Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 3

“Your just in time, we’re about to run the test.” Zack said as I walked into the lab. He seems to be more like his old self; my partner that I can always count on.

Our dog is still out cold lying on a table. “I don’t want to do this, but I know it has to be done. Go ahead do it.” The lab tech swabbed the dog’s mouth and put it in the machine. “How long do we have to wait?” “Not long, it should be just about done.”

Normally it takes hours to get our results, but the thing beeped. “It would appear we have a match. This poor fella is the one that attacked and killed that girl. I’m sorry buddy. I didn’t want this to happen to you.” I nodded. “Do it.” The tech injected him with something, putting him to sleep. Once it’s done, they covered him with a sheet and started filling out the proper paper work. “You have to sign here, and here.” He said handed me the board. I signed and Zack and I went back upstairs to our desks.

“Well I think that this is the quickest we have ever solved a case.” “I know. I don’t know what to think about that.” He nodded. “I know. And listen about our fight. I didn’t mean it, I was just frustrated, and I took it out on you, so I’m sorry.” “I know, and thank you.”

Just then my phone started to ring; looking at it. “Oh crap. It’s Alexander. You know what that means.” Answering it. “Hello Alexander….. Yeah….. Crap. We’ll be right there.” Hanging up the phone.

“We have to get down to the club. Something major has happened, they need us there now.” He nodded. “Ok. But if any of them say anything, to me, or look at me like I don’t want them to, and I’m out of there. You understand me?”

“Understood, now let’s go. If something has happened, bad enough that he had to call me, then we have to get there quick.”

He nodded and grabbed his coat and gun. “You know you won’t need that.” “I don’t care; I’m not going down there without it.”

Rolling my eyes we headed out to my car. “We don’t have any idea what’s going on there, but we have to be prepared for whatever we could be walking into.” “What do you think it could be?” Shaking my head. “I have no idea. But it’s not good, I can tell you that much.” Pulling out of the parking lot, the thirst isn’t far from the station, but the traffic is getting heavier since it’s almost noon. The ‘thirst’ is a vampire only club, there’s only one instance that they allow humans in, and that’s if there about to be turned, but that is very rarely that, that happens anymore.

The bouncer is a friend of mine; so as soon as he saw us he told us to go right in.

The bar is torn up; it looks like a tornado ripped through the place. There’s blood all over the place, but there aren’t any bodies anywhere so I’m taking that as a good sign. Alexander saw us, and sudden relief flooded his face, coming up to us.

“Thank god you came. I had no one else to call.” “It’s okay. What the hell happened here?” I asked looking around. Sighing he said. “I don’t really know. I wasn’t here, I had an appointment, and when I came back the place was like this, and I called you.” “Do you know who was here when it happened?” He nodded. “Follow me.” We walked towards the back, where several people sat on bar stools, covered in blood.

No one looked at us as Zack and I walked up to them.

“So who wants to tell us what happened here?” No one said a word. “We have all day here, and we will find out what happened in here this day. It is just a matter of time.”

I took Alexander’s arm pulling him away from the group; my nails digging into his arm. “Alex you know I have a job; a human job. I can’t just come whenever someone from this world calls. You have to get them to tell me what happened; or I can’t help you.”

Fighting started, making us look over. The vamps are fighting other vamps, but these one’s I don’t know, and Zack is right in the middle of it. “Zack!” I hollered, and ran to help, but something hit me from behind; sending me flying, crashing into something.

Something is tearing into my neck; forcing my eyes open, the pain ripping me apart, suddenly that’s gone, and faces appeared above me, all talking at once, but I can’t understand what they’re saying. My eyes flutter for a moment; then close darkness surrounding me.

Everything starts to come back to me; one layer at a time, piece by piece. Something is pressed against my mouth, liquid pouring down my throat, making me choke. “Don’t you dare let her die!” I can hear voices talking, but shapes are still a little blurry. There’s an arm around me, but I can’t see who’s holding onto me, my vision still blurry. After a few seconds my visions starting to clear, someone’s wrist is pressed against my mouth, there blood rushing down my throat.

Trying to push them away, saying. “Stop!” He removed his wrist; moving me just enough so he can look at me.

