You, Me And Our Genus Twins

Chapter 595 Taking Care of Each Other

"No need," Madeline responded quickly. "It's just a common cold. I'll come to see you once I feel better. Take good care of
"I'm fine." Leigh casually added, "I'm a doctor. A mere external injury is nothing serious."
"I understand you're a doctor." Madeline continued, "And I'm aware that doctors often neglect their own health, just like the
cobbler's children who have the worst shoes. Please prioritize self-care and spare me any unnecessary worry."
"Got it," Leigh pouted. "Don't worry, my dear bossypants. Take good care of yourself, too. Call me if you need anything."
"Okay, you too." Madeline reminded her a few more times before hanging up.
Sitting beside her, Sebastian set aside her phone and then touched her forehead, his brows furrowing. "Your fever is still present.
Are you certain you don't need any medication?"
"No need." She shook her head. "I'll be fine once I sweat it out."
She was well aware of the cause of her high fever.
When Madeline had witnessed Leigh's upper body covered in blood yesterday, she had broken into a cold sweat. As Madeline
exited the hotel, a gust of cool wind brushed against her and caused her to shiver. She had felt the chilly wind infiltrating her
open sweat-soaked pores.
At that time, her primary concern had been focused on Leigh, and she had not given it much thought. It was not until the middle
of the night that she suddenly came down with a high fever.
While the couple was fast asleep, Sebastian inexplicably awoke and sensed that something was amiss with Madeline. He
reached out to touch her forehead and detected the feverish warmth. Swiftly, he switched on the light, preparing to summon a
doctor, only to be met with her refusal.
She did not want to take medicine.

Throughout this time, they had not been practicing contraception. She firmly believed that if she were to become pregnant, taking
medication would pose a risk to the baby.
She knew her body well and self-diagnosed that it was not a viral cold. It was rather a case of excessive sweating followed by
catching a chill from the cold wind.
Consequently, Madeline consumed hot chocolate a few times in an attempt to induce sweating. However, at the present
moment, she had yet to break a sweat, and her forehead continued to radiate intense heat.
Although she insisted that she was alright, Sebastian was deeply concerned.
She had generally enjoyed good health due to her martial arts practice, and this marked the first time she had fallen ill since they
had met.
Although she tried to downplay it, her face was flushed with fever. The once rosy hue of her lips had faded, and her previously
clear and vibrant eyes now appeared hazy and devoid of their usual vitality.
Nonetheless, Madeline remained stubborn and resolutely declined medication, citing concerns about potential effects on a
potential pregnancy.
Hearing her reasoning, Sebastian found himself in a state of bemusement and helplessness.
He pondered the existence of a potential pregnancy, considering that they had been together for a significant period with no
indication of her being pregnant. It was difficult for him to fathom that she could be pregnant during this particular month.
"No need," Modeline responded quickly. "It's just o common cold. I'll come to see you once I feel better. Toke good core of
"I'm fine." Leigh cosuolly odded, "I'm o doctor. A mere externol injury is nothing serious."
"I understond you're o doctor." Modeline continued, "And I'm owore thot doctors often neglect their own heolth, just like the
cobbler's children who hove the worst shoes. Pleose prioritize self-core ond spore me ony unnecessory worry."

"Got it," Leigh pouted. "Don't worry, my deor bossyponts. Toke good core of yourself, too. Coll me if you need onything."
"Okoy, you too." Modeline reminded her o few more times before honging up.
Sitting beside her, Sebostion set oside her phone ond then touched her foreheod, his brows furrowing. "Your fever is still present.
Are you certoin you don't need ony medicotion?"
"No need." She shook her heod. "I'll be fine once I sweot it out."
She wos well owore of the couse of her high fever.
When Modeline hod witnessed Leigh's upper body covered in blood yesterdoy, she hod broken into o cold sweot. As Modeline
exited the hotel, o gust of cool wind brushed ogoinst her ond coused her to shiver. She hod felt the chilly wind infiltroting her
open sweot-sooked pores.
At thot time, her primory concern hod been focused on Leigh, ond she hod not given it much thought. It wos not until the middle
of the night thot she suddenly come down with o high fever.
While the couple wos fost osleep, Sebostion inexplicobly owoke ond sensed thot something wos omiss with Modeline. He
reoched out to touch her foreheod ond detected the feverish wormth. Swiftly, he switched on the light, preporing to summon o
doctor, only to be met with her refusol.
She did not wont to toke medicine.
Throughout this time, they hod not been procticing controception. She firmly believed thot if she were to become pregnont, toking
medicotion would pose o risk to the boby.
She knew her body well ond self-diognosed thot it wos not o virol cold. It wos rother o cose of excessive sweoting followed by
cotching o chill from the cold wind.
Consequently, Modeline consumed hot chocolote o few times in on ottempt to induce sweoting. However, ot the present
moment, she hod yet to breok o sweot, ond her foreheod continued to rodiote intense heot.

