You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 16- Sixteen - Felix's Point Of View.

16- Sixteen - Felix's Point Of View.

( Location: Dakota's wolf pack, far far in the Arctic.)

Now well staying with Dakota at the pack was nice I had been neglecting my work long enough, or too long. I had to return home after dinner this evening and get to work, I, no doubt would have piles of paperwork that would need my signature or need to be filled out with bits and pieces of information. I knew Dakota wasn't going to like that I was leaving but again, I had my own show I had to run, and that meant going home for a bit to do my job as king.

Dakota was in his office working on his own work, I sought him out knocking on his door before entering.

"Yes mate, was there something I could do for you?"

"Actually yes. I am going home this evening------"

"Not happening, End of story." Dakota snapped.

I actually was deeply shocked by his response and attitude.

"Dakota, you don't get to make that choice, I have my own kingdom to run, I have bills to collect and pay, taxes and rules to enforce and so much more, and from here I can't do that. I am leaving tonight. You can either kiss me and wish me an easy time or you can be grumpy and stay here. "

Not wanting to even argue over this I stood up quickly and made my way out the door before he could start an argument. I sought out the Omega's and my sweet little Wyatt.

Pepper had Wyatt as per usual at this time, this was cartoon time. Wyatt and Pepper were in the living room closest to the Alpha suite, Pepper took him there because he could socialize with some of the other children. Though he really didn't it still was important he is in the same room.

Wyatt spotted me the moment I walked in the room. He gave me an adorable toothy grin. It was like a shot threw the heart, his little smiles killed me in the best ways.

He jumped off the couch and ran to me, his little arms wound around my left leg and he nuzzled his head against my knee. I bent down and picked him up holding him tightly to my chest and peppering his cute little face with kisses. He giggled and mushed his face against my chest. His little hands entangled in my shirt as his breathing got slower, he was sleeping.

"Afternoon nap time eh?" Pepper said walking by with his own pup against his chest.

"It would appear so," I said as I turned and smiled.

Wyatt was sound asleep on my chest when I went to check on Dakota, who was still doing work, no doubt stuff he had neglected to do well I was here. I opened the door without knock which earned me a glare that turned into a deeper glare when he saw me no doubt thinking I had come back to finish the conversation from earlier.

I laid on the couch in the corner of the office with little Wyatt tucked up on my chest. Incase I fell asleep I set an alarm to wake me up at five- thirty pm. Just in time for sunset.

Wyatt little snores like a lullaby put me to sleep. I dreamed of Dakota, myself and a grown Wyatt. Wyatt grew into a very handsome warrior, his Warrior tattoo on display and Leno and Deigo's son Axel. Axel a handsome beta, larger then Wyatt, but younger.

The alarm screamed waking both Wyatt and myself and startling us. Wyatt looked up at me just blinking and almost trying to figure out what happened.

"It's okay little-----"

"Here come to daddy"

Dakota took Wyatt right off my chest and walked away with him. Like what the hell?

I jumped off the couch and followed them to the kitchen where Dakota made them both food. I turned on my heel and went to the bedroom, I best grab what I need now.

I made quick work of the few things I did have here and grabbed only what I would need. Dakota was going to be right pissy. I grabbed one of Dakota's shirts and shoved it inside my saddlebag. Sneaking out wouldn't be easy, not on me, not on Dakota, not on anyone. So I decided not to sneak out.

I went and found Dakota in the living room in our suite and I kissed his forehead. He looked at the bag and growled. I glanced off for a moment jumping when he snapped.

"Well, What the fuck are you waiting for, Get."

I looked at him in shock. That was not the goodbye I wanted. My hands shook as I opened the door of the suite. I heard Dakota cursing inside the room. I walked right by Pepper who had tried to talk to me. I ran the way home, not walking slow. I had business to take care of, and I just wanted it to be done. Once inside the castle I shed my extra layers of clothing and walked to my room. Once inside I changed into more appropriate clothing and put all my accessories on, my crown left strange a strange feeling on my head now. The door to my bedroom opened as I finished.

"Welcome home my son, how was your visit?"

"Long, and very wolf filled. I am to assume I have much paperwork." "That you do, so are you purposely hiding your mark or?"

My mark, what did he... Oh, my mating mark.

"You mean this?" I said pull the jacket and top-down the best I could. "Congratulations my son.”

That was the end of our conversation and I made my way to my office, there wasn't nearly as much as I thought there was going to be, a few small piles in the desk and one on the window ledge, for the most part at first glance it would be a few hours of work.

A lot of writing though it seemed the first pile was nothing but bills. And they were expensive bills, one family had spent a hundred thousand dollars in two months. That would need to be stopped right away. I walked to the door and got one of the guardsmens attention. "Please find me, Jordon, him and I have something we need to discuss.” "Absolutely sir, I will find him."

With that paper set aside, I started on the papers by the window, halfway through the stack was a paper with a shiny seal, an important vampire seal, used when passing information from Royal to royal, sliver was a Prince's seal, a king was gold, a queens rose gold and a Princess was a bronze colour.

These papers were so important they were often hand-delivered.

My curiosity got the best of me and I pulled the paper out of the stack and instantly wished I had not. The paper was from prince Than, and it was discussing the recent attacks, like the one I myself had been a victim too.

Dear King Felix,

Under no terms do I wish to have to continue writing letters such as this one, but all of our families and friends our in danger. The person who has been kidnapping our families and torturing them has stepped up his game, this time a prince had been taken, they found his body washed up much like yours only he didn't fare so well.

He suffered many bites, hundreds. They starved him until the brink of death. Then they threw him away. If you remember anything please seek me out.

Prince Thanatos.

My hands began to shake and my vision began to swim. I grabbed the desk as flashbacks of the treatment I went through became lifelike again. My legs gave outright as Jordan walked into the room. Screaming was all that could be heard, my own screaming. But I couldn't stop, I just couldn't.

"Felix my son your safe, your safe” my father said pulling me into his chest.

"Get.... Get me, Dakota, I need Dakota."

I sat on the floor shaking in my father's arms for lord knows how long unable to stop the visions, the horrible pain that I felt.

Another one Marcus, we need more kings.......

It was like a voice from the blackness that I hadn't noticed, to deeply wrapped in the pain and the suffering I was going through.

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