You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 14 - Chapter Fourteen- Atlas' Point Of View.

14 - Chapter Fourteen- Atlas’ Point Of View.

3 months 3 weeks 2 days 12 hours and 56 minutes since I last saw my mates. They hadn't even stopped by once, It made my chest tighten every-time I thought about how all they would need to do is say sorry and prove it would never happen again and I would love them again. Three days ago the letter came in the mail inviting all of us too there crowning as kings. My parents were going and they were forcing me to go as well. I had a feeling it had something to do with one of Mama's visions but I didn't really want to know.

Tonight is the night. Mama gave me a really nice dress to wear to help conceal the pregnancy. Em and Lucca won't even talk to me anymore. Em stopped being my doctor at the clinic, which really made me realize that the twins probably hate me.

There were whispers around the school that the boys were going to take my babies from me when they were born. After they were crowned kings they could do that.

At four months pregnant, I wouldn't have long to have my babies if they were going to take them. I didn't tell Mama Or Dad about the rumour because they still talked and visited with Em and Lucca.

I glanced at the clock and saw it was 6:00 pm, Thirty more minutes until I would be drug into the belly of the beast. I found tears pouring down my cheeks.

" Luna Atlas are you alright?”

" Yes, Torin I am alright.”

Torin was one of the omegas that my father made come watch me. I spent most of my time either in my room watched by Omegas or with my mother being trained as a Luna.

"You are crying again Luna--"

" Please Torin just call me Atlas we are equals in my eyes."

"I can not do that its----"

"Please just for me."

My mother walked into the room with a bright red dress in hand, it was shockingly beautiful. Mama helped me get dressed. My feet were all super swollen so mama gave me flats to wear. Mama was in a purple dress almost identical to my own.

We all got into the car, mama let me have the entire backseat.

"Are you alright?”

“I'm fine mama, The twins are very active though.”

I laid my hand on my babies and got kicks back.

" You ask me that everyday mama and every day I tell you no," I said smiling slightly.

When we arrived there were people taking photos everywhere and I felt my stomach drop. Vomit rises in my throat. Mama got out and then all but pulled me out when the door was opened. Everyone started to take photos. Guards came out of everywhere and blocked the flashes from getting me.

When we got to the door someone grabbed my hand, I looked up and saw Ariel.

"How are you and my sweet nephews."

"We are---"

Em came running over at me and slowed a bit, he wrapped his arms around me. I saw the tears in his eyes and my own started to water.

"I missed you so much Atlas," Em said through sobs.

"Why did you stop being my doctor I needed you and need you still." "My boys demanded I turn a blind eye on you.”

My heart clenched. Em noticed and pulled me to another room.

" You can stay here until the crowning starts, They wanted you here." "Em is it true..."

"Is what true Atlas?"

" That they wish to take them from me.” My voice came out in broken sobs.

"They would never do that, Lucca threatened them to leave you alone until the time is right.”

Em and I sat and talked for a while until the bell was rung that signalled us all to join in the main room. Em, and I walked to the main room and he sat me beside him in the very front. His hand was rubbing my belly and I could tell he was nervous.

The babies kick and I looked up noticing both the twins with there eyes locked on me. My eyes darted to the ground when I felt two different hands grip my chin. My Mates.

" How are you?" Benji asked first.

I wanted to speak but I was trying not to sob anymore.

Alex placed his hand on my belly suddenly and I saw the smile but I also saw the regret and the pain. Benji had tears he was trying to blink away.

"Move is my turn to touch my grand-babies," Lucca said shoving them out of the way.

I thought Lucca was just going to lay his hand on my belly however he pulled me right out of the chair and hugged me.

Once Lucca let me go it was time to begin the crowning. The boys crowded me and Benjamin hugged me.

"How have you been, you look beautiful carrying our children, * Alex said

"Thank you, I am..... I am lonely, I miss my mates.”

"Your mates miss you..." They both said.

Lucca pulled them up onto the stage.

"Welcome everyone to the crowning Let's begin.”

