You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 09- Nine - Felix's Point Of View.

09- Nine - Felix's Point Of View.

Location: Arctic, IN The Wolf Den.

Three very unhappy days had gone by since I was drug to the wolf den, instead of my castle home.

And I did well In telling Dakota how unhappy I was to be here. Every moment I got.

I had the women who came in and cleaned the room and changed the sheets "steal" me a bottle of strong wolf alcohol. She did, but she made me promise not to rat her out if I fucked up something well drunk.

Made sense right?

it did to me so I agreed. I began drinking from the bottle around noon, and by six I was so fucked up I wasn't sure if I could even stand any longer. Which made it all the better when I needed to use the restroom. I was in the middle of wobbling to the washroom when Dakota walked in. He didn't even have to look at me to know I was drunk. You could smell the alcohol in the air.

"Ey... help... I gotta potty..."

Dakota looked at me. He didn't move to help he didn't say anything. That annoyed my drunken ass.

" Like what the fuck man... I ask for help and you ignore me, screw you mutt." I yelled wobbling faster to the bathroom.

I fell


On my face.

Dakota rushed over to help and I could only growl a few moments of low grow! with a few hiccups. He helped me up and tried to walk to the bed. But I didn't want to go there. I started to scream.


He kept dragging me.


He wasn't listening to me, so I hit him. He really didn't like that.

"Hit me again Felix and I will punish you.”

That sobered me up a little.

"Oh. You mean like the way you did to all your whores you flaunted around. Tell me Dakota did it make you feel like the big man to have a couple of dozen whores on your cock.”

That made him slam me to the bed extremely roughly.

"Excuse me!"

"You know that hurt, but then again why would you care it's not the first time you've hurt me, see all them whores on your arms hurt me, but you don't care you never care do------"


He slapped me. Right in the mouth.

"1 told you Dakota, I told you you didnt care if you hurt me, Fuck you Dakota...fuck you..."

He wants to hold me you could see the inner conflict. But he kept his distance and for that I was grateful.

All of last night came flooding in when I woke up on the floor in a pile of pillows. I didn't want to sleep in his bed, Lord knows who's been in his bed.

Dakota had left the room last night and didn't come back. It would be a lie if I said I didn't care where he was. I did care.

I went to the bathroom and when I came back Leno was sitting on the bed.

" Alpha Dakota had asked me to inform you that he would like you to go home. "


I grabbed all the outdoor stuff I had on and started my walk of shame out of the packhouse. No doubt by the looks from the other wolves I was getting it was no secret that we had a giant blow out.

Thank god, the tears didn't come until I was outside the cave. But Goddess did the tears fall.

I bawled. There was a lot of pain in my chest as I walked through the snow. Yes walked. I could have run using my speed and been home quicker but I didn’t wish to.

When I got home my father pulled me into his arms and told me how he missed me greatly. But I couldn't focus on his words or even respond with any words I as a loving son should have.

"Felix, what's wrong?"




"Nothing I'm alright, I just want to sleep. Night."

I walked up the long set of stairs to my room. I let out a deep breath and slammed the door behind me.

When I opened my eyes I was ashamed to say I felt bitter towards Dakota.

My stomach turned and growled for substance. I stretch and got out of bed. I dressed in leather pants and a long baseball jersey type shirt.

I didn't care much to put shoes on at this point in time so I didn't. I however remembered to put my crown on my head. The trip to the dining room wasn't long but it was long enough. My father's eyes light up when he saw me.

"I wondered how long it would be before you would wake up, clearly two days was enough.”

Hmm. So I slept for two days, no wonder I was hungry.

I was chewing on a piece of bacon when my father spoke.

"So I sent a basket of treats to Alpha Dakota for bringing you home."

I swallowed my bacon and it settled in my stomach like lead.

"Oh really? Did you poison it?" I asked my curiosity getting the best of me.

"No, Was I supposed to?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Of course you were," I mumbled.

My father let out a sigh and took a sip of his coffee before he spoke once more.

"For mates, you two are so bitter towards each other."

I choked on my toast.

"You knew? " I asked puzzled.

" I've known about you two being mates since he told me when you two got closer and I asked.”

" Well, we aren't mates so whatever."

I got up and excused myself from breakfast and walked down to my office. A curtain asshole was currently sitting in my chair spinning around.


"What are you doing here?"

"Your late your highness."

"Get out of my office, you have a lot of nerve showing up here after you asked me to leave."

"I never asked you to do shit, you up and left everyone saw you." He growled angrily.

"Excuse me, Leno told me you wanted me to leave so I did. Now I want you to leave-----"

“Leno told you I asked you to leave?"

" Yeah, I mean it's pretty shitty you couldn't ask me yourself."

"I never asked Leno to do anything. I thought you left me because I hit you..."

"On the subject of you hitting me, I'm still pissed about that you ass.” Dakota stood up and walked past me, he stopped at the door and spoke.

"Excuse me well I go kill Leno. "

I didn't get any more words in because he was gone.

So it was Leno that wanted me gone... not Dakota

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