You Said I Was Your Favorite (A Lancaster Prep Novel)

Chapter You Said I Was Your Favorite: Epilogue

Graduation day

“…congratulations to the graduating class of Lancaster Prep!” Headmaster Matthews yells into the microphone, a big grin on his face.

I’d bet good money the only reason he’s smiling is because he’s glad my ass is finally out of here.

Feeling is mutual, Matthews.

We all leap to our feet, tossing our graduation caps into the air, hundreds of them flying, spinning in the sky. I turn to Daisy and haul her into my arms, hugging her tight and she squeezes me right back, her arms around my neck in an almost stranglehold. I pull away slightly, pressing my lips to hers and she kisses me back with just as much intensity, her happiness bleeding into me.

Mine seeping into her.

“Was the speech really okay?” she asks me at one point as we’re wandering around the field, taking endless photos with friends and family and staff members. Viv even took a photo with us, standing in the middle, a giant smile on her face.

I think she believes she somehow had a hand in our getting together and I don’t mind giving her a little credit.

“Your speech was amazing.” I slip my arm around her shoulders, kissing her cheek. “Best valedictorian speech this school has ever seen.”

“Okay, no need to exaggerate.” She rolls her eyes but I can tell she’s pleased. And that’s all I want.

To please my girl. Make her smile. Make her moan.

Whoops. My thoughts just veered into dirty territory, which is a chronic problem, I can’t lie.

“Seriously, Daze. It was perfect. And you did great.” Her voice only a shook a little in the beginning but then she glanced down at me, like she sought me out to give her a little strength and I nodded. Gave her a thumbs up gesture which made her smile and that seemed to take care of her nerves.

People cheered and clapped for her when she was finished and I’ve never seen her look prouder. I was proud too. My girl is smart. Strong. She’s going to do amazing things.

In a year though. After we travel the world together.

Our parents were kind of pissed but eventually, they let up on us and said they couldn’t control us. Even her dad, who is a lot more relaxed now that he’s in a serious relationship with Kathy. When we leave in a week, Kathy is moving into the cottage on campus with Ralph. He’s asked her to marry him. She’s got a diamond on her finger and everything.

I think Daisy is relieved, knowing her dad has someone. Then she doesn’t feel like she’s abandoning him.

My parents like Daisy—fucking shocker because damn, they’re judgmental—and while they weren’t thrilled with our plans at first, they’ve come around. Dad more than Mom, which is what I expected. Mom is just glad I’m talking about attending college next year, which is something I never mentioned before. She also gives Daisy all the credit for mellowing me out and getting me where I need to be on time.

Like today’s graduation ceremony.

“Don’t forget we’re going out for a late lunch,” Dad tells me when we come across him out on the field. “Your mother made the reservation for two-thirty.”

“We’ll be there,” Daisy reassures him, curling her arm through mine. “Right?”

“Definitely,” I say to her.

Dad smiles. “Congrats you two. Enjoy your time out here with your friends.”

“We won’t be late,” Daisy calls as he walks away, smiling up at me once he’s gone. “I need to keep impressing them.”

“They’re already impressed. You can relax.” I kiss her like I can’t help myself, laughing when I hear JJ make a disgusted noise.

We take photos with JJ and Mya, and at one point I spot Cadence in the distance, watching us with envy shining in her gaze. If I could give her the finger I would, but there’s no need to antagonize her further.

I’m glad I’m out of this school and won’t have to see her face every day.

The crowd slowly dwindles and eventually we head for the parking lot, shedding our graduation gowns before we climb into the G Wagon. I reach for a gift bag I left behind the passenger seat and hand it to Daisy, who takes it with wide eyes.

“What’s this?”

“Open it and find out.” I’m trying to be cool but I’m nervous. I want her to like this present, though I don’t know why I’m worried.

She’s going to love it.

Daisy is as slow as my grandma on Christmas morning opening presents. She carefully removes the tissue paper Edie stuffed inside, laughing when she keeps pulling out more and more. Until finally the pale yellow bag is empty save the box sitting at the bottom. She pulls the black velvet box out, staring at it.

“It’s bigger than the box you gave me for my birthday.”

I nod, wishing she’d just open the damn thing.

She slowly cracks the lid open, gasping when she sees what’s inside. “Oh, Arch.”

