You Broke Me First Phoenix Mountain Series Book 3

Chapter 24


I know it’s completely lame and cliché, but screw it. I’m romancing my girl Ok?

We had been helping Peter search the various places he scoped out for the last week and a half. We thought we had something at the edge of the volcano, but it just turned out to be some part of ship. Nothing special about it.

After the strike outs, I decided Sam and I needed to take some time for ourselves and what better way to do that then a sunset walk on the beach.

Hey, I said it was cheesy. Shut up.

Our feet are in the surf. We're carrying our shoes. Walking hand in hand. Just taking in the sight of the sun setting. The sky slowly turning a rainbow of blues, purples, reds and oranges.

“Will it always be like this?” She asks.

I scrunch my face. “Oh yeah. Just…a little less impressive. But I can make desert watering holes romantic.” I look at her and smile.

“That’s not what I meant.” She giggles and smiles back. “I meant you and I. Like this. We've changed so much. I’m almost scared that someday it might change back.”

I stop her and stitch my brows together. “Are you actually suggesting that one day I’ll turn back to a that guy who drank way too much and basically wanted to sleep with anything that had two legs and a pretty smile?” I arch a brow.

“No.” She says as she shrugs. “Just, you know…”

“Come here!” I growl.

I grab her waist and spin her around as she squeals.

“There is absolutely no way I’ll be that guy ever.” I say still holding her off the ground. “Not while I’m crazy in love with you.” I tickle her nose with mine.

“You promise?” She asks.

“Cross my heart, my future Luna.” I grin.

“Good. I promise too.” She kisses the tip of my nose.

“What do you promise?” I ask as I enjoy how the sunset makes her big, brown eyes sparkle.

“I promise to never be that person I was before. It’s really new beginnings for us. Fresh start.” She smiles.

“Exactly.” I smile back.

We melt into a kiss as the waves crash around my ankles.

Then I’m slammed in the back of the thighs with a big wave that makes me lose my balance.

“OH SHIT!” I shout as I go down taking Sam with me.

We both go under until the wave recedes with me landing on top of her.

I spit out water and Sam does too. I start to laugh and Sam lets out a full, beautiful belly laugh.

I move a lock of wet, sand covered hair out of her face.

“When we get home, I’m going to treat you like the Queen you deserve to be.” I whisper through a smile.

“Just a Queen?” The corner of her mouth ticks up as she wipes some sand off my cheek.

I look up briefly and chuckle. “Well. You’ll still be my raging hot sex kitten, but I’ll worship you while I’m tossing you around and doing extremely dirty things to you over and over.” I smirk and bounce my brows.

She laughs. “I guess not everything’s changed. You’re dirty thoughts are still there.”

“But they’re only for you, baby.” I give her a kiss. “Only for you.”


With the sea air and the romantic walk, we went home and made mad, messy, but passionate love until the wee hours of the morning.

I should have been sore, but I was the most relaxed I had ever been in my life.

I woke to the sun just past dawn. I stretched and Sam was on her side. I rolled and kissed her back.

She stirred a bit then rolled onto her stomach.

I’ll let her sleep.

I got up, threw on some sleep pants and made some coffee in the little kitchenette in our room.

After having a shower, I stop to bask in the beauty of my Luna before grabbing a cup and walking to the door to our balcony.

I walk out and give another stretch. Breathing in the salt air and enjoying the sun coming up.

I place a hand on my hip and lift my cup to my lips.

In the middle of my sip something falls beside me with a soft thud and lands on the balcony. I stop, not moving my cup.

I turn my eye to the side and look down. I lower my cup and get a better look.

On my balcony is a t shirt and shorts. A pair of sandals follows just after.

My mouth goes small as I slowly look up at balcony above us.

I turn to the side when I see two dangling legs.

The legs fall and land on the clothes. My eyes follow the body they’re attached to.

Peter stands up straight, breathing heavy and in a weird panic. Wearing only his boxers.

“Pete? What the hell?!” I flick my head from the upper balcony to him.

“No time…” He pants.

He quickly throws his shorts and t shirt on.

Grabbing his shoes, he rushes into our room.

“Peter!” I call after him.

Sam wakes with a yelp. Covering herself when she saw Peter.

He turns to me. “If Titus asks, you never saw me."

“What the fuck?” I say. Holding out my arms.

“Thanks, buddy.” He taps my chest and grins.

He turns to the door. “Hey, Sam.” He waves.

He throws open the door and checks the hall. He looks back. “Bye.” He closes the door.

I run to the door and open it. Peter jogs down the hall. He lets out a ‘Woo!’ and turns to the elevators.

I look at Sam. “What the hell?”

She shakes her head and shrugs.

I stick my head back out with complete confusion on my face.

Whoever that was, that was not Peter Castile.


As much as I would love to track Peter down and grill him with the billions of questions I have, it’s Sam’s trial day and we have to focus.

Titus collected us and we met up with Zander and Brody.

I hold Sam’s hand as we proceed to the second floor of the tower.

We walk to a set of gold doors with blue inlays.

Titus strides to the doors and pushes them open with a commanding force.

