You Said I Was Your Favorite (A Lancaster Prep Novel)

You Said I Was Your Favorite: Chapter 35

The weekend dragged on for what felt like forever. I thought I needed time away from Arch so I could think. A little distance seemed necessary after everything that happened between us—and how we got caught by my dad. Plus, I didn’t know what to say to Arch. Should I apologize? Tell him that my dad is mad at me? At him?

At us?

I wish my father knew Arch like I do. He’d change his mind if he got to know him, I’m positive.

Early Saturday morning I woke up thinking I should invite Arch over so we could all talk but the first thing I saw on my phone was a text from him.

Arch: Have to go see my parents with E for the weekend. Talk soon?

Disappointed that he left, I sent him a quick response.

Me: Sure. Have fun.

We didn’t really talk the rest of the weekend and it…hurt. I recently started following Edie on social media and she posts constantly, which allowed me to keep track of Arch. I watched her stories religiously, torturing myself the entire time. Looking for a glimpse of Arch in every single one of them. He appeared here and there, always with a frown or scowl on his face, appearing irritated that she caught him on film. Never once did it look like he was having a good time.

I took a strange kind of satisfaction out of seeing that. His unhappiness. The dark look in his eyes.

His mood matched mine. He seemed miserable, and I was too. It didn’t help, the guilt I felt every time my father looked at me over the weekend, his disappointment in me obvious. Like he believes I’m throwing my life away all over a boy, which is so not true.

I don’t know what to do about my father and his obvious disapproval of Arch. I don’t know how to change his mind.

Arch can be so sweet, so funny. So good to me. He makes me feel special. More than anything, he makes me feel seen.

I don’t think there’s been a person on this earth who makes me feel that way. Not even my mother did. She was too caught up in my dad, the two of them deeply in love.

Until Arch. He sees me. He notices everything about me and asks questions. He’s curious about me and wants to know more, and I love that.

And when he kisses me? Touches me? I feel wanted. Cherished. It’s heady stuff, being consumed by Arch Lancaster.

I never want it to end.

By the time it’s Monday morning, I’m on campus early, lingering by the entrance to the main building, my gaze searching. Looking for his familiar face. He stands tall above everyone else, including the majority of the boys, but I don’t spot him.

No surprise. He’s late, always. I’m sure he was born late and he’ll most likely arrive at his wedding late.

It’s just Arch.

With a resigned sigh, I enter the building and head for our English class, keeping my head down, not wanting to gain anyone’s attention. I wore my hair down again—I’m eighteen now, I think I should give up the childish braids once and for all—and I keep feeling like people are staring at me as I walk past.

Or maybe that’s just me being self-conscious.

I enter the classroom to find Mr. Winston already sitting at his desk, his gaze landing on me and a pleasant smile spreading across his face.

“Miss Albright. A pleasure to see you this fine Monday morning.”

He is far too cheerful. It takes everything I’ve got to work up a smile for him. “Hi, Mr. Winston.”

He frowns. “Rough weekend?”

“It wasn’t the best.” I settle into my desk, dropping my backpack at my feet.

“That’s too bad. Hope you caught up with the reading.”

I almost roll my eyes at him and I immediately feel terrible for being tempted. Maybe I spend too much time with Arch. But seriously. Leave it up to a teacher to be constantly teacher-ing. “I did, Mr. Winston.”

His smile is one of pure relief. “Good. Can’t have my best student falling behind.”

The pressure is enormous, being considered the best student by all my teachers. It was probably good that Arch wasn’t around this weekend. Having so much free time allowed me to work on my various assignments, every one of them difficult but they’re all done.

Maybe my counselor was right. My school load this semester is really intense. Too intense.

The class fills up seemingly all at once, but still no Arch. The desk behind me remains empty when the bell rings and Winston goes to the door, pulling it shut. I duck my head, staring at the top of my desk, my mind racing.

Where is he? Is he still in the city with his family? Why isn’t he in class? He’s come in later, but this morning somehow feels different. And I haven’t heard from him since Saturday night. We were all over each other Friday afternoon—I was going to let him have sex with me for the very first time—and now nothing.


The tears threaten, welling in the corners of my eyes and I glance up, my gaze meeting Winston’s.

“Can I use the restroom?” I ask.

He nods, the expression on his face full of concern.

Pushing away from my desk, I flee the classroom, running down the hall, my vision blurred with tears. I don’t know where I’m going. Definitely not the bathroom. I don’t stop running until I push through the double doors and I’m outside, the cool, early fall breeze smacking into me, making me shiver. I stand on the steps, my head swiveling left, then right.

That’s when I spot him.

Arch, striding toward the building. Toward me. The expression on his face is grim, his mouth a thin line, his brows lowered. He walks with determined steps, clad in his full uniform, even the jacket.

He eventually spots me and the look of pure relief on his face when he does makes my heart trip over itself. I should probably remain where I’m at on the steps and wait for him to approach me, but I can’t take it.

I bolt into a run, heading straight for him, and he does the same, meeting me in the middle, reaching for me, pulling me into his arms. I cling to him, pressing my face against his chest, breathing in his familiar scent, my eyes falling shut.

I’m immediately calm, my earlier worry and anxiety evaporating at finally being in his arms. Being with him.

“I missed you,” I tell him when I pull away so I can stare into his eyes.

“I missed you too,” he says, his troubled gaze making my anxiety return tenfold. “But I thought you might’ve wanted some…space.”

I blink up at him, unsure of what to say. Maybe he was the one who needed space? “Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s good,” he murmurs, his gaze searching my face. As if he’s trying to memorize my features. “Why aren’t you in class?”

