You Said I Was Your Favorite (A Lancaster Prep Novel)

You Said I Was Your Favorite: Chapter 37

I lick my lips, the taste and scent of Daisy’s pussy still lingering, and I close my eyes, concentrating on how good it feels, her hands and mouth all over me. She came to me with zero expertise and while we’ve messed around pretty often, this is the first time we’ve ever gone this far.

Her excitement and eagerness more than make up for any lack of experience she might have and I lie there and take it. The soft strokes and the gentle touches. Her fingers streak across my rib cage and stomach, her index finger circling around my navel. Most of my clothes are off, while most of hers are still on and I screwed up there. I should’ve stripped her naked. But I’d been too eager to get my mouth on her pussy to think about all the small details.

It had been worth it, my eagerness. Watching her come undone was the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed. It always is. I think back on the other girls I’ve been with. A couple of quick fumbles and maybe three pumps before I was coming in my very early days of sexual activity. I was sixteen and had no idea what I was doing.

Gathered some finesse as I got older but I’m starting to realize that the other girls—cough—Cadence—cough, were faking that shit when I went down on them.

Not Daisy. She’s so fucking responsive, just hearing her moan nearly has me jizzing in my pants. The girl is teaching me that I need to learn how to control myself.

It’s tough though. All I want to do is unleash on her. Fuck her until she’s crying out my name and clinging to me. Whenever I slide a finger inside her, she’s so damn tight, I can only imagine what will happen when I finally push inside that tight little pussy. I’ll probably come in seconds.

Talk about lacking in finesse. It’ll probably be like doing it for the first time all over again.

I’m currently trying to keep my cool with my arms folded behind my head, keeping a firm eye on Daisy as she basically mauls me with her mouth. When her lips drifts across the spot right above the waistband of my boxer briefs, my cock surges against the cotton, eager to escape.

She lifts her head, strands of blonde hair tumbling over one eye as she contemplates me. Her fingers curl around the waistband, gently tugging down, and our gazes stay connected as she pulls the fabric down, down. Until my cock essentially pops out, waving in the air, eager to greet her.

All the air lodges in my throat when she glances down, her eyes on the head of my cock, her lips parting. She’s touched me bare before. Plenty of times. But her mouth has never been that close.

My muscles tense in anticipation and she reaches for me, her fingers curling around the base, giving me a firm squeeze, just like I taught her. I was always worried she’d want to do this sort of thing at night. In the dark. Too afraid to let me see anything.

But she likes to watch. To see everything and I’m so fucking grateful for that. It’s like my own personal porn, watching her stroke me, feeling her fingers press and squeeze. And when she dips her head, her soft, wet lips brushing against the tip of my dick, I can’t help the groan that leaves me.

Daisy glances up, her eyes still on me as she sticks out her tongue and licks me, swirling it around the head before dragging it down my shaft. Another groan escapes, this one louder and I close my eyes for a moment. Savoring the drag of her tongue up and down the length of my dick, tickling just underneath the flared head.

“Am I doing it right?” she asks at one point, lifting her mouth away from me completely.

My eyes pop open and I take her in. The disheveled hair and swollen lips. The half- unbuttoned shirt with her tits straining against the front. The skirt hiked up past her hips, exposing her pretty pink panties.

“You’re doing it so right,” I rasp, my breaths coming fast. Like I just ran ten miles. “Take off your shirt.”

She shrugs out of it immediately, the bra still on.

“Take that off too,” I encourage, needing all the visuals I can get.

The bra is gone in seconds, her perfect tits on display and I watch as she bends over me once more, taking me fully into her mouth.

Within minutes, I’m ready to come. Fucking dying to come. Reaching for her, I shove her hair away from her face so I can watch, my hips lifting in rhythm with her busy mouth, panting. My heart feels like it could beat straight out of my chest and when she draws me as deep as possible, her cheeks caving in like she’s turned into a human vacuum, I hiss out a breath.

“I’m fucking close,” I warn her, but she doesn’t acknowledge me. Just keeps sucking and stroking and licking and driving me out of my fucking mind. “Daze. I’m gonna come.”

Still no acknowledgement. And I can’t take it any longer. My orgasm is eminent, pressing down, until I can’t control myself any longer.

I groan her name, my hips bucking when the orgasm hits me, pulsating through every part of me. She never pulls away from me, swallows as much down as possible before she removes me from her mouth, semen dribbling past her lips and down her chin.

Fuck, that was hot. My body is still shaking when I collapse on the bed and I close my eyes, trying my best to calm my still racing heart.

She gets up from the bed and I crack open my eyes, watching her as she stands, the skirt falling at her feet in a heap since I unzipped it earlier. She kicks it away along with her loafers, the heavy shoes thunking on the carpet as she pads across the room, her head swiveling like she’s in search of something.

“Where are you going?” I ask.

Daisy turns toward me, her breasts bouncing, nipples hard as can be. “You have a bathroom?”

I wave my hand to the right. “It’s over there.”

