa let the night slip away beneath closed eyes and a small smile.


By morning, Zarafa’s nerves felt fried. The ceremony was only half an hour away. If she were to come this close only to fail... well, obviously she’d bounce back and work even harder to secure her spot at the next opportunity, but she didn’t want to have to do that again. No, she was not a failure. Not anymore. The vampirism that stranger had forced upon her had changed her, and under Dexter’s guiding hand, she was no longer a weak little nobody. She was carving a new future for herself, and the other competitors be darned, she was going to make it. Now.

These thoughts helped to bolster her, but her nerves still felt unsteady, which Dexter immediately noticed. “Zarafa,” he gently scolded. “The tests are not over yet. They can change their minds at a moment’s notice. Keep a tight hold on your emotions. Do not let them show. Remember, your emotions were heightened when you changed as well as your strength and speed. With vampirism comes many downfalls- which you’ve already learned. Just keep in mind that your emotions must be under lock and key tonight. Do not let anything faze you. Understood?”

“Of course,” she replied, swallowing and locking away her emotions as directed. After a moment, he gave her a satisfied nod, and continued leading her by the arm toward the ceremonial grounds. It was in the red building they approached that her fate would be decided at last.

When they entered, she noticed that it wasn’t the garish affair she’d been expecting. The amount of people there seemed to be kept at a minimum, which was surprising to her. Surely they didn’t add to their ranks often enough for it to be so lack-luster?

Pushing her thoughts and worries away, Zarafa smiled confidently as she walked toward her seat, finding her name neatly printed on a card, which she tucked beneath the chair before sitting. Dexter sat behind her, giving her a reassuring smile before letting his face become as unreadable as stone once more. Chance, sitting at her left, gave her a small smile of welcome before doing the same. Copying this, Zarafa turned her attention back to the front, where Astrid waited, sitting in a chair beside Gabrielle and a man she didn’t recognize, as well as a young boy. He had to be about sixteen, with ruggedly handsome looks; for his age, of course. His dark hair looked windswept, almost as though he had come from Ponorama, though his skin was nowhere near dark enough for that. Zarafa glanced down at her own skin with a small frown. She had never been anywhere near the darkest person on Ponorama, but her skin had paled considerably after her transition, despite being able to be in the sun in Lii. She missed her dark, bronzed skin.

Shaking away memories of the past, she returned her attention to the front. Just in time, too, as Astrid stood to address the small crowd.

“Greetings, Finalists, and congratulations on making it this far in the process. I thank you, on Dravyn’s behalf, for your consideration in applying for the position among his Higher Power. And now, without further ado, we’ll choose which one of you will be granted the position. We have discussed this once more among ourselves, and have reached a decision. Gabrielle will let you know of the results. When the victor is announced, he or she will come up and we will perform the induction ceremony immediately.”

Gabrielle stood as Astrid sat, holding a small sheet of paper. “I will begin with those who did not make the cut. Chad. David. April.” Chance and Zarafa turned toward each other with a smile. One of them had made it. Giving Zarafa a nod of good luck, he turned back to Gabrielle, who had stopped for a moment to wait for the information to sink in. One of the other guys a few seats down from Zarafa swore profusely, and the girl looked crushed. “Chance,” she continued, “and Zarafa. The verdict was torn evenly between the two of you, so we have decided to offer both of you a position this year.”

“Oh, my heavens, that’s amazing,” Zarafa gushed to a surprised and relieved Chance.

“Chance Erikson, your position is yet to be determined, though your post will be on Zelon. Please come up to the front with us. Zarafa Dazilyn, your position is on Zilferia. You will be serving alongside the leader of the Dragon Hunters, Zeke,” she announced with a gesture to indicate the youth sitting at the front with them. “Please also join us in the front.”

