You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 22 - Chapter Twenty-Two - Fallon’s Point Of View.

22 - Chapter Twenty-Two - Fallon’s Point Of View.

Location: Home.

To watch your little one grow up is terrifying in its own way. From first steps to first words. Every advancement that Valintine made in growing made me cry. But of course it was partly to Blame for the pup I recently found out I was carrying.

Valintine is through and through his father's son. He acts just like Cillian for the world. My emotions were everywhere. My first born a year already. When I woke up this morning I sobbed. Cillian held me well I sobbed and told me it was okay that he was still our baby.

How anyone could watch their child grow and not shed any tears was beyond me. We were having a conjoined party with Atlas little boy. Everyone would be coming over to our home for the party. Right now Cillian was feeding Valintine a chocolate cupcake with cream cheese icing. Valintine was eating every piece his daddy gave him.

"You better hope he still has room for Papa Quinn's Cake, or Quinn will love you less Cillian my dear," I said laughing.

Valintine giggled too. His smiles were so darn cute.

Quinn and Kane would be here within the next hour to cook for the party. Em & Lucca would be next and then no one would be allowed in the kitchen because Em & Quinn would take over. Valintine started to scream so I took him out of the high chair and set him down, he took off towards the living room immediately to make a mess.

I followed my munchkin and sat on the floor and played with him. His attention was lost when Quinn and Kane showed up.

He ran right to Kane yelling Papa Kane the whole time. Quinn went to the kitchen to start cooking. I was picking up the toy when he hollered for me.

"Fallon Dear where can I move the high chair so its out of the way?" ll get it.”

I walked to the kitchen and picked up the high chair and of course, Cillian came through the kitchen door the moment 1 lifted the chair. "Fallon Jesus put that down that's not good for the pup.”

Quinn and Kane had heard and just looked at Cillian and me.

* Are you pregnant Fallon?" Quinn asked smiling.

"Yes, I'm about a week or two,” I said rubbing my stomach.

"I knew it. I saw it in my dreams, ah I'm so excited.” Quinn said running over and practically hugging the life out of me.

Nothing gets past Quinn's ability. He knows your pregnant even before you know. It can be hella creepy at times to know that someone else knows what you're doing.

A little while later everyone had shown up and brought tons of gifts for the two boys. Atlas looked good besides the baby weight that he still had from only just giving birth a week or so before.

"Look at our boys so grown up. * Atlas said smiling.

Compose your self Fallon I thought now is so not the time to cry just because you're son is walking and talking all on his own. I felt tears prickle my eyes and Atlas saw and started to laugh.

" Hold it together Fallon you don't need to cry. You would think your pregnant or something with the emotions rolling off you. *

I didn't say anything I just stayed quite and nodded and then Atlas looked at me and then at my belly and seemed to finally get it.

"No, your not... are you? " He said smiling.

"Two weeks about.”

"Finally I thought you were never going to have anymore little ones." "1 wanted a larger family. Besides with Cillian being so cute it's hard to say no when he begs for more little feet around the house.”

"You got your forever and a family.”

"Indeed I did. My family and my forever."

I had everything I could ever dream of and I was happy it belonged to me. There was no way i would ever give this up to go back to what i had before. My life was changed so much. There was never a need to worry things werent going to be anything less then true mates because in our eyes we made our own true mates and thats all that really mattered.

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