You Broke Me First Phoenix Mountain Series Book 3

Chapter 12


I don’t know where this is going, but I’ll go along with it. He’s forgiven me for now, we’ll see how long that lasts.

I don’t fully trust him. I spent years in the trail of wreckage he’s left behind himself and now that my spells are lifted, he’s free to be roaming dog self.

I’m on magical lockdown except for my protector duties, for the next three months. Azriel was pretty pissed. I can totally understand. The main code of the protectors circle is you never kill unless you have to, never mess with the dead and never mess with hearts of men. All of these lead to dark, evil places. I’ll take my punishment. I deserve more, but Azriel has a hard time being fair and unbiased when it comes to his apprentice.

I’m sure I’ll suffer the wrath of my fellow protectors for a while. Craig hasn’t spoken to me in weeks. Which hurts because he’s my best friend and now he looks at me with disgust.

Darcy has been a wonderful distraction from my troubles. He can be a real romantic when he tries and he does try.

“How much farther?” I ask.

I can’t see a thing, because he’s covered my eyes with a blind fold.

He’s guiding me. “A few more steps…”

He stops me and lifts the blindfold.

My jaw goes slack and my eyes widen. “Darcy…” I breathe.

He leans his head to my ear. “You like it?”

“I..I don’t know what to say.” I look at him shocked. It’s gorgeous.

He leans to my lips. “You don’t have to say a word.” He smiles and turns away

I look at the oasis covered in flickering candles. A blanket spread on the sand with food and wine.

He pulls out his phone. “Can’t forget music.” He hits play.

‘Making Memories Of Us' by Keith Urban plays.

He holds out his hand. “Dance with me.”

I take it and he pulls me into him. We sway in time with the song.

He pulls me close and stares into my eyes. His hand is on my cheek and his thumb is softly rubbing my cheek.

Our feet sink into the sand as we turn and sway.

He places his forehead on mine and smiles.

“I'm gonna love you

Like nobody loves you

And I’ll earn your trust

Making Memories of us…”

He quietly sings as I get lost in his sparkling blue eyes.

I lay my head on his chest and he holds me.

“I wanna stand out in a crowd for you.

A man among men

I wanna make your world better

Than it’s ever been…”

He runs his hand down my hair.

His words hit my chest. They fill my heart with feelings I can’t quite process. His warm body makes me feel like I’m supposed to be here, but I feel like I don’t belong at the same time.

It’s like it’s a fairytale. A dream. A fantasy that is so far from reality, I’ll never be able to find my way back.

I’m on the other side of the looking glass and sooner or later, that glass is going to break and the whole thing will crumble.

I grip him tighten because that thought filled me with fear.

Fear of going back to my reality. My dark past. Fear that this song and Darcy may one day end.

I don’t want that.

I guess I was gripping his shirt a little too tight because he lifted my head to his. “You Ok?”

I bite my upper lip and nod yes.

“You want to stop?” He asks.

I shake my head. “No. Please don’t stop.”

He continues to dance. “Sam. I know my promises don’t mean much, but I promise, for as long as you’ll have me, I’m going to make you happy."

He gazes into my eyes. “You’ll be so happy, you won’t ever remember what it’s like to be sad.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” I say quietly and lower my head.

He places his finger under my chin and lifts my eyes to his. “I’m keeping this one if I have to die trying.”

He leans in and his soft lips meet mine. Our dance slows as we both fall into it.

His hand goes into my hair as I grip his shirt.

He pulls back. “And I'll earn your trust. Making Memories of us.” He smiles as his thumb crosses my bottom lip.


After more dancing, we had dinner. He was sitting on the blanket with me. Kicked back with his wine.

“Can I ask you a personal question?” He asks.

“Ok.” I eye him.

“Where’s the…um…” He motions to his cheek.

I smile and look down at my glass. “Mia Andrews. She…um…” I wiped where my scar used to be. “Her healing powers are really good.”

“Oh. Shame.” He rolls his glass in his hands.

“What?” I turn my head to him.

He shrugs. “It would have been badass.” He grins.

I tilt my head to him. “Right. The class weirdo turned badass. There’s a book.” I chuckle.

He looks down. “Samantha. I…I feel like I should apologize for how we treated you…”

I shake my head and lift my hand. “Darcy. I swear, it’s ok. It was high school. I get that.”

He sits up. “No, Sam. Quit trying to sugar coat it. We were massive dicks to you and it was unfair. No one deserves that kind of treatment.” He lowers his head. “Especially, what I did.”

“Darcy…” I start.

He lifts his head. “I can’t give back what I stole from you, Sam, but I’m just glad you’re letting me try and make up for it.”

I tuck my hair behind my ear and smile. “I don’t know if I fully trust it, but so far…Darcy, I’m glad it’s you.”