As Zarafa stumbled up behind Chance, her mind felt sluggish with confusion and disappointment. The Dragon Hunters? Really? That was the lowest she could have been placed in the Higher Power. And working with this child? She wasn’t sure how she’d be able to swallow such an insult. Mind racing, she missed the words that Astrid said to Chance, though she could tell she was working a spell. He repeated back when she told him to, and a burning orange eye appeared floating over the back of his hand, blinking at him before cooling to a silvery-blue as it settled back onto his skin.

Zarafa shook herself out of her daze and focused on Astrid as she came up and took Zarafa’s hands in her own. “Reda elfo eltitu oyevig dnau oyn opur ewop fo eyer ehtonaw otsebi nyvard fo rewop ehtyb.”

“Ytilibis nopser sihtt pecca I,” Zarafa muttered in response when prompted, feeling magic flow out of her at the words, forming the glowing orange eye above her own hand, which stared at her for a moment before cooling to the silvery-blue color.

“Congratulations,” Astrid murmured to her with a smile. Zarafa managed to smile in response, inclining her head in a small bow. Astrid then turned to the people waiting in the audience. “The ceremony is over. You may all go back to your lives. Advisers, please remember to spell everything about the insignia from their minds. And Zarafa and Chance,” she continued, turning back to them, “Your duty, first and foremost, is to keep the existence of the insignias a secret. Whether you want to wear gloves or maintain a spell to hide it is up to you. Your advisers will aid you in your transition among the Higher Power. Always treat your position with the utmost respect and importance. Whatever you may end up doing in your service, always remember that it all contributes to the glory of the Higher Power, and furthers Dravyn’s designs. Even if you feel the position is beneath you,” she added with a sidelong glance to Zarafa, who bowed her head slightly, ashamed.

“Of course, Astrid,” she replied humbly, berating herself. Of course, her position was still important. The Dragon Hunters had been enlisted by the Higher Power for a reason, and it only stood to reason that they needed someone else there to help manage them; especially since they were being led by a sixteen-year-old.

Astrid gave her a knowing, satisfied smile, and Zarafa realized with a start that she likely had the Gift of Reading Minds. Gulping, Zarafa reminded herself to keep an even better hold on her thoughts and emotions, inwardly as well as outwardly. “Alright, that will be all, then. Tomorrow morning you, Zarafa, will be sent to Zilferia with Dexter and Zeke, and you, Chance, will also be sent to your assignment on Zelon. I suggest you work with your advisers tonight to learn more about what will be expected of you, as well as the ins and outs of your respective realms.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Chance replied happily, not bothering to keep the relieved glow from his face.

“Very well. You are dismissed,” she said curtly before turning and leading Gabrielle, the other man whom she called Alvin, and Zeke out of the building. Zeke stared at her curiously as he passed, and she returned the look. Who was this teenager, to be leading the Dragon Hunters? They may be mouth-breathing Neanderthals, but she still didn’t expect someone so young to be leading them.

This was bound to be an interesting assignment.

“Come, Zarafa,” Dexter prodded, snapping her out of her thoughts. “It’s time to go.”

“Ah… of course.” She scrambled out of the building after him, feeling her cheeks pink with embarrassment. It faded quickly, though, as her thoughts turned elsewhere. I made it. I made it in! I’m a leader in the Higher Power! I may just be among the Dragon Hunters for now, but it’s a starting point. I won’t be stuck there forever. I’ll prove my capabilities and they’ll move me up and send someone else to babysit them. The important thing is- I made it!

Her footsteps felt light as they trudged back to their quarters, and her chest did as well, as though there were a huge weight pressing on her the past year, growing heavier with each passing day. Still, she kept her face clear of emotion, like Dexter had taught her. She may have made it, but that didn’t mean she was in the clear. Rather, she’d likely be monitored even closer than before.

Dexter, to her surprise, didn’t take her back to her room to begin studying immediately. Instead, he led her toward the kitchens, for which she was grateful since she hadn’t had breakfast before the ceremony due to nerves. Directing her to sit, he went to fetch the food for them himself. Smiling, Zarafa leaned back in her chair, satisfaction tingling across her pale skin. Dexter didn’t usually do anything so nice for her. He was a gentleman, but he also knew it was important for her to do as much herself as she could. It was a nice gesture, which she greatly appreciated.

