You will never get me back

Chapter Don’t take my boys

Before I knew it the time was 3 which was the kids pick up time I ran to my car and drove to Justin and Jackson’s school. I was late of course when I got there I couldn’t see the boys so I went to the main reception “hi I’m looking for Justin and Jackson from year 5” I said to the receptionist. “ oh love they were picked up 30 minutes ago by there dad” she replied. I ran so fast back to my car I dropped my keys and phone on the floor because I was panicking I quickly rang Italia “ he’s taking my boys” I cried “what?” I’m gonna drive to the airport you call the girls and find out where they are” she said frantically i rang the girls using my hands free as I drove as quickly as possible to there school “ hey mum are you even picking us up?” Hannah said hearing her voice calmed me down a little “where is your sister baby” I asked quickly “she’s here with me, are you coming or what mum?” She said “yes I’ll be there please wait for me don’t leave me okay baby” I said to her “ okay mum we will see you in a bit love ya” she said before hanging up. I took a sigh of relief as I pulled up to there school. There they were the last students in school. “ what time do you call this?” Scarlett said moody as ever. “Mum? What’s wrong mum! “ Hannah shouted. “Your dad ... he’s taken the boys” I couldn’t help but burst out crying. Hannah was straight on the phone to her dad “I don’t know what you are playing at dad but you have to bring the boys home you know they don’t like being away from mum for too long” she demanded on the voicemail. “It’s okay mum it’s going to be okay” Scarlett said trying to calm me down. “I’m so lucky to have you girls you know that” I said trying to calm myself down.

It’s been 2 days now and I still haven’t heard anything. “He’s long gone now.. I’m never gonna see my boys again am I?” I cried . “Don’t say that we are going to find them” Italia said trying to calm me down “he won’t get far” Samuel said from behind her. “If we have to fly to America we will do that” Pedro said angrily. “Why don’t we go there tonight? I have loads of annual leave” “ yes and I can come with you in case they want to deal with the legals there” Samuel said. I had to go and get my boys I couldn’t be away from my kids for too long. I picked up the girls and explained what is happening they were both happy with it. My girls really supported me through all of this they have been so mature. There dad wasn’t around for the most part of 10 years he became a terrible husband and father after the twins were born. Yet he wanted to have full custody of them I just didn’t get it I’m happy to split it but I can’t let him and his crazy family mentally damage my kids.

I guess I was flying to get my boys tonight!

After what felt like hours of packing. We were finally ready to leave for the airport I gave my girls big hugs “I love you so very much and I will be back for you really soon” I said hugging them tightly “I know mum and we love you too” Hannah replied hugging me back “mum you are literally going to suffocate us come on already” Scarlett said in her fading American accent “alright make sure you do your homework and be good for grandpa and auntie Italia please” I said making my way out the front door. I traveled to the airport with Italia Samuel said he would meet me there. I couldn’t help but tear up midway through the journey. “Come on hunny you are going to get them back James won’t know what’s hit him” Italia tried to reassure me. I knew that the boys would be having a difficult time, the boys were diagnosed with autism when they were 1 they hated being away from me for too long and being in different places Jackson found it hard to sleep without me for many years. “I’m just worried for the boys they hate new places and different people when I’m not around to reassure them, James wasn’t always around when they were growing up so he’s practically a stranger” I said trying to wipe away my tears. “I know baby, you will get them back I know you will” she said holding my hand.

