You Said I Was Your Favorite (A Lancaster Prep Novel)

You Said I Was Your Favorite: Chapter 20

We make our way through the aisles of bookshelves in the library, Daisy’s hand still in mine as we head for that door in the very back, the one she has the key for. Excitement sizzles through my veins and I remind myself to calm down. We’re on a mission and Daisy is a good girl. She won’t want to mess around in the cavernous storage room, no matter how badly I want to persuade her.

We come to a stop in front of the door, Daisy slipping her hand from my grip as she takes the key and shoves it in the lock, turning it slowly, like it’s difficult. I step closer, my body brushing hers, helping her shove the door open and we walk inside. I shut the door, shrouding us in darkness, a tiny beam of light in the distance the only thing allowing us to see.

“Come on,” I tell her, taking over the situation as I once again take her hand.

She walks with me not saying a thing and I realize I’m so damn grateful she doesn’t feel the need to fill the silence with nonsensical, pointless chatter. Any other girl I’ve ever known would do exactly that but not Daisy. She’s so damn quiet. I’m curious about her but she doesn’t reveal much.

I wish she did.

The beam of light gets brighter the deeper we move through the room and then we’re in front of the infamous mass of windows, the ones that face out over the gardens. I stop in front of it and so does she, our hands still connected. I can see her little house to the right in the distance. I can even see a couple of her rose bushes, the blooms waving in the breeze.

“There’s your house,” I tell her, my voice barely above a whisper.

“I see it.” She turns to me at the same time I look at her and I wonder if she’s as tempted as I am to just fuck responsibilities and make out instead. “We should look for the boxes.”

Damn. There’s my answer.

I wander over to the other side of the room, wincing at the stack upon stack of boxes that line the wall. Most every one of them has writing on the box, telling us the contents inside but not all of them.


“No wonder Viv keeps putting this off,” I mutter, craning my neck to read what the boxes say at the top. “This school seriously needs to move into the digital age.”

“As a Lancaster, you could probably make that happen,” she says, her voice light. Like she might be teasing me. And when I glance over at her to find she’s smiling at me, I shake my head.

“I’ll let someone else take care of that,” I drawl.

Standing up straighter, she rests her hands on her hips, drawing my attention to how they flare. She’s not wearing a jacket—I shrug out of mine, dropping it on the ground without a care—and she’s got her shirt tucked in. We all wear these damn uniforms and everyone looks the same on campus.

But there’s something about Daisy that stands out over everyone else. At least to me. She’s fucking beautiful and sweet. Sexy. I can’t stop staring at her, like she’s my favorite thing to look at in the entire world. The way that pleated plaid skirt flirts around her thighs…

I want to slip my hands under it.

“Where should we start?” she asks, glancing over at me.

“Do we have to start now?” When she raises her brows, I go on. “We’ve got tomorrow to do this too. Let’s just chill.”


“Daze…” I grin.

She shakes her head, looking at me like I’m a naughty boy and she’s going to bust me. “Vivian trusts us to do this.”

“What Viv doesn’t know, doesn’t hurt her.” I go to her, snatching her around the waist and making her shriek. “Come on, let’s go check out the view again.”

I haul her into my arms, tipping her halfway over my shoulder and she’s literally screaming. Her skirt rides up high and I clamp my hand on the back of one smooth thigh.

She goes silent.

My dick twitches.


This girl is dangerous. She fucks with my head and everything else too. If I don’t watch it, she might up end up fucking with my heart.

Not that I have one. Not really.

There’s a table right by the wall of windows, and it’s covered with a thin, old tablecloth. Bending down while keeping a squirming Daisy balanced over my shoulder, I snag the tablecloth off and drop it onto the ground before I deposit her on top of the table, leaving her sprawled across it.

She’s sputtering, her hands braced behind her, her legs slightly spread. Looking like a sexy little snack I want to feast on. “What in the world are you doing, Arch?”

“Tell me to stop and I will.” I bend over her, my hands braced next to her hands, my face level with hers. She’s breathing faster, her eyes searching my face, falling closed right as I touch her lips with mine.

A quiet moan leaves her when I part her lips with my tongue, her head falling back, her tongue tangling with mine. I shift closer, tempted to crawl on the damn table myself and crush her, but I’m afraid it can’t take my weight so I remain restrained. Kissing her lips but touching her nowhere else.

