Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 42

“So everyone, we have something we have to tell you.” I said as we finished our dinner. Taking a deep breath. “Alex has asked me to marry him, and I said yes. We’re getting married.”

Violet is the first one up, running around the table pulling me from my chair. “Yes! I knew he’d do it. I’m so happy.” She said hugging me with all her might, a few bones cracking in the process. “I am too baby. We’re going to be family.” “We already are.” Moving back, Raphe came up next, hugging me. “I am so happy for you my sweet. Make him happy.” “I will.” Raphe called for something to celebrate with. “I will be right back.” He said leaving the room. Alex came up to me, rapping an arm around my waist. A maid came in with a tray of glasses and a bottle of Champaign. Raphe came back with a large box in hand. Setting it on the table. “This was my mothers. She told me to give it to someone special. I would like you to have it.” Opening the box, sitting inside is a beautiful light blue gown, beaded straps; long flowing cape attacking around your finger, patterned corset with an embroidered dragon on the front moving around to the back.

“Thank you Raphe I love it!” I said throwing my arms around his neck, hugging him tight. “I’m so glad you like it. I hope it fits.” “I would be honoured to wear this at my wedding.” Pulling it out the rest of the way, there’s even a pair of sparkly strappy shoes to go along with it.

“A toast.” Raphe said handing out glasses.

“To Zaphira and Alex, may your lives be full of happiness. Cheers.” We clinked our glasses, taking a sip I can’t believe how happy I am right now.

Our happy moment is short lived, when all of our cell phones started going off, except for Violet’s. “Shit. You all get this?” Everyone nodded.

“There’s been another attack. This time on a group of demons. We have to go.” Nodding we took off to get what we need.

Violet followed me, asking questions as we went to my room. “Why can’t I go? I’m stronger then I was before. You all know this, I can look after myself.” She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I know honey. But things are getting bad out there. I’m sorry we can’t just let you go out with us, when we don’t know what could happen out there.”

Setting my hands on her shoulders, looking her right in the eye. “Look I know this all confusing. But when you showed up on the doorstep; you walked into a war; and I will not let you become part of it. You have to stay here, and be safe. You’re going to be my daughter soon, and I will not lose you before that happens.”

She nodded, looking down at her feet. “I’m sorry baby.” I said bringing her in for a hug.

“I just don’t want to lose any of you. I just got you and dad; and I don’t want to lose either one of you, or anyone else in this house.” “I know. You won’t, not if I have anything to say about it.”

Moving back, drying her eyes. “Now you come with me.” I said grabbing my gun and taking her downstairs where the others are loading up.

Looking at us, Alex gave me a look. “Relax. I’m not letting her come with us. Just giving her something to keep her safe while we’re gone.” “Nick is staying with her; to keep her safe.”

Smiling we loaded up on weapons to deal with the rouges. Going back upstairs, Violet is still trying to convince the others take her with us. “Please dad. Just let me come; I can help I know I can.” “I’m sorry baby. But you’re my daughter and I will not let you put yourself in danger.” Sighing, he took her hand, his eyes starting to change color. “I can’t believe I’m about to use this card. If I let something happen to you, your mother would kill me. So you and Nick are staying here. Where I know you will be safe, and that is the end of this discussion.” “Fine. But do not expect me to be happy about it.” Smiling. “That’s my girl.” Giving her a kiss on the head, he left, going to help the guys. “It’s okay. We’re going to come back to you.” Taking my ring off; handing it to her.

“I will be back for this. Take care of it for me. And I will be back.” “Ok. Just please be safe out there.” “I will.” She walked off, heading to her room, Sighing I went to talk to Nick.

“Keep an eye on her. I have a feeling she is going to try and do something stupid.” He nodded “Got it. Go kick some ass.” Smiling Raphe, Rolf Alex and I left, climbing in the car and drove off.

“So where were they attacked?” “At one of their office buildings. A bomb went off; that’s all I know so far though.” “Wait it wasn’t our building was it?” “No. Thank god. I just had work done to the building.” The guys talked, but I didn’t really pay attention to what they were saying, the only thing I can concentrate on anything right now except for our fellow demons that were just attacked. Grabbing my gun, making sure it’s loaded and ready for whatever may happen once we get there.

