You Call This a Gift?

Chapter 16: Annalisia

Other than Kenna being sad after seeing her grandfather, today had been a pretty good day, which was much needed after yesterday’s record. I stood still at the edge of the wood’s enjoying the breeze this beautiful day had brought. The sun shimmered down painting the area with dancing shadows. I glanced into the woods debating if I wanted to go for a walk through. The breeze hit me once again and I decided a nature walk might be mentally therapeutic. I pushed my way through some bushes and stepped into the forest taking in a deep inhale to smell all the surrounding smells. I loved the smell of wild flowers and pine. A smile started slowly forming on my face. I walked into an open area and spun around in circles taking it all in. I started thinking about Jonah. “You know he’s really not that bad of a guy,” I thought. My smile began widening. “Maybe I kinda like him a bit.” I giggled to myself.

A warm heat fluttered through my body. Soon, that warm heat turned to a blistering pain. My skin felt as if I had been thrown into a fire. I clenched my teeth in pain grabbing the nearest tree for stability. “Why does this keep happening?” I wondered anxiously. My fingers began to tingle with a pulsating electricity like it had before. I stretched both hands out in front of me wiggling my fingers all the way. The strangest feeling came crashing over me like a wave. I gripped my eyes closed. It felt as if I left my body for a moment. Everything stopped. I was no longer under the agony of burning pain, no longer a tingling sensation in my fingers, I felt perfectly fine.

“Strange,” I thought while opening my eyes. I screamed leaving my jaw hanging to the floor. The trees had more than multiplied in size, and the grass was a tad taller than me. I slowly, full of panic, glanced down at myself. I screamed again, which sounded more as a squeak. I peered down at my newly furry fingers, which had very long curved nails poking out from under the fur. I turned gazing over my shoulder to see a huge fluffy gray tail popping out of my back. “I’m a freaking squirrel?!” I screamed releasing more squeaks. “How the heck did this happen and how on earth do I become me again?” I wondered perplexed and frightened.

I ran out of the woods and started towards my cabin. I hoped the girls would be able to help. I noticed that the door was, unfortunately, closed. I looked down at my tiny hands realizing I wouldn’t be able to open it. I peered around and noticed the kitchen window was open. The blue and white polka dot curtains wiggled in the breeze. I thought about how to get up there. I realized I was a squirrel, which meant I could most likely climb. I ran to the window and sat gazing up at the long distance from the ground to the window. I tried to grab the wall and climb, but I continued slipping back down. I glanced around thinking of what to do. I ran a few feet away wiggled my little nose and ran full force to the cabin wall. I jumped as much as my tiny body would allow digging my nails into the wall to help propel me upwards.

I plopped onto the window sill peering around the kitchen. I heard a scream and watched as Kenna jumped up from the table sending her cereal crashing over.

“Eww, Eww, Eww, rabies! Get away shoo!” Kenna screamed in panic.

Sable came running from the living room to see what Kenna was screaming about. “Awe look she’s a little cutie,” she said smiling.

I jumped down to the ground and ran towards them. Sable now joined Kenna in screaming with, “Never mind! Not cute! Not cute!” Both girls took off running down the hall. I continued running after them. They made their way into the bathroom and I followed.

“It’s an evil stalking squirrel!” Kenna yelled.

I had them cornered. I needed help desperately. “Guys, it’s me!” I moaned wishing for words to exit my lips. The only sound filling the room were squeaks and mottled screams. I ran towards Kenna jumping and climbing up on her shoulder. She screamed utterly terrified and threw me off where I smacked into the door before making contact with the floor.

“Kenna, be careful. We can’t hurt the poor thing, even if it is evil,” Sable pleaded.

I let out little whines, as the door had really hurt my arm. I decided I would have to look for help elsewhere. I began making my way to the exit, when I felt that overwhelming heat hit my body once again. Thankfully, this time it was significantly less painful. I groaned while closing my little squirrel eyes. I sat perfectly still, other than the occasional nose wiggle hoping for it to pass. I got that weird feeling leaving my body for half a second and immediately heard screams echoing behind me.

“Oh my gosh, Anna!” screamed Kenna.

“You were the squirrel?!” yelled Sable.

I opened my eyes to see all ten fingers were fur-free. I glanced over my shoulder overjoyed to see my tail had left as well. “I’m me again,” I thought happily. I remembered the girls who were standing behind me in shock. I swung around stating, “Guys, you will never believe what just happened to me!” I started laughing, maybe from confusion, maybe from fear, I’m not sure, but I laughed and laughed. They made eye contact with each other, picked their jaws up off the ground, and stared at me in shock.

“What…..the…..heck….,” Kenna slowly released.

“I haven’t got a clue,” I said in all honesty.

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