We arrived at the airport “okay this is you quick some ass in the big Apple and come back you hear” Italia said grinning at me. “Of course I will I love you Italia” I hugged her. “Love you too sis” she hugged me back. “Okay you’re going to be late now” she said pushing me out of the car. “Bye for now” I said closing the door. “ you all set” Samuel said walking towards “yes, are you ready for the big Apple “ I replied walking into the airport. “I’m ready to kick some butt and reunite you with your boys” he said opening the airport door for me. He was such a gentleman, it was really weird but every time I was with him I would forget about all my issues with James and feel a sudden rush of happiness. We made our way through security and to the gate. “ so when we land it’s probably going to be mid morning ... we don’t want James to know that we are here at all” Samuel looked very serious I couldn’t help but check him out. Snap out of it Evangelina girl come on I said to myself. “The boys will probably be at Claire’s house whilst James is working, so we will start by getting the boys” I frowned remembering how much I hated Claire . “That’s a very good idea... the boys know me so I was thinking you go to his firm have it out with him and I can take the boys back to the hotel?” Samuel added. I really wanted to surprise James he will never know what’s hit him, but I had to make sure that the boys were safe and away from his crazy family first. “Okay but I need you to get the boys first and text me when you do” I said. “Claire doesn’t like my children so she will just give them to you if you say you work for James” I added. “It’s risky but we will do it” Samuel said. We boarded the flight I went to sleep straight away because I knew I had a long day ahead of me.

9hrs later....

“Hey sleepyhead we have arrived” I heard a familiar voice say. Took my eye covers off to be met with beautiful green eyes “morning” I said looking at the window to see the sunrise. “I’m so jet lagged we should be going to bed right about now in England” he said laughing a little I laughed pushing him when we got off the plane I was such an eager bever and zoomed through security I got my luggage I could see Samuel was trying so hard to keep up. It was so hot here I was so glad I work jeans and a flowy top Samuel didn’t get the ‘comfort message’ though he wore a 3 piece suit. He looked oh so handsome in it though but he must be burning up I don’t envy him at all.” Hey I told you it was gonna be hot hey you wish you didn’t wear all of that” I said eyeing him up. “Well I figured we might not have enough time to get changed when we landed” he shrugged “well I’m going to get changed then you can wait here” I grinned “okay but make it quick” he shook his head “get some coffee it’s gonna be a while” I smiled. “It better not be Eva” he replied. He called me Eva that was a first James would call me eve and I hated it I always went by Eva or Evangelina but James and his horrid family hated me that much that they called me Eve stupid people. I quickly went into a bathroom stool and got out an off the shoulder black body con dress that Italia had packed for me and some loubtin heels. I put my hair up in a low but with a side parting I got out of the stall and looked at myself in a floor length mirror I looked so professional and sexy. I looked at my wrist watch 10 omg quick we had to do this before 12 James goes on his 2 hour ‘lunch’ or shagging match I scoffed “the pig” the lady washing her hands looked up at me “you alright ma’am” she said worriedly “yes” I said rushing out of the toilet. Sat on one of the benches with two coffee cups was Samuel i walked towards him but my heels weren’t discreet enough he looked at me stunned before jumping up he cleared his thought “ ummm... here’s your coffee” he quickly said handing me one of the cups. His eyes were wide with his cheeks turning red “thank you 2 how do I look?” I replied teasing him “ you ... you... look absolutely stunning” he said trying to compose himself I laughed a little “ thanks” I winked at him before leading the way out of the airport. There was a man stood at the entrance holding up a “Ms. Garcia” card “Hi thats me” I smiled at the man who looked very professional with his cap and suit “this is my friend Samuel” I pointed at Samuel who smiled at him. “You got us a chauffeur really?” Samuel said frowning at me “yes we can’t always rely on a taxi, now come on” I pulled Samuel to keep up with the chauffeur. He lead us to a fancy rolls Royce “wowza I was only expecting like maybe a Mercedes but a rolls Royce” I said in shock “ ma’am this was the only available vehicle in such short notice” the chauffeur replied. “ and we absolutely love it” Samuel interrupted whilst opening the door for me.” I snapped my eyes at him and my mood changed again “thanks” i said to Samuel I could feel my cheeks heating up so I scrambled into the car before he noticed. Samuel always did this to me. I focused back to our plan. “So we are going to go to a hotel now and check in... I’ve ordered another vehicle which is going to take me to James’s firm you are going to take this vehicle and get the boys” I said facing Samuel. “ because we are on a tight schedule we should drop our bags off at the main reception at the hotel and get on with our day instead of going up to the room... once I see a comfy bed I’ll conk out” he laughed. I smiled “ yes that a good shout”!

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