You Cultivate, I Farm

Chapter 10

The rental for the spiritual field in the courtyard was five spirit stones per month, paid every half-year, and it was less than a month until the next payment.

With nearly half of the spirit stones about to be spent and several spiritual plants in the field still not fully matured, Lu Xuan decided to save them for a rainy day.

The spiritual field was already maximized in use. Even if he had enough spirit stones, there was no space to plant new species. Thus, he returned home with over fifty spirit stones.

Once home, he closed the courtyard gate, almost isolating himself from the outside world, solely focusing on nurturing the spiritual plants.

Days passed, and the silver-white fruits on the two Lunar Erosion Trees became increasingly round and full, resembling successive full moons hanging from the branches.

They were nearing maturity.

Lu Xuan took a moment to count them—there were around forty-two Lunar Erosion Fruits on the tree.

Based on his understanding of the purchase price, each Lunar Erosion Fruit was roughly equivalent to one spirit stone, with slight fluctuations.

Due to his careful cultivation during this time, most of the Lunar Erosion Fruits seemed to be of good quality, with only a few being top-notch.

"Little Uncle Lu, are you home?"

One day, a familiar childish voice sounded from outside the courtyard.

Lu Xuan opened the gate, and a child of about seven, resembling Zhang Hong who had ventured into the wilderness, squeezed through the crack. Judging by the facial features, he was Zhang Xiu Yuan, Zhang Hong's child, who, due to their close age, often sneaked into Lu Xuan's place.

"I thought you weren't home! You've been shutting yourself in every day, and I haven't seen you in ages!"

Zhang Xiu Yuan grumbled and bounced towards the Grass Puppet, embracing it tightly.

"Little Grass, I've missed you so much!"

The Grass Puppet was tightly hugged by him. Sensing an outsider in the courtyard, it still extended a gray grass rope toward Lu Xuan, fulfilling its duty of guarding the spiritual field.

"Alright, alright, squeezing your little friend so hard might make its head fall off."

Lu Xuan chuckled as he observed the Grass Puppet, noticing the imminent shedding of the gray grass lump on its head, and addressed the particularly enthusiastic Zhang Xiu Yuan.

The two went back inside the house.

Zhang Xiu Yuan slumped onto a wooden chair, staring blankly at the spiritual plants in the courtyard.

"It's so much more comfortable here with you, Little Uncle Lu. No need for cultivating techniques or learning about various spiritual medicines and minerals."

Lu Xuan chuckled softly, as if seeing a child in his past worrying about studying.

"By the way, has your father sent any messages while he's been away?"

He asked Zhang Xiu Yuan.

"How could that happen so quickly? The journey alone takes half a month!"

"But my dad is so powerful; he'll definitely be able to kill many, many monsters and bring back lots and lots of treasures for me."

Zhang Xiu Yuan's eyes gleamed with anticipation. In a young boy's heart, a father's figure always seemed especially tall, capable of weathering any storm.

Lu Xuan nodded, chatting a bit more with the child before heading to the spiritual field to check on the growth of the plants.

In the spiritual field, whether it was progress bars, real-time statuses, or the appearance of white light orbs upon maturity, only Lu Xuan could see them. Thus, he wasn't worried that Zhang Xiu Yuan would notice anything odd about the spiritual field.

"Little Uncle Lu, you seem so busy in the spiritual field. Do you want me to help?"

After resting for a while, Zhang Xiu Yuan, seeing Lu Xuan constantly busy, rolled up his sleeves and approached him.

"Hey hey hey, don't move. I can manage by myself."

Lu Xuan quickly stopped him, half-jokingly mentioning that one factor affecting the rewards of the light orbs was his level of involvement in the planting process.

If Zhang Xiu Yuan helped and that affected the generous rewards of the light orbs, it wouldn't be worth it.

"Hmph, my mom always asks me to help, and I don't feel like it!"

Zhang Xiu Yuan, refused by Lu Xuan, couldn't hide the disappointment on his face. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, huffed, and left.

"How many meridians did you cultivate today? Have you memorized the common spiritual medicines and minerals?"

Lu Xuan asked as the boy lingered in the spiritual field without any intention of leaving.

With each question, Zhang Xiu Yuan's expression grew increasingly solemn. Once Lu Xuan finished, he waved his hands fiercely and ran out.

"I'm never coming to play with you again!"


Lu Xuan laughed heartily.

He didn't go after him, fully aware that the child's temper flared up and subsided quickly. It wouldn't be long before he came back to play.

For the next three days, Zhang Xiu Yuan indeed didn't come into the courtyard. Lu Xuan was at ease, nurturing the Firefly Grass and the Crimson Cloud Pine, watching the Lunar Erosion Fruits ripen step by step.

Finally, with concentrated focus, Lu Xuan realized that four Lunar Erosion Fruits had fully ripened.

All four Lunar Erosion Fruits were of good quality, rewarding his careful attention during this time.

He carefully picked them and placed them in a specially made container.

Then, his attention was drawn to the four white light orbs floating above the Lunar Erosion Tree.

There were twinkling specks of white light on the orbs.

Lu Xuan absorbed the first one, and a thought flashed through his mind.

"Harvested one Lunar Erosion Fruit, obtained a first-grade artifact—Fractured Silver Blade (Damaged)."

An elongated object appeared in Lu Xuan's hand.

"A first-grade artifact!"

Lu Xuan was suddenly astonished as he examined the object closely.

A thin, irregularly shaped piece, as thick as a finger, with an exceptionally sharp edge where it touched, giving a chilling sensation. Lu Xuan's spiritual awareness controlled the slender piece, and with a thought, it turned into an almost invisible silver light, deeply embedding into the stone wall.

"Incredible power! Truly a first-grade artifact! But what does this 'Damaged' mean?"

"Is this artifact incomplete? But it feels quite formidable to use..."

Lu Xuan wondered, looking at the remaining three white light orbs.

"Harvested one Lunar Erosion Fruit, obtained a first-grade artifact—Fractured Silver Blade (Damaged)."

"Harvested one Lunar Erosion Fruit, obtained a first-grade talisman—Purification Talisman."

"Harvested one Lunar Erosion Fruit, obtained a first-grade artifact—Fractured Silver Blade (Damaged)."

The Purification Talisman could keep a practitioner's mind clear for an extended period, safeguarding against malevolent influences, serving as a valuable auxiliary talisman.

As for the other two white light orbs...

Lu Xuan stared at the three silver-white thin pieces in his hand, momentarily puzzled.contemporary romance

The three pieces were all different in shape, but they shared extreme sharpness, tarnishing the reputed name of a first

-grade artifact.

Moreover, Lu Xuan was surprised to discover that he could actually control these three pieces of the Fractured Silver Blade simultaneously.

In theory, with his current third-level Qi training and spiritual awareness, controlling three first-grade artifacts simultaneously was incredibly challenging.

"Could it be that these three irregular pieces come from the same artifact? Only when all the pieces are combined, it becomes the complete Fractured Silver Blade?"

Comparing the edges of the pieces, Lu Xuan felt this speculation was getting closer to reality.

"I just wonder, how many pieces are needed to assemble a complete Fractured Silver Blade."

"Now, I hope the remaining thirty-eight Lunar Erosion Fruits yield as many pieces of the Fractured Silver Blade as possible."

"Even though the pieces are useful, who would want a fragmented one?"

Lu Xuan pondered while gazing at the Lunar Erosion Fruits suspended like jade plates on the Lunar Erosion Tree.


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