Tears spring to her eyes and I reach for her, cradling her cheek, smoothing my thumb across her soft skin. “Don’t cry, Daze.”

Her tears get to me. I never want my girl sad.

“It’s just so beautiful.” She reaches for the necklace she’s currently wearing. The one she bought with my initial on it. “But I don’t want to take this off.”

“You can wear both.” I gave her a necklace with a daisy pendant that matches the earrings I gave her for her birthday. I bought it at the same time, knowing even then she’d flip out just over the earrings.

I thought it best to save the necklace for another special occasion. I almost gave it to her for Christmas, but held off. Instead, I took her to that giant bookstore on Fifth and told her she had three minutes to grab as many books as she could and I’d buy them all for her.

The girl is faster than I anticipated. I spent a small fortune on a mountain of books, but I just handed over my credit card with a smile while my girlfriend stood by my side, panting and wiping her hair away from her sweaty face, making conversation with the cashier.

That was a good moment. A fun memory. But this one is good too. Maybe even better.

I’m glad I waited until graduation to give her the necklace.

“I love it so much.” She lifts her gaze to mine, her eyes shiny with tears. “It’s beautiful.”

“You’re beautiful,” I murmur, pulling her into my arms, my mouth finding hers.

We kiss for long, tongue-filled minutes, until the jewelry box falls into my lap, right on my semi-hard dick. I finally break the kiss, pulling away from her, noting how flushed her cheeks are. Her swollen lips. The dazed look in her eyes.

“We should head out soon,” I say, clearing my throat. I hand her the box with the necklace and she takes it, carefully pulling the necklace from within before she holds it out to me.

“Will you put it on me?”

Nodding, I take the necklace and she turns her back to me, lifting her wavy blonde hair so I can stare at her neck. She’s wearing a simple white sundress that exposes her back and shoulders and I can’t wait to get her alone later. We’re staying at a hotel for the night, just the two of us.

If all goes to plan, I’ll be keeping her awake all night long.

I place the chain around her neck, my fingers brushing against her skin, making her shiver. I do the clasp, and she immediately reaches up, her fingers brushing over the white and yellow diamond pendant. She glances at me from her over shoulder, her eyes shining with so much love for me I’m almost overwhelmed.

“It’s so beautiful, Arch.” She turns to face me fully, and I like the way the daisy looks next to my initial. As if we belong together.

Which we do.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“Thank you,” she whispers, leaning in to kiss me again. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I kiss her, my lips still clinging as I murmur, “We should probably go.”

She kisses me over and over, breaking only to say, “We have a few minutes.”

“We’ll probably be late,” I warn her, leaning back to let her crawl over the console and settle in my lap.

Daisy straddles me, her dress riding up, offering me a glimpse of her long legs. “I don’t care. It’s what they expect, right?”

“What about your dad?” He’s going to meet the rest of us for lunch at that Italian restaurant downtown, with Kathy accompanying him. And after that, we’re going to a graduation party.

“He’ll be fine. They’ll love him.” She kisses me again, her lips hungry, her tongue insistent. “I just want to kiss you for a little while longer.”

I rest my hand on her chest, just above her breasts, my fingers toying with the necklaces she’s wearing. “My mom might get annoyed.”

“No, she won’t. She’s used to you being late. Come on, Arch.” She smiles, looking pleased with herself. “Don’t be so uptight.”

“Sounds like something I would’ve said to you, once upon a time,” I tease.

Her mouth rests against mine, breathing me in. “You’ve changed me for the better.”

“You’ve changed me too, Daze.” I kiss one corner of her mouth, then the other. “I think we make each other better.”

“We do,” she says, a sigh leaving her when my hand drops to her breast, kneading her, my thumb rubbing across her nipple, which strains against the fabric of her dress. “Are we really doing this in the school parking lot?”

Her words snap me out of my Daisy-induced spell and I break out into laughter. “Not like Matthews can bust me anymore. What’s he gonna do, kick me out of school?”

“Make you repeat senior year?” she teases, her eyes dancing.

I press my finger against her lips. “Never say that again. Promise?”

She nods, her expression solemn. “Promise,” she says once my finger falls away from her mouth. “You’re my favorite person, Archibald Lancaster.”

I groan, my hands sliding up to cup her face just as our lips meet. Daisy kisses me and I can feel those same words in the way her lips move.

I’m her favorite.

And she’s mine.


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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