We walk in and the room is large and round. The roof is domed with various paintings of sea creatures and gods.

There’s two sections of audience seating on either side of the aisle we’re walking down that are empty.

Straight ahead is a large table. Nine men sit at it with a spot in the middle. Titus walks behind the men and takes his place at the empty chair.

All of them look very young.

We are led to the main floor in front of the table. There’s a table with three chairs.

Zander, Sam and I take those seats while Brody stands behind us with arms crossed.

I feel Sam’s hand start to sweat and I can see the worry on her face.

I lean to her. “It’ll be fine. I promise.”

She glances at me and nods.

A man with brown slightly long hair leans around the men beside him to Titus. “Is this the witch?”

“Objection!” I bark.

Titus leans forward. “Alpha Bourne. There are no objections here.”

“OK. How about get your facts straight? She’s not a witch.” I scowl.

Zander leans to me. “Watch your tone.” He hisses quietly.

I glare at him.

“She’s not?” A man with long red hair arches a brow.

“No.” Zander answers. “Her powers were stripped by Azriel. The High Sorcerer of the Circle.”

Another man, with short black hair, folds his hands on the table. “The Circle. Which practices magic. The same Circle the witch is a member of.”

I lean back in my chair and throw my hand up. “Stop calling her a witch. Her name is Samantha.” I grit.

“Darcy.” Zander snaps.

I shake my head.

The man nods. “Apologies. Samantha.”

Sam sits up. “Yes, council member…”

“Please. Call me Echo.” He says.

“Echo. Yes, I am an active member of the circle as Azriels apprentice. We do not practice witchcraft.”

“So. Explain yourself.”

“Its true I was born a naturally selected witch. Azriel tried to suppress the spot where my powers came from. Unfortunately, Sterling Black broke the spell and my witch powers were freed. During my time with Sterling, I did use my powers as they slowly consumed me. Sterling gave me the raven powers as well.”

Sam shifted in her seat and I gave her hand a squeeze. “it’s true I caused much pain and suffering. Even took lives. For that, I will never forgive myself. But this incident…council members please believe me. I didn’t know what I was doing. I had only used my raven powers once before this. I certainly couldn’t have known about the Heart of Atlas. It was a great mistake. I apologize for the offense and promise to never do it again.”

“You broke a very sacred law. One punishable by death.” Another member says. The name plate in front of him says Alpha Adrian Bower.

“I know. All I can say is sorry. It was completely by accident, I swear.” Sam repeats.

Echo looks at us. “We acknowledge the…mistake. What’s concerning is the next one.”

Sam’s eyed widen. “There won’t be. I have no intention…”

Titus raises his hand. “You can say that. The question is whether we believe it or not.”

Zander leans on the table. “You have my word, Titus.”

“Zander. Your word is about as good as hers.” Titus tilts his head to him.

“You don’t know us well enough to say that!” I motion my hand to him.

Titus leans back and crosses his arms. “You’re right. We don’t. Hence our distrust.”

“Will you shut up!” Zander growls at me.

He sighs and shakes his head. “Titus. What happened was a reflex to the treatment Sam was receiving when having her powers stripped. The pain caused it. Not her. I assure you, she will not use her raven powers maliciously.”

Titus leans left and right. The table whispers and confers.

I sit with Sam’s hand in my lap. I’m stroking it with my thumb to keep her calm. Really, I’m trying desperately trying to keep myself calm. These assholes don’t know my Sam at all. They’re just judging her on her past and that pisses me off.

I stand. “Titus.” I lean on the table with my hands.

“Darcy! Sit down!” Zander orders.

I turn my head to him. “No, Zan. I have something I need to get off my chest.”

Echo puts up his hand. “Let him speak.”

Zander huffs and sits back.

I stand straight. “I know you don’t know Sam like I do. But trust me, even though she did what she did, she’s a way better person than I ever was. She’s sweet and kind. She’d give her life to protect you. Hell, she saved me and let me tell you, there’s was zero hope for me.”

I look to all the eyes staring at me. “None of this would of happened if it wasn’t for me and my actions. I did things that led Sam to this. So if anyone should go to jail, it should be me. Despite what I did though, Sam forgave me. I think you can too.”

I sit back down.

“Darcy, what are you doing?” Sam whispers. I wave her down and place a finger to my lips.

The council confers some more.

Titus stands. “We need to have private deliberations. Despite your declarations, Alpha, the crime is just to severe. If you would please leave the room…”

“Your highness!”

We all turn as a warrior burst into the room.

“Yes, what is it?” Titus says.

The warrior kneels then stands. “Ravens…outside the city.”

Titus throws his arm out. “READY THE ARMIES! THEY MUST NOT ENTER THE CITY!” He yells in a very deep loud voice that reverberates off the walls.

She bows and leaves the room.

The other Alphas all follow. Titus comes to the table. “Go back to your rooms.” He grinds.

Zander stands. “Titus. We can help fight.”

He looks at us. His jaw ticks and he looks like he’s fighting with himself.

He reluctantly nods and leaves. We all follow him out to help fight to keep Atlas from falling to the Ravens.

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