You Said I Was Your Favorite (A Lancaster Prep Novel)

You Said I Was Your Favorite: Chapter 18

I probably shouldn’t have said that. I’ve completely overstepped my boundaries and she’s most likely going to tell me to go to hell. Kick me right out of her house and tell me to never look at her again.

But damn, it’s the truth. This girl is so damn lonely she aches with it and you know what?

So do I.

“You think I’m lonely?” Her voice is so soft I can barely hear her.

Nodding, I loosen my touch on her foot, drifting a single finger up the center of the bottom of her arch. She shivers. I feel it. That little shiver has my dick fucking throbbing.

“You are. You talk to no one. Hang out with no one. Just the admin staff and your dad and the roses and now the cat.”

Her lips part and she takes a deep breath, like she might want to say something in protest over what I just told her. But she clamps those lips shut and leans back against the old gray couch, crossing her arms in front of her chest, plumping up her tits.

Slowly killing me in that pink sports bra and shorts is what she’s doing. She got all freaked out earlier asking if she looked stupid in that outfit but hell no.

She looks fucking hot.


“Yeah?” I release my hold on her foot once again, drifting my fingers up the back of her calf. Her skin is so damn soft. Silky smooth. Fragrant with some sort of lotion that has my mouth watering.

This isn’t good, me being alone in this house with Daisy. She’s barely clothed and her feet are in my lap. The two of us on the couch staring like we’d give anything to touch each other for real. Like we mean it.

“Thank you for coming to my rescue.” Her smile is small. Pretty. Everything about her is so damn pretty it hurts. “But you should probably go.”

My fingers go still on her skin for a moment and I drop my head, staring at her tanned shin. She’s right. I should go. I should walk right out of here and leave her alone because whatever it is this girl wants, I can’t possibly give it to her. Not like she deserves.

“Do you want me to leave?” I lift my head to find her watching me with so much longing shining in her gaze, I already know the answer.

Slowly she shakes her head, her braids sliding across her bare shoulders. My gaze drops to her chest, noting how hard her little nipples are and fuck.



“You can go if you want,” she rushes to say, like she’s trying to give me an out. “I’m sure you have somewhere else to be. Someone else to see.”


“And it’s okay if you do. I get it. You’re popular. Everyone loves you. No one knows me.” Her laughter is broken, caught on a sob, and she clamps her hand over her mouth, silencing herself.

The tears in her eyes shine like glittery diamonds and I can’t take it anymore.

Without a word, I haul her into my arms, tucking her into my lap, her head beneath my chin, her face pressed against my throat. Her tears dampen my skin and I squeeze her, smoothing my hands up and down her back, my fingers drifting across her bare skin. She’s warm and soft and I just want her to feel safe.

I want her to feel wanted.

She cries for I don’t know how long, sniffing into my neck, slinging her hand so her fingers curl around my right shoulder. My skin burns where she touches me and I’m desperate for more.

But I restrain myself. Keep my mouth shut. Let her cling to me like I’m her lifeline and I’m the only thing keeping her afloat.

“This is so embarrassing,” she eventually croaks, and when she tries to pull away, I stop her.

Daisy leans back, her bloodshot eyes open, her tear-stained cheeks making my chest ache. “I cried all over you.”

“It’s okay.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize.” I touch the side of her face, drift my thumb across her cheek, catching a couple of stray tears. She releases a shuddery breath and closes her eyes, and I give into what I’ve been wanting to do for who knows how long.

Leaning in, I brush her mouth with mine. Featherlight. Barely a kiss at all.

She goes completely still. Rigid in my arms. As if she didn’t like what I just did at all.


I’m about to pull away but she reaches up, her hand curling around the back of my head, keeping me in place. Her fingers sink into my hair at the same time she presses her mouth more firmly against mine, with more purpose.

It’s like I can’t breathe. Pretty damn sure my heart stopped beating as she kisses me again and again. I let her take over completely, giving her all the power, afraid if I make one wrong move she’ll stop.

And I never want her to fucking stop.

Slowly I return her kisses, my mouth clinging to hers. Her lips parting more with each pass. She shifts in my arms, facing me more fully and when she takes a breath, I sneak my tongue out, licking at the corner of her lips.

A shuddery exhale leaves her and she pulls away slightly, her wide eyes meeting mine. Both of her arms are slung around my neck and I’ve got my arms around her waist. She’s basically straddling me and she readjusts herself, her ass brushing against my dick, making me hiss in a breath.


“If you tell me you want to stop, we’ll stop. But just know it’ll be the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my fucking life,” I proclaim through gritted teeth.

“I—” She pauses, and I close my eyes, tilting my head back in complete agony. “I don’t want you to stop.”

