You Belong To Me

Chapter 51: We Are Sorry

I walked fast to get away from them as soon as possible, when I was about to reach the road, they caught up with me by running as fast as they can... I don't want to stop and hear their excuses but Pete and Cas blocked my path before even I could react to move forward.

Pete,Cassy hey, Charles stop (breathing heavily)..

followed by them Nat and Lina came running after them, everyone were breathing heavily, I stopped and wondered what they were going to say, I hope its something good for everyone. I stood there for while and later I asked them," what do you people want". Pete lifted up his head and said," I am sorry man, I mean we are ...we are really sorry".

Everything you said is right, but we can't control ourselves dude, being here after running for many days.... To see the place where all our memories were created, filled with joy and happiness, reminds us of everything man and that's the reason we can't control ourselves...

Cassy: please Charles, you know you can even scold or beat us bad right, but please don't walk away from us.

I laughed and hugged my friends for a while, later Nat came and placed her hand over my shoulder and said," am sorry too, I decided to come here myself and help you guys to get Disha back, to think I forgot that, makes me think am useless, am really sorry for speaking to you like that Charles, I didn't mean any of that. trust me".. without saying anything I gave her a hug and said," I know, Nat.. You don't need to be sorry".

When we all turned to leave, I stopped them and asked them to forgive me for being mean earlier, but they all smiled, tapped on my back and said," Thank you for bringing us back and putting us together Charl".. Then we all turned to leave back to the town....

Meanwhile at Taiga's Mansion

I asked Mr.Hutsun earlier to allow me to work for while in the mansion since I felt bored being in the room for long time doing nothing. But without any hesitation he kindly rejected my request...

But being there alone makes me afraid and remembers me of everything which happened yesterday and even years back. so I went to study without Mr.Hutsun's knowledge to help Daisy to arrange some of the reports and clean the mini library, I somehow convinced her to let me help, and for few hours I was arranging books and cleaning shelves everything was good for few hours i felt relaxed until she asked me to clean the clock, the date I saw on the clock made me to stumble on the ground, she ran and came to me saying," Madam, Disha are you ok, what happened?"..

with tears in my eyes I holded her hand and asked," Is really today's date is 20.11"..

she nodded in confusion.

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