You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 21 - Chapter Twenty-One - Emerald Victorian’s Point Of View.

21 - Chapter Twenty-One - Emerald Victorian's Point Of View.

“Years have gone by*

Quinn invited me and the boys out to the beach with him, Lucca said he would join us out there when he was finished with an important stack of paperwork. Lucca and I hated the fact that our twin boys would be 16 soon. They were by no means grown-ups, they acted like they were 5, they pulled pranks on Lucca,

The latest prank they pulled was they took his car and moved it to the grandparents house and said that he told them to put it there for a little while. I thought Lucca was going to kill our kids.

Alex was the biggest trouble maker though, he was forever starting problems. Benji was quiet and was always in his room, Lucca tries to get him to be one with the family but he just prefers to be on his own. But he has been like that since he was ten, I'm worried he will just be lonely and won't have someone who understands his wants and needs, someone that isn't his twin brother Alex. Alex being the troublemaker had his fair share of problems that made me glad Ben wasn't like him, but Alex also had a really good side to him, but we really only saw that when Ben was involved or he was talking to me.

Which got me thinking about recently, the boys were quite obsessed with Quinn's son, Atlas, They followed him around like a lost puppy and picked on him lightly when they got a good chance too. It made me wonder if just perhaps there would be a future with all the boys, but I wasn't going to get my hopes up in the circumstance.

I packed up the boys and told them to behave, I let Ariel sit up front, Ariel is just like me, short with a loud personality, he would make a wonderful king or queen if he gets the chance. Lucca and I will typically rule for 5-6 centuries. ( 500 -600 years)

The twins sat in the back, Alex was pestering Benji, calling him names and taking his book away from him until Benji slapped Alex right in the mouth. They were going to have a backseat brawl. I hated this part of having young teenage demons that we strung highly and liked to solve their current problems with violence,

"Enough you two, don't make me drop you back off with your father, Do you understand”

"Si Mama,” Benji said smiling.

"Yes Mother" Alex said Shooting his twin a dirty look.

We arrived and I made the twins carry the beach stuff, Quinn saw me and waved us over. I just wanted to bury myself in the sand, my ears were ringing from all the fighting and I so badly just wanted to rip them both a new rear hole, but that's what I had a big scary husband for after all.

"Alex, Ben, You two better behave, don't make me tell you're father,” I said, scarring the boys once more for good measure, after all, I didn't need them making a scene on the beach

Ariel and Quinn's boy Atlas got along really well, they were always together. Quinn and I hopped they were mates, with all the time they spent together. But again, It was hard for me to think that when I saw the way the twins were with Atlas.

" Has Thanatos made any move into Forest's life?" I asked, Quinn, had told me about what was going on with forests’ future around the same time he told me he was an elder wolf.

" He hasn't spoken to me or Kane since the wedding, even his parents won't return my calls. Honestly, it scares me that one day I'm going to wake up and the forest will be missing” Quinn said, fear showing on his face. I really felt bad for him, Quinn had been through so much and there was the constant fear hanging over his head that the vampire prince would come to steal his boy and take him away forever. If that were to happen it would damage Quinn so deeply and I just knew it in my soul.

"I'm sure he would say something,” I said, trying to help Quinn get over his fear, no parent should be afraid their child is going to disappear.

"1 would hope so" he mumbled

" How did Forest's first shift go?” I asked

" He was huge, almost as big as his father, * Quinn said Pride on his face.

"Wow, I can't wait till Atlas is old enough he's going to be massive"

" Gosh I can't tell you how much he is like Kane, they sleep, eat and act the same *

" That's like the twins, they are so much like Lucca it scares me"

* Any child that acts like our husbands should scare us,” I said and both me and Quinn had the world's largest laugh. If our boys turned out like our husbands it would be just our luck.

We stood up and went to join our boys on the beach. Alex was throwing sand at Atlas, Benji for some reason attacked Alex and smashed his face right into the sand, they chose the perfect time to fight, I was going to say something when I hurried Lucca yell clear pissed off

" THAT IS NOT THE WAY YOUNG PRINCES SHOULD ACT YOU ARSEHOLES," Lucca screamed, walking up to the twins started had the sand dusted off them and were both looking at me to rescue them from the wrath of their angry father,

I loved my family and come hell or high-water I would be there for them. They all knew that though, that's why they put up with me.

I watched from the beach as Lucca chased the boys around and Ariel and Atlas made sandcastles. It wasn't too long after that that the twins came to bother poor Atlas. Alex pulled his hair and flattened his sandcastle. Benji didn't like that and tried to help rebuild his sandcastle before just deciding that beating up his twin was a great way to avenge Atlas’ castle. If that poor boy was their mate he was in for so much hell and I truly felt for him.

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