A feral growl leaves me like I’m a fucking animal and I cup the back of her head, drinking from her lush lips. Her tongue meets mine and I think of that damn romance book and the line she liked so much.

Slow. Searching. Tasting. Learning.

Taking my time, I search her mouth with my tongue. Tasting her. Learning what she likes. Her tongue licks against mine and she scoots closer, her perfect tits crushed against my chest and I wish I could rip my shirt off so I can feel her skin on mine.

This will have to do for now.

I break the kiss first, dipping my head, licking my way down her neck. She tilts her head back, her hands in my hair, her chest heaving. Slowly I run my hand up her side, along her rib cage, my fingers tickling the edge of her sports bra and I’m tempted.

So damn tempted to touch her. Slip my fingers beneath the bra and cup her bare flesh.

I refuse to push her though. To move too fast. This girl needs me to take things slow and I’m going to.

For once in my damn life, I’m going to put someone else’s feelings above mine.

She lowers her head as I pull away, our gazes meeting and I stare at her swollen mouth. Her flushed cheeks. Her still bloodshot eyes.

“Are you okay?” My voice is rough and I clear my throat, trying to calm my racing thoughts.

I want her naked. I want inside her. I want to fuck her hard and make her come all over my cock again and again but I can’t.

I can’t.

She nods, her expression hazy. A little lost. “I’m sorry I cried.”

“I told you that you don’t have to apologize.”

“I feel bad. It’s just—this is a tough time for me.” She presses her lips together, her eyes falling shut for the briefest second. “It’s almost my birthday. In two days.”

Meaning it’s the anniversary of her mother’s death. Shit. That had to have fucked her up somewhat. “You’ll be eighteen?”

Her eyes pop open and she nods, her teeth sinking into her lower lip. “I could’ve almost said eighteen and never been kissed but you just took care of that.”

“That was your first kiss?” I’m incredulous, but then again, I’m not. This girl is untouched. Completely innocent. Sweet as can be.

A jackass like me has no business dirtying her up.

She nods, her chin trembling. I hate how scared she looks. “Was it bad?”

I groan at her question, pulling her in close, my hands locking around the ends of her braids, gathering her hair in my fist and giving it a light tug. “It was perfect.”

You’re perfect, is what I almost say, but I don’t.

“Are you going to celebrate?” I ask after I kiss her soundly, releasing my tight hold on her hair. “Your birthday?”

Daisy shakes her head. “It’s just another day. Sort of a bad day. My father is always so sad on my birthday. It’s hard to celebrate, you know?”

That is so messed up. I’m not him and I have no idea what it’s like to lose the love of my life on the day the child you share was born, but seriously. I would do everything in my power to make it a good day for this girl.

She deserves nothing but the best.

My phone buzzes in the pocket of my shorts and I pull it out to see I have a text from JJ.

Where you at fucker?

Irritated, I shove my phone back in my pocket, leaning against the couch and breathing deep while Daisy remains on my lap, wide-eyed and unsure.

“You’re so fucking pretty, it hurts to look at you,” I tell her and she blinks at me, shocked by my outburst. “What? Don’t look at me like that. You don’t believe me when I say you’re pretty?”

Her lips part. I can practically taste the protest she’s about to give.

“Fuck that,” I rush to say before she speaks. “You’re not pretty, you’re goddamn gorgeous.”


“It’s true, Daze. Look at you right now.” My gaze wanders, touching all over her. “I should go.”

She climbs off my lap in a hurry, keeping her face averted, and when I stand, I reach for her, cupping her chin and forcing her to look at me. I see the hurt in her gaze and I know my abrupt statement is what’s bothering her.

“If I don’t leave now, I can’t be held accountable for what I might do to you if we keep this up,” I admit, my voice low, my gaze locked on hers.

Daisy swallows hard, her shining eyes never straying. “What do you want to do?”

“To you?” I lean in close, my mouth at her ear, my voice harsh when I whisper, “Everything. Every fucking dirty thing your sweet mind can come up with, that’s what I want to do to you, Daze.”

I take a much-needed step back, noting how she trembles.

“And don’t say you’ll let me do whatever I want to you. You’re not ready yet,” I say firmly.


“You’re in a vulnerable spot,” I say, cutting her off. “Just—I’m going to leave. It’s what’s best.”

“Okay,” she whispers.

We walk to the front door together, her trailing behind me, her sadness and confusion palpable. When she reaches around me to unlock the door, I sweep her into my arms and kiss her. Hard. With lots of tongue.

She gives in easily, whimpering into my mouth, her arms coming around my neck and then I’m shoving her away, hating how out of control she makes me feel.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say with all the conviction I can muster because that’s something I can guarantee.

I will see her tomorrow. In class.

And after class too, if I’m lucky.

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