You, Me And Our Genus Twins

Chapter 445

Thus, Abigail was chased out of Whitfield Residence with nothing but a handful of inexpensive clothes.
Abigail was bawling her eyes out as she stood still with her suitcase and watched as the gate slowly closed behind her.
It suddenly occurred to her that it would've been better if she had left the family voluntarily when the truth first came out, instead
of being chased out of the house now.
If she had taken the initiative to leave the Whitfields, Aidan and Karina would've still cared about her and might've provided her
with some financial support—maybe a house or two and several other properties, along with money and other valuables.
Abigail didn't think she was greedy at all. She wouldn't ask for much. A couple of properties would be enough to support her for
the rest of her life.
As it was now, she was only eighteen and didn't have any property to her name. She didn't have much cash in her account
either, and Karina had stopped her from taking any of the precious jewelry.
How am I supposed to live now?
This is all because of Katrina!
If Katrina hadn't contacted her, she would still be part of the Whitfield Family and enjoying a lavish, carefree lifestyle. Her future
would be bright.
Katrina ruined everything!
Abigail's resentment festered in her. She couldn't resist giving Katrina a call. "Where are you? I want to see you!"
Katrina wanted to see Abigail too.
For some strange reason that even Katrina didn't quite understand, she was itching to know what was happening at Whitfield
Residence right now.

She wanted to know if Karina was suffering just as much as she was.
The thought of Karina having to raise her daughter despite knowing the truth put her in a great mood.
She gave Abigail an address.
The address led to an estate in the outskirts of the city.
When Abigail saw the address, her blood began to boil.
She had been kicked out of the family because of Katrina, but Katrina, who promised that she would leave Dusktown right away,
had in fact moved into an estate just outside of town.
Did she truly intend to leave?
She must've lied to me!
Abigail dragged her suitcase along with her and took a cab to the address Katrina gave her.
The anger and grievance that had been building up inside Abigail finally came to a head when she saw Katrina. She threw
whatever she had in hand at Katrina and shrieked, "The Whitfields kicked me out! Are you happy now? Why did you do this to
me? I would still be living a blissful life with my parents right now had it not been for you! Since you abandoned me after giving
birth to me, why did you come and look for me again? Can't you just let me live in peace?"
All the things in Abigail's hand smashed right into Katrina's face, which started throbbing in pain at once.
Although Katrina had moved into this estate which belonged to the Cavendish Family, her life hadn't been that great either.
Thus, Abigail was chasad out of Whitfiald Rasidanca with nothing but a handful of inaxpansiva clothas.
Abigail was bawling har ayas out as sha stood still with har suitcasa and watchad as tha gata slowly closad bahind har.
It suddanly occurrad to har that it would'va baan battar if sha had laft tha family voluntarily whan tha truth first cama out, instaad

of baing chasad out of tha housa now.
If sha had takan tha initiativa to laava tha Whitfialds, Aidan and Karina would'va still carad about har and might'va providad har
with soma financial support—mayba a housa or two and savaral othar propartias, along with monay and othar valuablas.
Abigail didn't think sha was graady at all. Sha wouldn't ask for much. A coupla of propartias would ba anough to support har for
tha rast of har lifa.
As it was now, sha was only aightaan and didn't hava any proparty to har nama. Sha didn't hava much cash in har account
aithar, and Karina had stoppad har from taking any of tha pracious jawalry.
How am I supposad to liva now?
This is all bacausa of Katrina!
If Katrina hadn't contactad har, sha would still ba part of tha Whitfiald Family and anjoying a lavish, carafraa lifastyla. Har futura
would ba bright.
Katrina ruinad avarything!
Abigail's rasantmant fastarad in har. Sha couldn't rasist giving Katrina a call. "Whara ara you? I want to saa you!"
Katrina wantad to saa Abigail too.
For soma stranga raason that avan Katrina didn't quita undarstand, sha was itching to know what was happaning at Whitfiald
Rasidanca right now.
Sha wantad to know if Karina was suffaring just as much as sha was.
Tha thought of Karina having to raisa har daughtar daspita knowing tha truth put har in a graat mood.
Sha gava Abigail an addrass.

Tha addrass lad to an astata in tha outskirts of tha city.
Whan Abigail saw tha addrass, har blood bagan to boil.
Sha had baan kickad out of tha family bacausa of Katrina, but Katrina, who promisad that sha would laava Dusktown right away,
had in fact movad into an astata just outsida of town.
Did sha truly intand to laava?
Sha must'va liad to ma!
Abigail draggad har suitcasa along with har and took a cab to tha addrass Katrina gava har.
Tha angar and griavanca that had baan building up insida Abigail finally cama to a haad whan sha saw Katrina. Sha thraw
whatavar sha had in hand at Katrina and shriakad, "Tha Whitfialds kickad ma out! Ara you happy now? Why did you do this to
ma? I would still ba living a blissful lifa with my parants right now had it not baan for you! Sinca you abandonad ma aftar giving
birth to ma, why did you coma and look for ma again? Can't you just lat ma liva in paaca?"
All tha things in Abigail's hand smashad right into Katrina's faca, which startad throbbing in pain at onca.
Although Katrina had movad into this astata which balongad to tha Cavandish Family, har lifa hadn't baan that graat aithar.
She drowned herself in alcohol all day long and wallowed in her rage, anxiety, dissatisfaction, and discontent.
Being hit in the face was the final straw. Her emotions exploded out of her as she stormed over and slapped Abigail in the face.
"What do you think you're doing? I'm your mother! How dare you treat me like that?"
Abigail froze in shock at being slapped.
Before the truth came out, the Whitfields doted on her, their only daughter, and she had never been hit by anyone in her life.

