You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 20 - Chapter Twenty - Leno's Point Of View.

20 - Chapter Twenty - Leno's Point Of View.

Diego and I decided against a human marriage and went with a complete one hundred percent ancient wolf wedding. This required him to bring home a kill he killed of course and present it to me. This proved he could provide and doubled as a wedding gift. He bought rings as well for when we went down south if we needed to for anything. Otherwise, the rings were not important. Sweet little Siryn was just over a year old.

With that paper in hand, I left the Clinic. I was having flashbacks of when I found out about little Siryn. Surly Diego would have a heart attack. We had great baby planning skills, I would have to slip this inside the card I had already gotten for him since it was his birthday. Picking up Siryn from the daycare Pepper smiled. If you were pregnant Pepper was the first to know, a gift of his.

"Diego's going to be so happy. " Pepper gushed.

"Oh for sure, I just can't wait to see his face."

"Pictures please.”

“Il try.”

Walking home, Siryn was on my hip making noises. He let out a massive screech when he saw his daddy.

"I was just coming to get him."

"I beat you." I smiled and kissed him passionately,

"You're glowing, so excited for my birthday huh?"

"Oh, you have no idea,” I said chuckling.

Diego smiled and took Siryn from me. He kissed his son's forehead and held the house door open for me. Felix was inside with Dakota who had Luna. Pulling off my shoe and hanging up my coat I grabbed Felix by the hand and pulled him upstairs after me. Pulling out the paper his eyes went wide.

"Are you..."

I shook my head

"Oh heavens. Diego will be over the moon.”

Grabbing his gift I slipped the note inside so it was the first thing he would see when he opened the bag. Felix and I went back downstairs and the rest of the guests including our parents showed up. Diego's mom had made him a cake and his dad bought a pot of food. setting down the food Diego's Father went on a hunt for Siryn.

"Where's my grandson hiding?"

"Check with his father" I chuckled.

Going into the living room I was right. Diego had his son. They were eating cheese puffs together, like usual. I could hear them arguing, Diego never wanted to give up the baby.

"Give me my grandson you boob.”

"Nah. He's mine."

"Diego, I made you don't make me unmake you."

I snorted as I watched the whole thing go on. Finally, I went over to assist in getting our son. Diego took one look and handed Siryn over. "Geeez old man you didn't have to get the mate on my ass.”

I laughed and kissed his forehead.

"You need to learn to share our child"

"Let's open gifts now," I said smiling

Everyone grabbed their gifts and gave them to Diego one by one. I held onto my gift so that I could give it to him last. Diego lifted an eyebrow at me. I set the bag in front of him. He whispered dirty words in my ear as he pulled me down to kiss him.

"Open the gift, Diego.”

" Okay, I'm going.”

He pulled the paper away and reached into the bag. He pulled out the folded up paper and looked at me. He unfolded the paper and I watched as he read it. Diego stood up and walked out of the room. Everyone was silent. Following Diego, I found him with tears in his eyes. "I'm getting more little ones. My heart, it's happy.”

I hugged him.

"I'm so at a loss for words. I'm just so happy. I love you so damn much Leno."

"I love you more than words Diego."

He got down on his knees and pressed his lips to my belly. Here we were, One more baby and a giant happy family, this was the one thing I was happy I got, despite all my sins.

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