You Said I Was Your Favorite (A Lancaster Prep Novel)

You Said I Was Your Favorite: Chapter 48

I find him out in his workshop, puttering around in front of a massive red tool chest that’s as tall as he is, going through a drawer full of wrenches. I pause in the open doorway, fearful for a second that he might take one look at me and grab a wrench to use as a weapon against me.

Then I tell myself I could take the old man and I clear my throat to get his attention.

Ralph Albright glances over his shoulder, his brows lowering when he sees me. He looks away, grabbing a faded red rag and wiping his hands with it as he turns to face me fully.

“Been waiting for you to make an appearance.” His voice is flat, his expression devoid of any emotion. He’s not welcoming, but he’s not openly hostile either and I take that as a positive sign.

“Didn’t figure you wanted to talk to me.” I take a step inside the workshop, coming to a stop when I see the way his gaze flares. He doesn’t want me any closer and I’m encroaching on his territory so I stay put.

“Still don’t.”

I don’t let his words discourage me. “I wanted to explain some things.”

“Like what? How you used my daughter? How you took advantage of her kindness and now she’s a shell of her former self?” The frustration in his voice is clear.

“She broke up with me because of what you said, sir. I’m not the one who took advantage of her kindness.” I pause, deciding to go for it. “That’s on you.”

His gaze narrows and he goes silent. Taking the rag he’s still clutching, he tosses it hard on the workbench, the fabric snapping. “You don’t know her.”

“I do.”

“Not well enough. You’re too self-absorbed to see her for what she really is.” His tone is dismissive and he turns his back on me once more.

I stare at him, my frustration building. “I know she’s sweet and smart and kind. She’s funny and she loves roses because of her mom and you. She likes to read, especially romance books. Even though she loves Lancaster Prep and has lived here for years, she wants to go away to college because she wants something better for her life. And she wants to make you proud. She’s so damn beautiful she makes my heart hurt every time I look at her, but I’m trying my best to respect her wishes. She’d rather give up on me to please you because you mean the world to her. You’re all she has. I want to be there for her too, but you won’t let me, which means she won’t let me, and I don’t get why, sir. What did I do to make you hate me so damn much?”

His shoulders rise practically to his ears, reminding me of his daughter, and he exhales raggedly before he turns to face me yet again. “You’re not good enough for her.”

“I know.” I don’t even hesitate with my response and I can tell it surprised him.

“You live a different type of life. She’s not used to that sort of thing.”

“I’d do whatever it takes to make her comfortable.”

Ralph stares at me, his gaze hard, as is his expression. “It’s not that easy. She’s…shy. It’s hard for her to open up to new people and experiences.”

“She’s not shy with me. I know how to get her to open up.” Another hesitation on my part. I don’t know if I should say this, but fuck it. “She’s going to graduate soon. Do you want her to be miserable for the rest of the school year or happy? Because I can make her happy, sir. You can’t keep her to yourself forever.”

“You have no right saying that to me.” He looks pissed.

But I don’t back down. “I’m not trying to be rude. I’m just—stating facts.”

Another ragged sigh leaves him and he drops his head for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck. “She’s a good girl. A sweet girl, like you said. I just don’t want her to become jaded and spoiled like the rest of you.”

I don’t take offense at what he said. “I would never let that happen. The best thing about Daisy is how good she is. She has a pure heart.”

Normally I would never say stuff like this because it sounds like a bunch of bullshit. But when it comes to Daisy, it’s all true.

She is pure of heart. I miss her so damn much it physically pains me not to have her as a part of my life.

“I will do whatever it takes to prove to her—and to you—that I deserve her. I know you might think that’ll never happen, but I want nothing more than to have her in my life. By my side. I’m in love with your daughter, sir. I need your approval before I can see her again, and I’m begging you to give me a chance.” My voice shakes and I clear my throat, not wanting to seem weak.

I sure as hell feel weak. My heart is racing and my head is spinning. I brace myself for him to tell me no. And he’s quiet for so long, I’m positive he’s going to kick my ass out of here when he finally speaks.

“I said some things about you to Daisy that…weren’t kind. Now I wish I could take those words back, but I can’t. And that’s why she ended things with you. I made some—threats.” He shakes his head and I wait for him to continue. “I’m not proud of what I did, but I was trying to protect her and in my mind, that was the only way I could do it.”

Pretty positive I don’t want to know what he said about me.

“I’m not too sure if you even deserve my approval,” he continues, and I close my eyes, waiting for my heart to shatter completely.

“But my daughter has been miserable since she’s stopped seeing you, and I know why. I’m pretty certain she’s in love with you.” I open my eyes to find him staring off into the distance, as if he can’t quite meet my gaze. “If she’s willing to give you another chance…I suppose I am too.”

What the fuck? Did he just say what I think he said?

“That’s if she still wants to be with you,” he tacks on.

I rub at my chest, my heart feeling like it’s being slowly stitched back together. “She wants to. If she cares even half as much as I care about her, then she definitely wants to be with me.”

He slowly shakes his head, as if he finds that unbelievable. And maybe he does, but I don’t give a damn. I’m just glad he gave me his approval, however reluctant it might be. “Just…be careful with her, Arch. Don’t break her heart. It’s already fragile enough.”

“I know what it feels like, to have your heart broken, and I wouldn’t do that to my worst enemy, let alone to the girl I love.” I stand up taller. “I will protect her with everything I’ve got. She means more to me than anyone else.”

Ralph smiles and it looks a little sad. “Don’t ever forget that.”

“I won’t.” I finally smile, truly happy for the first time in what feels like forever. “I promise.”

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