She doesn’t like it. I can tell by the needy noises she makes. How restless she becomes. She wants to feel my hands on her as we continue to kiss and I refuse to touch her. Getting off on seeing how much she wants me.

How much she needs me.

At one point, I bite her lower lip gently, sinking my teeth into the plump flesh and giving it a tug before I let it go. She darts out her tongue in return, licking at my lower lip.

Look at that. My Daze is getting braver.

“Did that hurt?” I whisper against her mouth. “When I bit you?”

“No,” she whispers back, pausing before she admits, “I liked it.”

I deepen the kiss, my tongue licking everywhere I can reach, her tongue sliding against mine. I could kiss this girl for what feels like forever and never get tired of it. But I can’t keep this up or I will end up fucking her on this table and so I end the kiss, noting the way she leans into me as I pull back, like she doesn’t want to stop.

Pushing away from the table, I rise to my full height, licking my lips. Tasting her on them. She watches me, her hungry gaze tracking my tongue and I realize she’s hot for it.

Hot for me.

“You’ve really never kissed anyone before?” I ask like a dumbass.

Her gaze narrows and she sits up, brushing the flyaway hairs away from her face. “Are you trying to accuse me of something?”

“What? No way. I just—it’s good, between us.”

How underwhelming I described what we share. It’s better than good. It’s amazing.


Her face turns redder than it already is, which seems impossible. “You bring it out in me.”

“Oh yeah?”

She hops off the table and stops directly in front of me, yanking on the end of my tie. “Don’t let it get to your head though.”

Her sassiness is a surprise and I like it. So much that when she lets go of my tie and starts to walk away, I reach out and swat her on the ass.

“Hey!” She glances over her shoulder, her eyes wide. Like I shocked her. “What was that for?”

“Your sassy mouth,” I say without hesitation. “Come on, Daze. Let’s go find those boxes ol’ Viv wants.”

We dig around among the haphazard stacks of boxes, Daisy peeking inside the unmarked ones before pushing them aside. I take them from her and restack them, my nose itching. Everything in this place is covered in a thin layer of dust and it’s stuffy as hell too. To the point that I undo my tie and shove it in my pocket. Unbutton the cuffs of my sleeves and roll them up to my elbows.

Daisy watches me do that particular task with extra interest, her gaze tracking my every movement and I’m tempted to flex just for her, but I restrain myself.


“Oh, look at this!” she exclaims when she lifts the lid on one particular box. Inside are a ton of photos, the ones on top mostly in black and white. She pulls one out, staring at it for a second before she shows it to me. “That’s out in front of the entrance.”

I take the photo from her, staring at it. The row of men standing on the steps that lead to the main entrance of Lancaster Prep. It’s from a long time ago. Late eighteen hundreds maybe? Early nineteen hundreds? The men are dressed impeccably and there’s a single woman standing there amongst the men in the middle of the front row.

“I’m related to her.” I tap the woman, showing the photo to Daisy. “She’s a great-great-great grandma. Maybe a couple more greats, not sure.”

I’m exaggerating with the greats, but I am definitely related to her.

“Wow, really?” Daisy takes the photo from me, staring at it again. She lifts her gaze to me, studying my face before she returns her attention to the photo. “You look like her.”

I scoff. “Do not.”

“Do so,” she returns, holding the photo away from me so I can’t grab it. “Face it, Archibald, you’re a Lancaster through and through.”

“Do not call me Archibald,” I threaten, my voice dark.

“Or what?” she challenges, her eyes twinkling. “What are you going to do?”

“You don’t want these dirty hands on you.” I hold them up, though they don’t look that bad. “Not when you’re wearing that pristine white shirt.”

She laughs. “I get the sense that all you ever want to do is dirty me up.”

“You don’t even know the half of it,” I murmur.

Her laughter dies, her expression turning serious. “What are you doing, Arch?”

“What do you mean?” I frown.

“What are…your intentions? Toward me?”

I gulp, turning her words over in my mind. Intentions? Such an old-fashioned word. “I thought we were just living it day by day. I’m not the type to think about the future.”


I slowly shake my head.

A sigh leaves her and she averts her gaze. “It must be easy, to feel so comfortable in your existence that you don’t have to plan for anything coming up.”

My frown returns. “What are you saying? That I’ve got it easy?”

