Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 23

“Wake up Z.” moaning. “What time is it?” Chuckling, he actually laughing at me! “It is nine thirty in the morning, on Wednesday April 6 2016 if you want to get technical.” Opening my eyes Alex is beside me, playing with a lock of my hair.

At some point he brought me into my room, and undressed me. “You’re beautiful in the morning. You know I could get used to this, lying next to you. But for now need to get going, because breakfast is in fifteen.”

With that he’s up and out of my room in a flash. Sighing I got up and went to the bathroom, taking a long hot shower. Wrapping my hair in a towel I booted up my laptop. There’s numerous from my boss, or ex-boss begging me to come back to work. A few from Uncle Jack, just checking in, I wrote him back, telling him I’m okay, and that I’ll see him soon.

Closing my laptop, I changed and knocked on Alex’s door. “You look good, let’s go.”

Stepping into the dining room the table is set but no sign of Raphe. “Where is he?” Shrugging he helped me with my seat. Just then Raphe walked in briefcase in hand. “Sorry I’m late. Zaphira Alex and I have been talking, and we think it would be a good idea if you got back to work.” “What?” They both nodded.

“I need someone to help with the books. You can work from home most of the time, of course you will need to come in from time to time. What do you say? Will you save me?”

I can’t believe this! “Yes. I would love to!” He nodded. “Good. I was hoping you would say that. Meet me in my office later and we’ll talk. For now let’s eat.” Food came in, and suddenly I’m starving.

While we ate Raphe told me a little more about what I would be doing, when I worked for him. I enjoy working on computers, so doing this should be fairly easy for me. Once we’re done, eating he said he has to get to his office for bit, but that he would see us in a while.

Once he’s gone, I sat back in my chair, nursing my mug of Coffee. “Well what would you like to do today?” Alex asked polishing off his glass of blood. “Actually I would like to get out of here. I need some air.”

He nodded, getting up from the table. “Well then let’s go.” We made a stop at my room, for a jacket and my purse. “So where are we going?” He just smiled as we climbed into his sports car. “You just have to wait and see.” “Okay. But there is someplace I need to go first though.” “And where might that be?” “I have to go see my Uncle Jack.” He gave me a look. “Jack is your Uncle?” Shaking my head laughing. “No. He’s kind of the closest thing I have to a father, so that’s what I call him.” He nodded. “Alright. To Jack we go then.” He turned a corner and headed for his shop.

“Zaphira is that you?” Jack asked squinting at me. “You’re hilarious Jack.” I said giving him a bear hug. “What are you two up to?” “Out. I’m not sure where yet.” He nodded, bowing to Alex. “Come in, and have a seat.” We followed him to the back, and got us each something to drink, and sat so we can talk for a while.

“I have missed you coming around here you know.” “I know and I’m sorry, things have been a little crazy for the past little while.” He nodded. “I know. I’ve been keeping a close eye on things. I sent the family away, just to be safe.” Alex nodded. “Have you heard anything?” Jack shook his head. “Not one word. I think there keeping their heads low for now. Until they’re ready to strike again.”

Jack nodded. “That is what I thought as well. We all have to be extra vigilant from now on. Until we get this sorted.”

Alex stood, looking at the clock.

“I’m sorry, but have to be going. We have somewhere we need to be.” Jack nodded. “Of course. Thank you for coming to see me, it was a wonderful surprise.” We hugged, and Alex helped me with my coat. “We will be in touch Jack. Keep your head down out there, and keep safe.” Shaking hands, he walked us out to the car, and waved as we drove away from the shop.

“So where are we going?” I asked settling back in my seat. “You’ll see. Just sit back and relax, we will be there shortly.” I sighed, and closed my eyes as we drove off.

“Here we are.” opening my eyes we’re parked in front of a women’s store. “What are we doing here?” “Come on. You need some new clothes.” Taking my hand we walked into the store. A sales lady greeted us, and Alex told her what we’re looking for.

She set us down, and started picking stuff out for me. All in the colors for fire demons. She knows about us.

Closing my eyes, I concentrated on her energy. Feeling it flow through me, she’s an air demon!

“Alright darling, in you go. All this is for you.” she put me in a room, and handed me a stack of clothing, which they made me try on all of it.

Alex said we’ll take most of it. He also added a dark red leather jacket to the pile. At some point he left while I was in there, and came back with a garment bag, he won’t tell me what’s in it, but he did tell me it is something very special and that I have to wait to see it. We paid for everything, which is a lot less than I thought it would be, and went out to the car. “I need something to eat how about you?” Alex asked as we put everything in the very small trunk. “I could eat.” I said, as he drove off taking me to some little restaurant.

“What the hell is happening here?” I asked stepping out of the car, outside of the garage at the house. There are blasts of ice, and water, shooting back and forth at the house next door. “It would appear that an ice demon and water demon are having it out again. It’s best to stay out of there way, until they get over it. Come on let’s get you inside. It looks like Raphe is back. We’ll put your stuff in your room, then go talk to him.” I nodded, getting stuff from the car.

Setting everything on my bed, we walked to Raphes office and knocked before walking in. “Good. Where did you two go?” Clearing my throat I said. “I needed out, we went to see a friend of mine, then went shopping. Do you know there’s a fight going on outside?” He nodded, looking up at me. “They get like this every once in a while. It’s best to let them play it out.” Grabbing some papers, he explained what they are. “You need to sign these. They say that you will now be my employee and that you will be receiving paychecks from now on.” I nodded, signing them; and Alex had to sign as a witness to the whole thing.

“Now that’s taken care of. You may get started tomorrow. This computer is for you, it will be for work only. Is that understood?” I nodded, taking it with me to my room, leaving him to get some work done. “You need to get some rest, I will check on you in a little while.” Leaving me at my door, he walked off.

Closing my door, I set the computer down, and looked at everything I got today, making room in my dresser and closet I put everything away.

Taking off my shoes, I lied down; closing my eyes, falling into blissful slumber.

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