She heads in without a word and I can hear water running for quite a while. When she comes back out, she’s got a washcloth clutched in her hand and she crawls back onto the bed, hovering next to me on her knees. “Can I clean you up?”

Her sweet voice and innocent question just about do me in. I’m tempted to grab hold of her, crush her to me and never let her go, but instead I nod, biting down hard on my lower lip so I don’t say anything stupid like, I’m madly in love with you. You can’t ever leave me.

Instead, I remain quiet, grateful the washcloth was soaked in warm water, twitching when she touches me in sensitive places. When she’s finished, she climbs off the bed once again and disappears back in the bathroom before she returns, crawling onto the bed and cuddling up right next to me.

I immediately grab at the throw blanket that somehow still remains draped across the corner of my bed, pulling it over us and tucking her in close. She’s got her head under my chin, her face pressed against my neck. Her leg is draped over both of mine and I plant my hand right on her ass cheek like I own it, my fingers slipping just beneath the thin fabric of her panties.

She doesn’t say anything for so long, I’m afraid she might be having second thoughts. I’m about to ask when she finally speaks.

“Why didn’t we do that sooner?”

Chuckling, I squeeze her shoulders with my arm and she tips her head back, allowing me to dip my head and press my mouth to hers in a soft kiss. “I tried to tell you.”

“No, you didn’t. You always talk about respecting me and not wanting to push.”

“I’m an idiot,” I immediately say. “Next time I’ll fuck you until you can’t walk if that’s what you want to hear.”

Her eyes go bigger and her lips part. I stunned her silent.

“Unless that’s not—”

She rests her fingers against my still moving lips, shutting me up. “That’s exactly what I want.”

“Seriously?” I ask when her hand drops away from my mouth.

Nodding, she buries her face against my neck, going shy again. “I should go soon. But yes. I want it. I want you.”

I close my eyes and gather her close, the heat of her pussy pressed against me, causing my dick to rouse, clearly ready for round two.

“Can’t you stay a little longer?” I ask, not caring if I sound whipped.

I can face facts. I’m a complete goner for this girl. My face is currently buried in her hair and I’m getting high off her scent. Thinking about the next time I can get her alone. The next time I can go down on her and make her come with my tongue. Get her nice and wet and loose and ready for me to actually slip inside her for the first time—

“I can’t.” She pulls out of my arms and disappointment fills me. I watch as she puts her uniform back on while I remain in bed like a lazy idiot, too blissed out to stand and put my clothes on. “I have to start dinner soon.”

“Do you cook your dad dinner every night?” I rise up on one elbow, watching her slip her skirt back on, enjoying the visual she’s giving me. How she slides the little plaid skirt up and over her perfect ass.


“Not every night. Sometimes he cooks. Sometimes I just grab a sandwich or whatever. Especially lately. He’s not home as much as he used to be in the evening.” She sounds a little disappointed by that.

“Out with Kathy?” I ask.

“Yeah.” She pulls her shirt back on, quickly doing up the buttons, hiding all the good stuff from me, which is a bummer. “I should be happy for him that he found someone.”

“You should,” I agree, only because she’s found someone too.


“It’s still weird though.”

I sit up, push my hair back before I reach down, swiping the sweats that I left on the floor this morning and shoving them on real quick. Essentially hopping into them as I stand. Daisy watches me with an amused expression, shaking her head as I make my way toward her, protesting only a little when I sweep her back into my arms and deliver a smacking kiss on her lips.

“You’re kind of hot in just the sweats,” she admits breathlessly, her hands pressed against my chest.

“Didn’t the dude in that romance book we read wear gray sweatpants and nothing else at some point?” I kiss her again because I can, but she dodges away from my lips and disentangles herself from my embrace.

“He did. That’s romance readers’ crack,” she admits, slipping her loafers back on her feet.

“Gray sweatpants?”

Daisy nods. “You’re the epitome of that scenario right now. The sweatpants and nothing else. No underwear so you’re all…uncontained under there.” She waves her hand toward my crotch.

I glance down at myself before I return my gaze to her. “The big swinging dick theory?”

“Yeah.” Her cheeks turn pink. “You really think you have a big swinging—dick?”

Hearing sweet little Daisy refer to my dick like that is making me hard, not gonna lie. “You tell me if I have one.”

Her cheeks are now bright red. “Okay, I should go.”

I grab hold of her before she makes her escape, pulling her into my arms and kissing her. Again. Like I can’t help myself.

I can’t. I can’t stop kissing her. She’s too delicious, too sweet.

“Text me later?” I ask the question with my lips still pressed to hers.

She nods, nipping at my lower lip with her teeth. “I will.”

I watch her go, lifting my hand in a wave right before she turns away from me and exits the room, the door closing softly behind her.

The moment she’s gone, the stillness returns, louder than ever, though I can’t hear a damn thing. It’s too quiet, too boring, too empty without her here.

Fuck I’ve got it bad for this girl.

So bad.

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