You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 12 - Chapter Twelve - Siryn's Point Of View.

12 - Chapter Twelve - Siryn's Point Of View.

The shift came on fast. It hurt and I had no control over it. I was consumed by my own rage. Dakota and my dad both tried to put some distance between us. I just kept feeding my rage as the wound on my mate bled freely. The more he bled the angier I seemed to get until I was quite literally shaking with anger.

"Someone gets that wound dealt with and it will make this a lot less to deal with," Dakota said his voice even. He knew I was coming to get them regardless of their positions and relationships to me.

"Siryn lets just try to calm down. He's okay, Right Lucio?"

"I'm okay mate.”

I let out a growl before I launched at my own father. Dakota sidestepped in front of my father and used the one thing even alphas disliked. The alpha voice.

"Back off Siryn. It is over."

My wolf tried to fight the command and I backed his effort despite the pain it caused to disobey that order. Two more steps were what we could push through the order before my wolf side basically shut down. This caused me to shift back to being human. The headache I had after was like someone had tried to ring my bell a hundred times. It was like someone had held a flashlight up to my eyes with the way my vision swam. Leaning over I vomited all the contents in my stomach. I could hear Lucio humming quietly as he came towards me.

"Are you okay?"

"No" I groaned.

Lucio’s hand brushed my cheek. He didn't do well to school his facial expressions as usual.

"Fighting an Alpha's orders in that voice is hard. It's stressful on both the wolf and the human halves. You need to relax and let your body calm down."

My father looked like he had something to say but couldn't and that wasn't like him.

"Dad is----"

"Siryn I'm sorry. I should never have put your mate in that position. I asked him to help and I shouldn't have.”

Before I could say anymore Lucio spoke.

"I too thought it was a good idea. It is my fault just the same.”

Slowly I sat on the ground. I had learned about fighting the alpha's voice in training so I knew this was the part where my human side threw in the towel and I passed out. My father approached and as a team, he and my mate helped me inside. Lucio suddenly picked me up and my father gave him directions to help him find the bed. Lucio set me on the air mattress that hadn't been there before. The sheets and the blankets smelt so heavily of Lucio it was hard not to take a deep breath of his scent.

"Sleep I'll be back in a little bit... Mate."

He didn't have to tell me twice. I snuggled into his blankets and took in his scent over and over. closing my eyes I felt my heart rate start to drop which meant sleep was not too far out for me. My dreams were nothing I would have remembered or important so I wasn't all the mad about being awoken not on purpose, however.

"I'm sorry I woke you."

"I'm okay," I mumbled while waiting for Lucio to get settled in the bed. Once he had stopped moving I pulled myself closer to him till we were touching from head to toe. My head was laid on his bare chest. I didn't care about whether he liked this or not because his body heat helped put me back to sleep quickly.

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