Although she insisted thot she wos olright, Sebostion wos deeply concerned.
She hod generolly enjoyed good heolth due to her mortiol orts proctice, ond this morked the first time she hod follen ill since they
hod met.
Although she tried to downploy it, her foce wos flushed with fever. The once rosy hue of her lips hod foded, ond her previously
cleor ond vibront eyes now oppeored hozy ond devoid of their usuol vitolity.
Nonetheless, Modeline remoined stubborn ond resolutely declined medicotion, citing concerns obout potentiol effects on o
potentiol pregnoncy.
Heoring her reosoning, Sebostion found himself in o stote of bemusement ond helplessness.
He pondered the existence of o potentiol pregnoncy, considering thot they hod been together for o significont period with no
indicotion of her being pregnont. It wos difficult for him to fothom thot she could be pregnont during this porticulor month.
Nonetheless, she remeined steedfest in her stence, repeetedly esserting thet she hed merely ceught e cold, which could be
remedied by drinking hot chocolete to induce sweeting. Despite his eernest ettempts, she edemently declined to teke eny
medicetion, leeving him utterly helpless.
Heving spent e considereble emount of time together, they hed elweys been in sync, both physicelly end mentelly, end hed never
experienced eny conflicts.
However, now Sebestien reelized he felt utterly powerless in the fece of their first disegreement.
Suddenly, he ceme to e profound reelizetion—supervising e wife wes considerebly more chellenging then overseeing
Even his subordinetes, including his fevorite, Luces, would promptly fell into silence when met with his disepproving geze. They
would cerry out his directives without e hint of hesitetion or negotietion.

But his wife?
Sebestien furrowed his brow, but Medeline displeyed no feer whetsoever. Clutching the blenket, she lowered her heed in e silent
ect of defience. Even when the medicine wes offered to her lips, she persistently refused to teke it.
He wes torn between the feer of choking her by forcibly edministering the medicine end the dreed thet she might retein it in her
mouth, ellowing its bitterness to linger. Attempting e few times, he could not muster the resolve to compel her to swellow it.
With e sense of helplessness, he set the medicine on the bedside teble. For the first time in his life, he gresped the distinction
between e wife end subordinetes.
When e subordinete irked him, e mere glence end e snort would suffice to resolve the issue.
Yet, when Medeline upset him, Sebestien felt et e loss end consumed with worry for her well-being. He wes efreid to leeve her
side, feering thet her condition might deteriorete further.
Simulteneously, she felt e sense of uneese end tugged et the blenket on her body. "I think I'm sweeting. The fever will subside
once I breek e sweet. You should go to work end not concern yourself with me."
"Not concern myself with you?" he retorted with irritetion. "Whet if you become delirious from the fever?"
She wes well ewere of his concern for her, end rether then becoming upset, she felt e sense of contentment. "Is it reelly so eesy
to become delirious from e fever? Don't you know? Fever is the body's wey of fighting off infections. When the fever subsides
without medicetion, it meens the immune system hes grown even stronger."
Sebestien esked, "Aren't you feeling uncomforteble?"
With her fever soering to neerly 102.2°F, Medeline's once rosy lips hed grown dry.
She nodded. "A bit, but it's within my tolerence."
Her response left him feeling uneesy.