Sitting up suddenly, she frowned as she realized that thanks to her promotion, she’d be seeing much less of Dexter, who had come to be her only friend. One year wasn’t long enough. Not after a lifetime of being treated like a leper. Hopefully, today wouldn’t be her last day with him.

Looking up as a plate was set down in front of her, she found Dexter smiling proudly down at her. As he sat across from her with his plate of food, she turned her gaze to her own. “What is this?” She asked, gingerly picking up her fork and poking at the unfamiliar food. It looked similar to the food she’d been eating on Lii, but something was off about it.

“Eggs, bacon, and pancakes. A traditional breakfast in First Earth, Second Earth, and Zilferia. This meal, in particular, is actually from Zilferia. Zilferian food is unique in its properties, so many things are exported to other realms. It clears the mind and rejuvenates the body. Try it,” he invited, pouring a sticky-looking brown liquid over everything.

Biting her lip uncertainly, Zarafa copied his movements, allowing the liquid to cover everything on her plate. She decided to start with the eggs since she was most familiar with that. Scooping the yellow blobs onto her fork, she carefully moved it into her mouth. It was much sweeter than the fried or hard-boiled eggs she was accustomed to, but she quickly realized that it was due to the sticky brown stuff she’d added. Swallowing, she did notice a small amount of energy spread through her veins, feeling slightly cool.

“Okay… this is actually awesome,” she admitted once she was a good way through the pile of food.

Dexter gave her another smile. “Good. I figured you would like that. The food is just one of the perks of Zilferia,” he continued, leaning forward, his own plate emptied. His eyes took on a sparkle they never had before. He clearly has some kind of connection to Zilferia, Zarafa mused, watching him become animated as he launched into a description of the realm.

“Oh, where to begin?” he mused before leaning back a little and giving a slight nod. “We’ll just start with the portals, I suppose. I’ll just go in order of what you’ll experience. So hopefully you’ll recall me telling you about the portals? If not, I’ll begin with a refresher. There are ‘hot spots’ in each realm where portals can be summoned. If we were able to fly up and see them with our eyes, I imagine it would look a bit like stars in the night sky. Civilizations tend to be concentrated around clusters of hot spots, often intentional; sometimes not. When one travels through a portal, they experience different feelings.”

“Right, I remember,” she murmured with a small shudder, recalling the feeling of bugs crawling over her body.

“The portals are also accompanied with sights and sounds, depending on your destination. When traveling to Zilferia, the portal is white, and you hear the music caused by the Zilferian trees. Second Earth is silver with the sound of birds. First Earth, black, with quite the horrible screech of metal. Quagon’s portal is blue with the sound of waves, Zelon’s is green with the sound of crickets. To Ponorama, the portal is a reddish-brown with the sound of a howling wind storm. Finally, traveling to Lii, as you discovered a year ago, the portal is purple with the sound of the crystal flowers clinking against each other.”

When he paused, Zarafa regarded him curiously. “You must have done a lot of traveling to have all that so easily pulled up from memory.”

“Yes, my position requires me to travel frequently,” he confirmed. Glancing at his watch, he pushed back his chair. “We can continue this conversation in your room, though. I have books with images to help you grasp just what your journey to Zilferia is going to entail.”

“Oh... great,” Zarafa replied, scrambling to keep up with him as he strode away from the table. Despite his clear passion for Zilferia, she doubted she’d be able to get much out of him besides a flood of impersonal facts. Her heart sank as she followed him back to the room. I suppose I never will get an opportunity to get to know him better, she realized. Not when he’s so focused on his work... like he always has been. Come to think of it, I don’t actually know much of anything about his past, his desires, or even any hobbies.

I don’t know anything about my one friend.

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