You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 19 - Chapter Nineteen - Emerald Victorian's Point Of View.

19 - Chapter Nineteen - Emerald Victorian's Point Of View.

* 4 months later *

I rushed around Quinn brushing fly away into his braid and tugging gently at his robe. He looked fantastic.

"Em Calm down, it's alright,” Quinn said, his face serious, He was worried about the baby and me.

"You're getting married. I need to make you so beautiful. I want him to cry when he sees you,” I said, my emotions racing. He was so beautiful. I rubbed Quinn's belly and he rubbed mine, It was something we did to calm each other down.

" Em you haven't even gotten dressed for the wedding you've just been working on me, get dressed right now.” Quinn pointed out.

Quinn helped me get dressed, he pulled the robe over my baby belly which was a wee bit larger than his. Lucca and I hadn't figured out what gender the baby was, but we had chosen colours that would work with both genders.

Once I got my robe on Quinn and I sat down and talked about random baby facts and things we discovered. Lucca knocked on the door and he was speechless, he locked eyes with me and I could see the tears in his eyes when he looked at me, every time I got dressed up in some fashion Lucca always cries.

" Kane is going to cry when he sees you," Lucca said smiling at Quinn and kissing my forehead.

Thanatos came in and took Quinn to meet up with his father. we knew this was our time to go to our seats and wait to see Quinn walkout. we got to our seats just in time to see Quinn's father walked him down the aisle and handed him to Kane, they looked into the eyes of each other and I saw the tears running down both their faces. they held each other's hands as the preacher began the ceremony.

" Dearly beloved, we are here to join the hands in the marriage of Alpha Kane Dawson & Luna Quinn Wolfin, Does anyone object to this pairing? " The preacher said.

Not one person said anything, it warmed my heart to see that they were perfect for each other. I started to get a cramp in my back, I tried to ignore it and was not going to ruin this moment.

"You may now say your vow," the preacher said

" Quinn, you are my life I knew from the moment I saw you that you were the light in my darkness and from the day I met you, you have only shown me how much happier I am that you have welcomed me into your life, You're the only person I would ever dream of sharing a family and life with, thank you for being there.

Kane's vows were so sweet I was tearing up. Lucca had his arm around my waist.

"Kane, when you find out I was lost, you have been the map in my life, you have made the mother of your children and given me a family. You have shown me that I am meant to be with you and without you I am only a fraction of what I could be, I thank you now and forever By giving you all of myself from now until the end of time"

Quinn stole Kane's heart, you could see it the moment he finished his vows.

" Luna, do you accept his vows and agree?”


"Alpha Do you accept Luna's vows and agree?"


Quinn slipped the ring on Kane's finger as he slipped his ring on Quinn's finger.

" You may kiss now"

They kissed and everyone cheered; they were about to kiss a lot more when I stood up in a frantic state. the pain had become too much and I knew what was coming. I couldn't stop the bay from coming as much as I would have rathered not to do this right now.

"I hate to be a wedding crash but my baby is about to make an appearance,” I said as the wedding went completely quiet as Lucca scooped me up in his arms and ran me to the Packs Clinic facilities. Quinn and Kane had to wait outside because the doctor had told me it was best to go for a C-section, they got me ready and they numbed my body so I wouldn't feel anything. It still hurt.


" We'll have more you can only say no for so long," Lucca said smiling at me.


They finally pulled the baby out and cleaned him up, they told me it was a boy and Lucca and I decided to name him Ariel. I told Lucca to go get Quinn and Kane.

"Quinn Holds Him First, Do You Hear Me, Lucca Knight?" I said in my best demanding voice.

" Yes My dear," he said, giving me a kiss before going to get Quinn and Kane.

Lucca brought Quinn and Kane into the room and told Quinn to sit before placing our tiny baby in his arms, he was Shocked about why we would let him hold the baby first because it was our child.

* I feel wrong holding him first,” Quinn said, he was showing how he felt on his face.

" Don't it's not the first or the last of our children so it's alright Quinn.” Lucca and I both said at the same time.

Quinn held the sleeping infant in his arms and was so happy, Our baby opened his little PURPLE eyes up to see what was going on.

" His eyes there PURPLE," Quinn said in shock.

" He's a demon, they will be purple,” I said, it was natural, both Alex and Benji had purple eyes when they were born. It was because of Lucca's royal demon blood.

" Ohh,” Quinn said as he smiled at our little baby boy, who was sleeping some more in his arms

"When you have your child his eyes will be yellow for almost a week, then they will be normal coloured,” Lucca said

Quinn and Kane left after a little while to go let everyone know we were okay. Castel and Archer were outside with our boys.

Lucca held onto Ariel as I slept.

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