I wasn't really paying much attention to the words Lucca was saying, I was rubbing my peanuts. The boys looked really good up on stage. They grew taller by a few inches, they also got more muscles. I saw Benjamin blink a few times before something told me he wasn't alright. it was like slow motion as he fell. I was out of my chair and on the stage before anyone had realized what happened. I touched his face lightly hoping he would open his eyes.

Alex was the first by my side.

"Come on little one," he said trying to lead me away from Benjamin. "No, he's my mate I have to make sure he's okay."

"1 know but you need to move so the doctors can look at him, honey.” I looked up and noticed all the doctors trying to get near Benjamin. I moved out of the way and Lucca and Em were trying to contain the press. Alex held me against his chest, I remembered the night the three of us shared. Alex was rubbing my belly, he must not have noticed because once he did he stopped.

"Sorry, Atlas I shouldn't-----"

"They are as much mine as they are yours and Benji's"

The doctors moved Benji, they said they would be taking him to the hospital. You could see the worry on both Em and Lucca's faces.

"How long had this been going on?"

" Since you left, that day at the hospital.”

"Why is this----"

"His Demon is punishing him for hurting you. Mine is doing the same, the only difference is I have better control over my demon so he can't push his way in so much.”

" Please, can we go to him?"


Alex took my hand and we walked to one of the sports cars and he buckled me in but not before kissing my baby belly. he rushed around to his side and started the car, he didn't even wait for it to be completely turned on and he was driving. I tried not to look at the speed gauge even thou he was driving like 145km in an 80km zone. We made it to the hospital within like 10 minutes.

Alex didn't even wait for me to get out, he had me unbuckled and in his arms. He was using his demon speed, when we reached the front desk the lady looked at him and then spoke.

"Can I help you?"

" Yes, What room is Benjamin Knightly in?" Alex said nicely.

“I'm sorry I can't disclose that info without one of his family members clearing you."

"Look, Lady, you will let me in that god damn room to see my soon to be husband or I will get behind that desk and rip your face off.” I felt my eyes flash yellow.

"He's on floor 3, the last door on the right.”

"Thank you."

We both rushed to the elevator and got in it. My heart was racing, I would not forgive myself if something happens to him because I left that night. When we got to his floor it was packed full of press. They started screaming questions right as they saw us.

"Prince Alexander, can you disclose what happens to your twin benjamin?”

"Prince Alexander is this the rumoured on who carries you and your brother's heir?”

"Did your brother die?"

"Do you plan on marrying this boy?"

" Are you two seeing each other”

Flashes from the Cameras were giving such a headache that I snapped. "Excuse me all of you's, I get that you make money off invading our privacy but this is serious, my second lover is laying in that room and he is not well have some heart, also yes I happen to be carrying two heirs, so please stop with the heavy camera flashes.”

Alex grabbed my hand dragging me into the room where Benji is, he looked well. His skin was slightly pale but I could see that he was sleeping.

" This is the first time I've seen him sleep for more than ten minutes at a time."

"That's because they gave him sleeping pills, he pushed himself till his body couldn't handle it anymore," Lucca said opening the door.

"Will he be alright?"

"Yes kiddo he will be fine, he just needs proper sleep.”

I walked to the side of Benji's bed and touched his face lightly, he started to wake up. I pulled my hand way only to have fingers wrapped around my wrist.

"Benji I'm sorry I didn't---"

"Are you alright mate, your heartbeat is going crazy. Just breathe, don't get all worked up you will only hurt yourself and our babies..."

"I'm alright Benji, but you need to sleep for me."

" Okay, But can I have a goodnight kiss.”

"l will give you hundreds of goodnight kisses from now until the end of time."

"Promise" Benji mumbled yawning.

"I promise.”

I leaned over the bed and gave him a kiss, he closed his eyes but spoke. "Alex gets him home and in our bed he's tired and he needs to get off his feet, make sure to massage his back and give the babies kisses from me as well."

"I will brother, now you go to sleep.”


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