She shrugs. “Easier than anyone else I know. You just…exist, and everything falls into place. There are no challenges, no worries. You are the perfect eldest Lancaster son. The sun rises and sets on your head.”

“You have no clue what my life is like. And it’s nothing like that.” I’m fucking offended she would assess me like that. “My life isn’t that easy all the time. I’m dealing with a tremendous amount of pressure. My parents have expectations on me that I will never meet, no matter how hard I try.”

“I’m guessing you don’t try very hard.”

Anger rises, and I tell myself to calm down. Don’t blow up on this girl. “What does that mean?”

“You’re so smart, Arch. You barely apply yourself and you get perfect grades. You’re number one in the class and you make it look so easy, while I’m over here working my butt off by studying day and night, trying to keep up.” Her voice rises. Clearly, she’s a little heated too.

“Are you accusing me of coasting?”

“I’m not accusing you of anything. We all know you’re totally coasting! Handsome Arch, charming Arch, smart Arch. No one is going to argue with the Lancaster. No one dares cross him. Your life is easy.”

I’m shaking my head as I walk away from her, bending down to grab my jacket where I left it on the floor. “You don’t like it when I assume things about you, Daisy. I don’t like it either.”

Before she can say a word to me, I’m out of there, practically running to the door. Pissed that she would be so dismissive of me. Like I don’t have any feelings. Like I’m inhuman.

I may act that way sometimes, but it’s easier to be the smart, untouchable Lancaster than let my guard down and let anyone in.

See how it worked out just now? I try to give this girl a glimpse of my real self.

And she stomps all over me.

Fuck that.

By lunch I’ve calmed down, but I’m still hurt by what Daisy said. I avoided her earlier in class, which isn’t hard because she avoids me as well. No wonder I never really had any interactions with this girl until recently. She slips in and out of the classroom like a ghost, never uttering a word or even looking at anyone the entire time.

Must suck to move through life like you don’t exist. I can’t even imagine. I’d rather have all eyes on me at all times then that sort of lonely existence.

Shaking my head, I walk into the dining hall with JJ, pasting on a smile and laughing at the stupid joke he just told.

“You better now?” he asks me after my laughter dies.

“I’m good,” I confirm with a nod.

“You sure? You were in a foul mood earlier,” JJ mutters as we check out lunch options.

I grab a tray and set a plate with a cheeseburger on it and then grab a small basket full of fresh french fries. I can practically taste the salty goodness, I’m so fucking hungry all of a sudden. “I was just hungry.”

“More like hangry!” says a familiar female voice.

We both turn to see Cadence and Mya standing there, matching hopeful expressions on their faces. I groan inwardly, but JJ smiles like he’s a host on a game show, eager to please.

“Ladies,” he says, bowing at them before he reaches for his own cheeseburger.

“We haven’t sat together in a while,” Mya says, sharing a look with Cadence. “Can we join you guys?”

They haven’t sat with us since last week, which means it hasn’t been that long. I wonder at their motive, but I shrug, not wanting to give them any encouragement. “You can sit wherever you want.”

Another shared look between the girls but I ignore them.

“Join us,” JJ says, his focus only on Mya. “But only if you share your fries with me.”

“Deal,” Mya says with a giggle.

Cadence falls into step beside me as we walk out into the dining area, JJ and Mya following behind us. She sends me a knowing look, and I almost roll my eyes at her in return but restrain myself.

This is what I need to do with Daisy too. Restrain myself. But I overreacted because her comments touched a nerve. I need to find her and apologize, but I don’t see her pretty blonde head anywhere.

She’s probably hiding from me, and I can’t blame her.

“I’ve missed you, Archie,” Cadence says as we approach our usual table.

“Don’t start,” I warn her. “I’m not in the mood.”

“You’re never in the mood anymore.” She settles into a chair and I purposely choose one that’s not right next to her to sit in.

“Because we’re done,” I say with a finality I hope she picks up on.

But she doesn’t. Mya and JJ are flirting it up throughout lunch, with Cadence sending me meaningful looks every time I so much as glance in her direction.

“What are you guys doing this weekend?” Cadence asks at one point, her extra cheerful voice grating on my nerves.

“We’ve got no plans,” JJ says, glancing over at me. “Right, Arch?”

I nod. “I was hoping for a low-key weekend. Plus, I gotta go see my parents Sunday.”