He scoots closer. “What’s that mean?”

“Of all the people I could’ve bumped into from school, in a weird way, I’m glad it was you. I don’t know why. I can’t seem to wrap my head around it because I should be mad, but I feel like it would have been so much worse if it was anyone else.” I reach out and cup his cheek. “In a twisted way, you saved me, Darcy. Saved me from drowning in myself.”

His mouth ticks up into a smile. His gaze flicks to the ground then to my eyes. “It’s funny. I feel the same way.” He whispers.

I feel a heat growing in the night of the cool desert. I know this feeling. I take my hand away and sip my wine.

He motions to the water. “Wanna swim?”

“I don’t have a suit.” I look at him.

“You have underwear right?” He says.

“Yeah.” I respond.

He shrugs. “Same thing.”

I arch a brow. “And you?”

He smirks. “Boxers, baby.”

That made me chuckle. I stand up. “Okay.” I spin around and move my hair. “A little help?” I’m wearing a black cocktail dress with a zipper in the back.

He clears his throat. “Uh…sure…”

He grabs the zipper and slowly pulls it down.

I pull my straps off and wiggle out of it.

I turn to him and he’s frozen in the middle of unbuttoning his white button down.

I look at him and place my hands on my hips. “Darcy.” I say hitting the ‘D' hard.

He shakes his head and clears his throat. “Right. Sorry.” He takes off his shirt and it’s my turn to internally drool.

Of all the times we have been naked with each other, I never actually fully appreciated his body.

His tattoos extend from his hand, up his arm and into his chest. Every muscle is clearly defined in his dark tanned skin.

His thick thighs flex as he steps out of his dress pants. He runs his fingers through his silky, black hair.

His biceps grow as he moves his arms. He truly is an Adonis.

The elastic band of his boxers hug just on his hips. His perfectly defined belt disappears into them to his…

I bite my lip and stop looking.

“Ready?” He motions to the water.

I walk to the water. I step into it and the water is cool. I walk up to my calves deep.

‘Back For Good’ by Take That was being belted out of Darcy’s phone.

I lift my leg and push the water with my toes. I tuck my hair behind my ear as I watch the water ripple in the moonlight.

I’m getting used to just soaking in the water when Darcy’s thick arms wrap around my waist.

“LOOK OUT!” He shouts as he picks me up.

“DARCY, NO!” I squeal and kick my legs.

He runs out deeper and splashes us into the lake.

We pop up and he pulls me to him. Bruising my lips with his. He pushes my hair out of my face as we kiss.

He breaks the kiss, but his lips still rested on mine. Tingles of warmth bounced back and forth between them.

“This feels so right, Sam. I’ll spend my days proving it to you.” He mumbles.

I wrap my arms around his neck more and kiss him back. The music fills the oasis as we float in the moonlit water with a sky full of stars sparkling above our heads.


The romantic plans of Darcy Bourne seem almost never ending.

Later that week, he came over and made dinner for us in Bears kitchen.

After, we sat by his fireplace.

“It was nice of Bear to lend you his kitchen. I didn’t know you knew how to cook.” I say as Darcy brings me a glass of wine.

“I had a lot of late nights and very early mornings. Most of them I’d come home just freaking starving.” He chuckles. “So, if I wanted food, I had to learn to make it. Marcus wasn’t getting up at 3 am to cook.” He grins.

I slightly chuckle while tucking my legs under me.

He sits beside me and leans on the back of the couch. “Sam, I want to be totally honest with you and I have some questions too.”

I get comfortable and smile. “Ok. Go ahead.”

He plays with his glass. “I was looking through your file the other day and it shows when you joined our pack, but there’s nothing before that. Can I ask…”

I look at him, unblinking. I wasn’t expecting that question.

“No.” I say sharply as I move my feet to the floor and sit forward.

“That’s it? Just no?” He motions his hand to me.

I turn my head. “It’s not important, Darcy. Just stop. You found out who I was, that’s all you need to know.”

“Well, don’t you have family? Parents?” He asks.

“Why are you so interested?” I arch a brow.

“Because…I want to know you, Sam. I want to know all of you.” He leans to me. “I want you to let me in.” He whispers.

“You’re in far enough. Please, just leave it alone.” I give him a warning look.

He looks down. “Fine.”

I raise his head. “I don’t want to ruin this night, Ok. I want to enjoy my time with you. I don’t want to fight.”

He nods. “Ok.” He smiles as he raises his glass. “Here’s to…new beginnings.”

I clink my glass to his. “New beginnings.”

I look away and take a huge drink.

If he knew what was behind my eyes, I know he wouldn’t leave it alone.

That’s why my new beginning will be the only thing he’s allowed to see.

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