“I couldn’t stand being in there without you,” I admit, briefly closing my eyes when he cups my cheek. I lean into his palm, savoring his touch.

“I was just running late,” he admits sheepishly, his hand dropping to grab mine. “Come on, let’s go before Winston gets pissed.”

I let Arch lead me back into the building, the two of us entering the classroom together and when Arch walks in, Winston stops mid-lecture, remaining quiet until both Arch and I are in our seats.

“Glad you decided to show up this fine Monday morning, Mr. Lancaster,” Winston says.

There are nervous titters of laughter throughout the class.

“I’m happy to be here, Mr. Winston. Sorry for being late,” Arch says, sounding affable. Like his normal self.

But I can tell there’s something troubling him. I want to know what it is.

I need him to tell me everything.

“You’re sitting with me in the dining hall today, right?” Arch asks, as if he can read my mind.

Nodding, I slip my hand into his as we make our way down the hallway. The bell just rang, indicating that it’s lunch and I gave myself a mental pep talk that I was going to sit with him.

With his friends.

And if that includes Cadence and Mya, then so be it. I can handle them, especially with Arch by my side.

He’s grinning, seemingly pleased with this bit of news. His earlier moody behavior is forgotten, and I’m relieved. Maybe he was just grumpy. Mondays have a way of doing that to people. “You’re not going to run off and read one of your sexy books by yourself and dream of me?”

“You wish I was dreaming of you,” I tell him, making him chuckle.

“I know near the end of that last book you were. Have you read any other romance books since the one we shared?” He lifts his brows in question.

I shake my head, trying to fight the blush that wants to stain my cheeks. “I haven’t had time lately. The homework is endless.”

Arch frowns. “You’re working too hard.”

“I don’t mind.” My voice is overly bright and I can tell by the way he’s looking at me that he sees right through it. I tug on his hand, needing to distract him. “Let’s hurry. I’m starving.”

Once we’re in the dining hall, we separate, making our food choices. Once that’s done, we walk together to the usual table. JJ and a few of his other friends are there, including Mya, who’s planted right next to JJ with Cadence sitting on her other side.

Both of them are watching me approach with shocked expressions, their eyes wide. They share a look, Cadence’s lips curved into a sly smile, and I do my best to sit as far away from them as possible, disappointed in Mya.

I guess her earlier support was just a fluke.

Arch chooses to sit far away from them as well, settling in a chair across the table and diagonal from where JJ is sitting, and I choose the chair on the other side of Arch. Still too close to them, though. I can feel their gazes on me as I grab my fork and stir my salad around in the bowl, my eyes fixed on the vegetables inside and nothing else.

This is so awkward.

JJ asks Arch a question and they keep up a steady stream of conversation while I try to eat, not bothering to utter a word. I knew this would happen. The boys would get caught up in their conversation, the girls would watch me, just waiting for me to fumble or do something stupid and I would be miserable.

But then Arch rests his big, warm hand on my thigh, his fingers slipping just beneath my skirt. His touch is bold. A claiming.

As in he’s claiming me.

“You’re being quiet, Daze,” he says, loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Yeah. What’s up, jail bait,” JJ says with a grin, earning a hard scowl from Arch in return.

“Hey, JJ,” I tell him, shaking my head.

He just keeps grinning.

“Are you two officially together or what?” Cadence asks, not holding back.

Arch sends me a quick look before he turns his attention to his ex, his hand still firmly resting on my thigh. I wonder if he’s afraid I might run away and he feels the need to keep me in place.

“Don’t know how many times we need to say this but yes. We’re together,” he answers, his deep voice loud. Firm.

All I can do is sit there and smile, shivering when his thumb brushes slowly across my inner thigh.

“Isn’t that sweet,” Cadence says, her tone not very sweet at all.

More like it’s extra bitter.

“We should all hang out this weekend,” JJ suggests, glancing down at Mya who shrugs, remaining silent.

“It’s only Monday,” Arch reminds him. “Do we need to make plans for the weekend already?”

“Hell yeah. Aren’t you bored yet?”

“For once in my life, no.” The smile Arch sends my way makes my heart want to melt. “I’m pretty damn content.”

Someone makes a gagging noise and I don’t have to look up to know it was Cadence. She pushes away from the table, the chair legs screeching across the floor and she leaps to her feet, glaring at her best friend.

“Ready to go?” she asks Mya, her voice full of hostility.

Mya blinks at her, slowly shaking her head as JJ slips his arm around her shoulders. “I’m going to finish my lunch.”

Cadence rests her hands on her hips, contemplating all of us, her expression incredulous. “Seriously, guys? You’re just going to let Arch replace me with this shadow of a girl and forget I even existed?”

The table remains quiet and I can feel Arch stiffen at her insult directed at me.

“Watch what you say about Daisy,” he bites out.

An aggravated noise leaves Cadence and her fingers curl into fists, still resting on her hips. “This is unbelievable! I’m the most popular girl on this campus, Archie, and you’re really going to toss everything we’ve shared over the last year for this girl?”

She waves a hand at me, her nose wrinkled like she just smelled something bad.

“What we shared wasn’t much, Cadence. Don’t make me go there and let you know what I really think of our past relationship,” he says darkly. “You don’t want to hear what I have to say.”

“You’re a prick!” she screams before she marches away.

The table remains quiet for a few seconds, the tension Cadence created still radiating.

“Well, she’s always fun,” JJ finally says, making everyone crack up.

Including me.

Arch squeezes my thigh, his gaze warm and just for me. And as I stare into his beautiful blue eyes, I realize that I wish this could’ve happened sooner. That I would’ve been accepted sooner.

My high school life would’ve been so different.

would’ve been different.

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