Chapter 43: 27I Think Its Because
It's morning, the blue lit room is now Ombre, by the orange sun rise.
Jeff's house is cold, and quiet. It's just Jeff, and I, I guess.
I hug him before I get up from the couch.
I'm not sure why, I'm up. It's too cold, and I don't want to go home, yet. I don't want to leave him, yet.
When the furnace kicks in, I walk around.
I was in the dining room, now. I see photos of Jeff, and his par-ents. Jeff looked younger, he looked happier. His parents look perfect. Where were his parents?
The dining room is decorated with confetti on the table. There are golden wine glasses. Deflated gold and white balloons are scattered onto the floor. A placemat read.
Happy New Years
I get cold again. I put on my hood before I walk back over to Jeff. He's still asleep.
I'm too scared. I want to wake him.
"Jeff." He doesn't move.
I call him again and stroke his hair. Our heads are touching.
I'm sitting on the floor now, and stroking his hair, until he moves. I'm pinching my splinter, behind my back.
I kiss him, and he groans. I feel better now.
"I'm going to go, okay?" I whisper in his ear.
He nods, it sounds like his soft voice is going to say something. He
groans again. He sounds
bad for leaving.
I leave before he opens his eyes, before he sees me go. I won't be able to leave him, if he sees me. If he smiles at me.
When I get home, there's Emma and
Jake in the kitchen again. Emma's making pancakes, Jakes staring at me. The room is silent. Jake's clapping his hands.
"Sister of the year ladies and gentlemen!" He says.
Emma's eyes are glued to me when I in. She doesn't laugh at
She just stares at me Jakes?
hear the oil cooking in the pan.
"Get lost again?" He jokes. I'm not laughing. I'm pissed.
"Fuck you Jake." I toss my keys on the island and go upstairs.
I didn't care if I hurt Jake. Deep down, I did. I want to apolo-gize, but I don't.
I get into my bed and go back to sleep.