“Pull out your crests, so they know who we are.” “Ok. Let’s head out.”

Pulling my crest out, they stopped the car, and climbed out of the car. The scene is hectic, I haven’t seen anything like this in a long time. Walking up with the others, all I can see is carnage. What the hell happened here?

“Hey Z are you okay?” Shaking my head, there are demons all over the place. “How am I supposed to be okay? Our friends were attacked, injured, and possibly even killed. We have to help them.” I said walking forward, and went to help with our wounded.

Going over to a small group, by the looks of them there two fire demons and two water demons.

Kneeling in front of them, they looked at me and went back to cleaning up each other.

“Hey. I’m Zaphira. I’m so sorry for what happened to all of you. Can any of you tell me what happened here?” One of the fire demons looked up at me, she has a huge gash on her face, but it’s slowly healing over, small flames licking her skin.

“I’m going to see if I can help you. Just stay still.” Moving closer, looking around to see if anyone else is looking. Where the building is, there isn’t very much in the way of human contact.

Setting a hand on her cheek, feeling my fire flow into her cuts, willing them to heal. “You’re going to be okay. Just stay calm. Take each-others hands, and stay calm.”

Feeling the last of my fire flow into the others, all their wounds now heeled.

“What did you do to us?” “I helped heal you. I’ve been getting stronger, and I can do things like this now.” Trying to stand, but my strength is a little drained, I’ll have to give it a couple minutes for my strength to come back, even with being part vampire, and I can still get drained if I use my fire too much. “Thank you for helping us.” The one said extending her hand to me.

“You are most welcome.” I said giving her hand a heat filled shake. “I am really sorry for what happened to all of you. Can you tell me anything about what happened here?”

“We were all at our desks working, when all hell broke loose. I have never seen anything like it in my hundred and twenty years.”

Taking out my phone I started to record all this. I can’t believe she’s that old.

“What happened though?”

“There were several explosions, dust and smoke filling the place.” She said looking up at the still smoking building. “Then the rogues started attacking us, of course we started fighting back. We got a few of them down, but the most of them fled when we started winning this fight.”

Taking her hand, all of them started crying. “Hey it’s going to be okay. We’re going to take them down. You don’t have to worry about them. You all are going to be okay.” Managing to stand, I looked around the chaotic scene around me.

Things are still pretty bad around me. Bodies being taken away, others being loaded into odd looking ambulances. “Z there you are. I have been looking everywhere for you.” Alex said running up to me.

“Everyone here is okay to leave. I’ve helped them heal. I think they just need to leave the scene. They can’t handle this right now.” He nodded. “You are need to talk to some of the others higher up; then you all may go. I am very sorry for what has happened to you all.” Taking his hand, we started walking away from them.

“What was all that about?” He whispered. “I was talking to them.” I said holding up my phone. “I got everything they told me in here.”

Pocketing it, he gave me a look. “That’s not all what happened back there. Now what was it?” “I just helped heal them. I held their hands, and healed them.” He nodded. “Thank you, for telling me. Now come, we need to finish up and get out of here.”

Nodding we went over to Raphe and Rolf who are talking to another group.

“They attacked us from everywhere. Everyone started fighting. Then the place went up in flames. I am so sorry Raphael. I really tried to save everyone.” “Stop. You did an amazing job here. You do not have to apologise for anything.” She nodded, wiping her eyes.

“Now. Let us pick ourselves up, and get things back to normal around here. I will have everything sent for you. Things will be all right.” She nodded as we walked off.

“I take it she was in charge here.” He nodded. “Yes she is. She’s a sweet girl. She’ll get through this. She’s strong.”

I nodded as we finished up and headed to the car. They don’t want me here, there being over protective again. I love them, but there driving me crazy here.

I need some space to be able to breathe.

Walking towards the car, Suddenly pain ripping through me, screams escaping my lips.

“Z what is it? What’s going on?” Alex asked, grabbing my arm. I can’t speak as I doubled over from the pain. Everything goes dark, pain consuming me.

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