“How are they?” Cadence asks me. “I miss them.”

What a lie. They didn’t particularly like her and she didn’t like them either.

“They’re fine,” I say, my voice clipped. I think about what I’ve got due in class next week. “I also need to write a paper.”

“Ugh, that’s so boring,” Mya says, giggling when JJ pokes her side with his index finger.

They’re into each other, and I envy how easy it is for them to kid around and flirt. Like it’s no big deal. It makes sense considering we’re all a part of the same friend group.

I wish it was that easy for me and Daisy.

“Well, we’re getting an Airbnb,” Cadence proclaims, glancing over at Mya, who nods encouragingly. “We’re having a big party Friday night.”

Tomorrow. Daisy’s birthday.

“What for?” I ask.

“Does there need to be a reason?” JJ asks me before he turns to the girls. “We’ll be there.”

“Yay!” Cadence claps her hands, her gaze stuck on me. “Maybe we could all hang out.”

“At another one of your big bashes where you’ve probably invited the entire school?” I raise my brows.

“I didn’t invite the entire school.” She shakes her head, that smile still on her face. I gotta give it to her, she doesn’t give up. “Just a few people from our class. It’s nothing too crazy. Last time we tried to invite a bunch of people, the neighbors called the cops and they shut the party down.”

I remember that. Late last year, right before school was done. One of Cadence’s senior friends reserved the house for her and we partied like fucking crazy that night. I was naked in the pool with a pair of sunglasses on and a cowboy hat on my head when the cops rolled up.

Talk about ruining the party vibe.

“We had fun that night,” Cadence murmurs just for me, JJ and Mya involved in their own conversation.

“We did,” I agree because yeah, we did. But I’m not willing to have fun with her anymore.

I wish she’d get that through her head.

“We could have fun again, you know. I miss you.”

I blow out a harsh breath, about to lean back in my chair, but Cadence’s hand darts out, landing on top of my forearm. I don’t push her away, testing it out. Her touch makes me feel nothing and I think of how it feels when Daisy touches me.

Like I want more. I need more. I want to feel her hands all over me.

Cadence’s fingers curl and she walks them up my arm, like that’s cute. Like I might enjoy it.

I still feel nothing. When it comes to Cadence, it’s like I’m dead inside.

“Knock it off, Cadence. You don’t really miss me,” I tell her, wishing she’d stop touching me. “It’s not the same anymore between us.”

“Is there someone else?” Her fingers go flat and she starts tracing them up and down my arm. Still nothing. Zero reaction. “Who is she?”

“There’s no one else,” I lie, hating that I said those words out loud.

There is definitely someone else. I might be mad at her but I am far from over her.

It’s not even that I’m mad. Daisy hurt my feelings.

And that’s a new thing for me to deal with. Not many people get close enough to actually hurt me. I barely know this girl and look at the power she wields.

“If there’s no one else, then come to the party.” Cadence smiles, her fingers curling around my forearm. “Please?”

Every single hair on my body seems to stand on end and it’s not because of Cadence’s pleading voice or how she can’t stop stroking my arm. I glance up, meeting Daisy’s gaze from across the dining hall. She’s clutching a tray in front of her, so tight I can see her knuckles turning white, and there’s a single sandwich on a plate. A shiny red apple sitting next to it.

We stare at each other, and I see it. The flicker of disappointment. It disappears in an instant, replaced by disgust.

For me.

Lifting her chin, she grips the tray and heads straight for us. My heart starts to hammer in my chest, Cadence’s insistent voice fading the closer Daisy gets.

Until she’s walking right past our table with her head held high, not even looking in our direction as she sails by us and settles into a chair at one of the smaller tables nearby.

Frustration flickers in my gut, churning. My appetite is long gone.

“Jail bait is looking better and better every time I see her,” JJ drawls, like he’s trying to provoke my ass.

“Stay the fuck away from her,” I bite out, jerking my arm away from Cadence’s hand. I stand, contemplating the three of them. JJ’s amused. Mya’s confused, and Cadence is hopeful.

Better than bitter and pissed, which is how she usually looks when she’s dealing with me.

“I’ll go to your party,” I tell her just before I leave the table. I stalk my way out of the dining hall, passing directly behind Daisy’s chair.

Streaking my fingers across her back from shoulder to shoulder as I go.

Don’t need to look back to know she’s watching me leave.

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