You Call This a Gift?

Chapter 24: Jonah

After talking with Anna, I ran back to my cabin to meet the guys. I pushed open the cabin door and they all sat controllers in hand playing already. I grabbed one and started playing the next round with them. We played for a few hours. When we finished, I went to my room for some alone time. I sat on my bed and grabbed my phone to see if I had any texts or missed calls. Text from Mom, “Hope you’re having fun! Love you! Miss you!” and the same exact text from Dad as if Mom sent them both. A text from my friend Joe from school, “Dude, where have you disappeared to all summer, bored out of my mind over here?” And finally a text from Lorraine, “Hey, we’re having a movie night. Come over at seven… maybe we will even let you sit by Anna *wink, wink, wink*.” I shook my head laughing and replied, “See ya later.”

Seven couldn’t come quick enough. The thought of sitting close to her while watching a movie excited me. Would she hold my hand or lean in close? I knew she wouldn’t because she didn’t feel that way about me.

I made my way to the girls’ cabin, bag of chips in hand. When I got there, Kenna was curled up at the end of the couch with Bradley, Lorraine snug with her boyfriend, Sable and Anna sitting together on the other end.

“Hey, guys,” I said while placing the chips on the table.

Everyone said “hi” and I caught a smile on Anna’s face. Sable jumped up and moved to the other side of Anna giving me the perfect place to sit.

“Is this seat free?” I asked Anna with a wink.

“All yours,” she replied.

They picked a horror movie, Saw. I watched Anna’s face as the movie played hoping there would be a time when she got scared and reached out for me, but so far, nothing. I jumped at a few jump scares, but she never moved. It amazed me how strong she actually was. Seemed as though nothing in the world could scare her. Kenna sat with Bradley’s arm clutched close against her jumping or screaming every few minutes. Lorraine had turned her face in on her boyfriend’s arm so she was no longer watching. Sable sat knees to her chest balancing a bowl of popcorn on top. She watched eyes full anticipating anything that was to come. I looked back to Anna who seemed to be blinking to keep herself awake. I nudged her with my shoulder.

“Are you awake?” I asked smirking.

“Yea, I’m wide awake. What do you mean?” she asked nudging me back.

“Just checking,” I replied while fixing my attention back on the TV.

I opened my eyes to the play screen repeating its song begging you to press play. I moved to reach for the remote to turn it off and noticed Anna’s head leaning on my shoulder. I didn’t want to wake her, so I sat back slowly moving my arm to her back and letting her head fall onto my chest. I looked around and Lorraine and her boyfriend were gone, Sable was gone, and Kenna and Bradley were asleep on the other side of the couch. I looked back and noticed Bradley wasn’t actually asleep.

“Hey, can you shut that off?” I whispered to him.

“Uh, yea, sure, no problem!” he whispered back.

He slid out from under Kenna letting her fall back in place on the couch. The repeating song finally stopped and my brain began to relax. I picked up my phone and looked at the time.

“Dude, it’s 9:30! We missed curfew,” I whispered into the room again.

“Oh crap! time to go,” he called out.

I watched as he grabbed his things and shoved them into his pockets. He carefully picked up Kenna and carried her down the hall to her bed, I assumed. He tiptoed back down the hall to the door.

“Are you coming, man?” he asked while holding the door open.

“I’ll be out in a few minutes. I don’t want to move her yet,” I replied looking down at her peacefully sleeping face. I checked my phone and saw that it was now 10 pm. I’d be in so much trouble if I was caught here this late. Maybe I can stay and sneak out early before the counselors are awake.

She yawned the cutest yawn I’d ever heard and moved her hand below her face. I felt shivers roll down my body like when you take a cold drink and feel it move throughout you. I fought the urge to sleep and continued watching her. She was so beautiful, so peaceful, so unaware of my urge to be with her.

I opened my eyes and saw the light beaming through the window. I grabbed my phone scared to see the time. It was only 5 am; I still had time to go. I noticed that we were now lying flat on the couch side by side her head still on my chest and arm draped across me. My arm was on a pillow, but beneath her back. I carefully pulled my arm out and swiftly moved from beneath her. I was one foot out the door ready to go. I looked back at her lying there. I hoped she wouldn’t know that I stayed and that we were that close. I took one last look and closed the door behind me.

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