It was Alexander’s wrist pressed to my mouth, and his blood rushing down my throat. I can see the worry on his face, he’s so scared right now. “Thank god you’re all right. I am so sorry; I never meant for any of this to happen.” Taking my head in his hands, he moved it so he can look at my neck. “The marks are gone. Good.” “What? What marks?” Feeling my neck; its smooth there’s no marks of any kind. Looking at him, he sighed.

“Someone tore into your flesh, and started drinking. I got them off of you, and started to heal you.”

Everything is coming back to me. “There was fighting; and I tried to help Zack, but I got thrown, and then pain; then it all went black.”

Looking down at myself; my shirt is torn beyond repair. His arm is still around my waist; holding me to him.

“How much blood did you give me? Was it enough to turn me?” Shaking his head.

“Not quite. Just enough to heal you; if you hadn’t of stopped me; then yes it would have, and if you died you would come back a vampire. But don’t worry I won’t let that happen to you.”

He let go of me, helping me up. My shirt is in shreds, so he took off his, helping me into it. Then it hit me, where’s Zack? Looking around. Alex put his hand on my shoulder.

“Don’t worry; he’s fine, he’s in the back. Come on; I’ll take you back to him.” Guiding me to towards the back of the club; there’s even more damage then there was before, if that’s even possible. “Who were they? The others that attacked us?”

Stopping, I can see the worry on his face, he doesn’t want to tell me, but he has to; he has no other choice in the matter.

Stepping in front of him; looking him in the eye. “Tell me what happened here; I have the right to know, since you know I almost died here, not five minutes ago.”

Sighing he ran his fingers through his mess of almond curls, his red eyes fading back to their natural brown. Vampire’s eyes tend to turn red whenever there emotions are out of whack.

“The vampires were part of our clan, but they disobeyed us, and were banished. They came back trying to take revenge, and attacking us again.” “I’m sorry. That must have been hard for you. Can I see Zack now?” He nodded at someone and they disappeared coming back with Zack in toe.

“Zack thank god.” I said pulling him into a hug, and checking him over, making sure he’s alright. He’s covered in blood, but otherwise he seems to be ok, and he did the same thing to me.

Smiling at me, he said. “I saw what was happening to you. Alexander saved you. I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to you.” Pulling him back into a hug. I said. “I’m alright. Are you alright?” He nodded looking down at himself.

“Don’t worry, most of this isn’t mine. I went and helped with the others. All of the attackers were killed in the brawl. I went to help with the injured while Alex helped you. Thank you Alexander.” He said extending his hand to him, shaking their hands. This is strange, I have never seen Zack like this before.

The club is still a major disaster, it’s going to take quite a bit to clean this place up. I started to look through the rubble for my purse, Alex stopped me, handing me my bag. “I found it when we were starting to clean up.” “Thank you.” I said going to my phone, it’s smashed beyond repair. “Zack is your phone working?” He shook his head, pulling out his. “I was hit from behind, and my phone got smashed.”

“We should call in and report this.” “No. You can’t do that. The attackers are dead, and we will be closed until this place gets cleaned up, and put back to normal. Please Z don’t call them.” Shaking my head. “Fine. We won’t call them, this time. But next time something like this happens, there getting a call.” He nodded. “Understood. Thank you.” “We need to go. We’ve been gone for too long, there start to wonder where we’ve gone.”

Zack nodded. Putting an arm around me for support. I don’t want it, but I’m still feeling a little off from the blood me made me drink.

“Your car is still outside. We checked it over, and is in good repair. I would prefer you go right home, but I know that won’t happen, so just take it easy for a while, you lost a lot of blood; so please be careful.” Smiling. “I will, and thank you again for saving us.” “Your welcome. I’m just sorry it happened to you, I never wanted that to happen to either one of you.” “I know. You couldn’t have known that something like that was going to happen; I don’t blame you for any of it.” Looking down at me; his shirt is a little big for me; Alex went behind what’s left of the bar, and brought out a small scarf; tying it around my waist as a belt.

“At least now it doesn’t look as big on you.” “Thank you, and sorry for taking yours.”

Looking down at his still bare chiselled chest, that’s slightly speckled with blood. I’m not sure if it’s my blood or his, and frankly I don’t want to know whose blood it is.

“Come on Z we should get going.” I nodded and allowed Zack to lead me out of the club, to go back to the precinct. Handing Zack the keys, I climbed into the passenger seat, resting my head against my window, as he drove us back to work.

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