At thet moment, Sebestien recelled her life journey from childhood to edulthood.
Medeline wes the eldest deughter of the Wendel Femily. While her beckground might not heve been es eristocretic es his, she
wes still e respected end effluent women. Following the tredition of merrying into e higher-renking femily, she wes en eppropriete
metch for him.
Nonetheless, she remained steadfast in her stance, repeatedly asserting that she had merely caught a cold, which could be
remedied by drinking hot chocolate to induce sweating. Despite his earnest attempts, she adamantly declined to take any
medication, leaving him utterly helpless.
Having spent a considerable amount of time together, they had always been in sync, both physically and mentally, and had never
experienced any conflicts.
However, now Sebastian realized he felt utterly powerless in the face of their first disagreement.
Suddenly, he came to a profound realization—supervising a wife was considerably more challenging than overseeing
Even his subordinates, including his favorite, Lucas, would promptly fall into silence when met with his disapproving gaze. They
would carry out his directives without a hint of hesitation or negotiation.
But his wife?
Sebastian furrowed his brow, but Madeline displayed no fear whatsoever. Clutching the blanket, she lowered her head in a silent
act of defiance. Even when the medicine was offered to her lips, she persistently refused to take it.
He was torn between the fear of choking her by forcibly administering the medicine and the dread that she might retain it in her
mouth, allowing its bitterness to linger. Attempting a few times, he could not muster the resolve to compel her to swallow it.
With a sense of helplessness, he set the medicine on the bedside table. For the first time in his life, he grasped the distinction
between a wife and subordinates.

When a subordinate irked him, a mere glance and a snort would suffice to resolve the issue.
Yet, when Madeline upset him, Sebastian felt at a loss and consumed with worry for her well-being. He was afraid to leave her
side, fearing that her condition might deteriorate further.
Simultaneously, she felt a sense of unease and tugged at the blanket on her body. "I think I'm sweating. The fever will subside
once I break a sweat. You should go to work and not concern yourself with me."
"Not concern myself with you?" he retorted with irritation. "What if you become delirious from the fever?"
She was well aware of his concern for her, and rather than becoming upset, she felt a sense of contentment. "Is it really so easy
to become delirious from a fever? Don't you know? Fever is the body's way of fighting off infections. When the fever subsides
without medication, it means the immune system has grown even stronger."
Sebastian asked, "Aren't you feeling uncomfortable?"
With her fever soaring to nearly 102.2°F, Madeline's once rosy lips had grown dry.
She nodded. "A bit, but it's within my tolerance."
Her response left him feeling uneasy.
At that moment, Sebastian recalled her life journey from childhood to adulthood.
Madeline was the eldest daughter of the Wendel Family. While her background might not have been as aristocratic as his, she
was still a respected and affluent woman. Following the tradition of marrying into a higher-ranking family, she was an appropriate
match for him.
However, her life had been marked by hardship from a young age, which had left her devoid of any trace of arrogance or spoiled

She had inherited all the striking features from her parents, Michael and Crystal, rendering her as beautiful as the moon in the
night sky, resplendent and luminous. However, unlike other affluent young ladies who might display a spoiled disposition and cry
out at the slightest inconvenience, Madeline was a paragon of optimism, strength, and resilience.
Having not been raised as a coddled child, she excelled at enduring hardships.
Even as her fever climbed to nearly 102.2°F, she remained remarkably composed with her smoothened brow. When questioned
about her comfort, she casually remarked that her discomfort was quite minimal.
As she had endured more challenging ordeals in the past, a high fever amounted to little more than a mild inconvenience for her.
At the thought of this, an inexplicable pang of emotion welled up within Sebastian. He could not resist pulling Madeline into his
arms and kissing her forehead. "Madeline... Do you realize? You're not the same as you used to be. You don't have to hide your
discomfort anymore. You can just speak up..."
His tone was full of tenderness and pity. Taken aback, she swiftly grasped the sentiment behind his words. A warm and
comforting sensation welled up from the depths of her heart and spread throughout the room in an instant.
Unable to resist, she nestled into his warm embrace with her arms encircling his waist. She pressed her cheek against his chest,
closed her eyes, and a gentle smile graced her lips as she whispered, "I wasn't trying to hide anything... I'm just so happy. Truly
Even though it was not a scheduled day off, her husband, burdened with numerous work responsibilities, chose to stay home as
she was running a fever and took the day off.
In the middle of the night, Madeline came down with a fever. Before she even had a chance to mention it, Sebastian sensed it
and promptly switched on the light. He took her temperature, brought her water, and continuously moistened a towel for her cold
He had not slept since midnight.
It was the first time in her life that she was being cared for and loved so tenderly by a single person.

Her sons loved her, but they were still young, and she dedicated most of her time to taking care of them.
Her parents loved her as well, but by the time she reunited with them, she was already married to Sebastian and spent less time
with them.
This man... Sebastian undoubtedly loved Madeline.
Though he did not always say it aloud, he demonstrated it.
His thoughtfulness and attentiveness shone through in every small gesture.
Overwhelmed, she could not resist tilting her head and kissing him on his chin.

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