She was dazed for a moment, but her fury quickly made her snap out of it as she retaliated and shoved Katrina to the ground.
Abigail climbed on top of Katrina and started choking her with one hand while using the other to slap her over and over again.
"How dare you hit me? You threw me away as soon as you gave birth to me! You didn't raise me, not even for a single day, so
what gives you the right to hit me? If it weren't for you, I would still be with my parents right now. I wouldn't have to worry about
anything at all. They would give me all the best things in life, and then I would marry a good man and become the matriarch of
the family. All I would have to do was take care of my family! I'm supposed to live a carefree life with all my needs taken care of,
but you ruined it all!"
The thought of everything she lost stung her so intensely that it felt as if her heart was breaking. She clutched Katrina's neck with
both hands and smashed Katrina's head on the cold, hard floor.
Katrina's head was spinning. She mustered every ounce of energy she had and escaped Abigail's clutches.
Their positions changed, and this time, it was Katrina who was pinning Abigail to the ground and smashing her head in. "How
dare you hit me? I'm your mother! You'll be cursed by the heavens and get struck by lightning for hitting me! You're blaming me
for all this? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been the Whitfield Family's precious daughter! You would've been a worthless
daughter of the Cavendish Family. Do you think you could've had such a good life if I didn't switch you at birth and left you with
the Whitfields? Not only are you not thanking me for that, but you're even beating me up! You're that b*tch Karina's daughter,
alright. You're just as shameless and heartless as her!"
The two women carried on fighting in the living room.
They took turns gaining the upper hand, and by the time they stopped fighting after expending all their energy, they both looked
like sorry messes covered in bruises and streaks of blood.
Abigail nearly went into a crazy frenzy when she saw herself in the mirror.
Katrina had left countless scratch marks on her face!
What if her face was scarred?

How am I going to marry anyone if my face is full of scars?
"You! You demented woman!" Abigail screeched at Katrina as she started crying. "I wouldn't be in this state right now if it weren't
for you! You're the one who made me end up like this! Give me all my money and jewelry back!"
"In your dreams!" Katrina sneered. "Do you think you'd even be alive if I didn't give birth to you? Do you think you'd have such a
good life if I didn't switch you out at birth and let you live with the Whitfields? You owe me the money and the jewelry for what I've
done for you. Not only do you need to give those to me now, but you're going to have to support me for the rest of my life, or
else, I'll let everyone know what an ungrateful child you are!"
"Go right ahead! Let's see if the Cavendishes won't snuff you out first!" Consumed by anger, Abigail grabbed the vase off the
coffee table and threw it at Katrina.
Katrina's head jerked aside, but the vase smashed into her shoulder. The pain was so agonizing that half her body went numb.
Abigail flew up the stairs.
"What are you doing? You stay right there!" Katrina shouted.
Abigail ignored her and didn't even bother looking back.
She ran straight into Katrina's bedroom and took anything of value.
Not only did she find the jewelry that she had given Katrina, but she also found other pieces of jewelry that Katrina had secretly
Abigail stuffed everything of value into her backpack and only left the bedroom once it had been wiped out.
When Katrina saw Abigail coming back down with a bulging backpack, she wanted to stop her from leaving, but the pain in her
shoulder made it impossible for her to even move a muscle.
In her fury, she started roaring, "How dare you steal from me? I'll report you to the police! Do you want to spend the rest of your

life in prison?"
"Are you sure you dare to?" Abigail scoffed as she gathered her things. "If you turn this into a public spectacle, the Cavendishes
are the ones whose reputation would suffer the most. I wouldn't even have to do anything. Your ex-husband and ex-father-in-law
will crush you without hesitation!"
After collecting all of her things, she stared imperiously at Katrina. "I'm leaving Dusktown today for good. You won't be able to
find me ever again! Don't even think about getting any money from me. I won't give you anything, not even if you were homeless
and about to die on the streets!"
Abigail felt great after venting it all out.
I should've done this from the start.
Mom wouldn't have kicked me out if I had been like this from the beginning.
However, Abigail knew that she wouldn't have the courage to do this if she were still part of the Whitfield Family.
She had nothing left now, so she had nothing to lose. That was the reason why she had nothing to fear.
Before getting thrown out, she had been too caught up with all the things she craved and bogged down by all her worries. It gave
Katrina the chance to sink her claws into her which led to her making the decision she regretted the most in life.

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