You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 09 - Chapter Nine - Fallon’s Point Of View.

09 - Chapter Nine - Fallon’s Point Of View.

Last night was crazy Atlas called early this morning before i was even awake to say he had his babies. He told Cillian all the details to tell me and then hung up so he could rest. When i woke up i was cuddled against Cillian's pillow, He must have put the pillow there as to not disturb me.

I crawled out of the be and did my bathroom business and then went to look for Cillian. I walked to his office and the beta was just leaving. "Is Cillian in his office?"

"No, He's outside running with the warriors, If your going outside grab a jacket its a bit chilly Luna.”

"Oh Okay, Thank you. Say hello to Dylan for me."

"Sure thing Luna, Have a good day."

The beta walked back to his office and i walked towards the backyard. I fully expected to see wolves running however what i saw was not wolves but lots of well toned men running in just shorts and shoes. Cillian was running in the front and i sat on one of the deck chairs and watched as they ran.

They all stopped and began to shift into wolves. I watched as Cillian shifted and a large black wolf took his place. His wolf had to be at least 6 feet tall. Just watching him shift reminded me i hadn't shifted in almost a year. I stepped of the deck and shifted. I felt all unbalanced, i couldn't see why though but i imagined it was because of the baby.

I walked towards a perfect spot where i could lay and get some sun. I laid and watched as Cillian play fought with his warriors. i saw Dylan walking over and he suddenly shifted and dropped beside me giving me a playful nudge.

I growled softly because he was blocking my sun. Cillian let out a howl and Dylan stood up jogging to Cillian. They started to play fight and i thought for a moment that Dylan was going to pin Cillian. Cillian flipped Dylan right off of him.

Their play fight soon turned into them actually biting hard. There was blood on the grass, I stood up and walked over closer to the fighting.

I howled and they both split up, They shifted and they both had scratches and bite marks. i glared at them both before walking towards Cillian. He shifted back and met me half way. He nuzzled my nose with his before he licked my ear.

The pup kicked and it felt much more differently this way. I tried to see how fat my wolf looked up i couldn't bend that way. However i could see that i was quite round even in my wolf form. My back legs were really starting to hurt so i sat down. Cillian dropped the ground and started the rub his back all over the grass. It was so wolf like and honestly had never seen another werewolf so wolf like before.l added that to my bucket list of things to try when i wasnt carrying a pup.

i looked at him and he smiled a toothy grin at me. Suddenly i felt a smaller wolf slam into me, it was only a pup way smaller then me. Cillian jumped up and growled he was about to bat the pup with his paw when i stood up and stood over top of the shaking pup. I was scared in the moment he would hurt the pup even though the whole thing a been a really big accident.

Cillian growled at me and shifted immediately.

"Fallon shift now, and you pup shift too."

I stepped beside the pup and shifted. Within seconds of shifting Cillian was pulling a t-shirt over me.

"Are you okay? Do you hurt anywhere? I will punish that---"

"Cillian Enough, He didn’t mean to."

"You are pregnant he could have hurt you, you are fragile when you are carrying-----"

"If i was really all that fragile shouldn't i be on bed rest and not aloud to do anything.”

"Good idea, lets start---"


My hand began to tingle, yup i slapped Cillian.

I could tell Cillian was pissed and for some reason i found it to be so sexy. His jaw was clenched and he was grinding his teeth. I looked at his chest and my eyes raked down his body and then i realized he was completely naked.

I took a step forward and wrapped my arms around him covering his naked front. There was un-mated she wolves watching Cillian's body. I felt the growl crawl up my throat and escape my lips. Some she wolves growled at me and Glared. But on she wolf in particular was joking about how i probably would lose my pup because i wasnt capable of carrying an alpha child.

I let go of Cillian and walked towards her. I could see her sizing me up and she began to laugh.

"Excuse me."

"Yes what did you need darling?" she said in a mocking baby voice.

I grabbed her right by her hair and slammed her to the ground.

"I want my rightful respect. You don't get to say whether or not I am capable of carrying my mates pup. That is not your place. I am the luna not you. Know your place bitch.”

"Fall thats more then enough.”

i heard her mutter something and i kicked her right in the boob. "Fucking bitch.”

"Fall stop right now."

"Oh Cillian piss off, Not in the mood.

"Fallon damn it I said stop.”

"I'm glad your okay with her disrespecting me and your pup, she said i wasnt capable of carrying an Alpha child, do you feel the same way, because you seem like you care less if she wants your body and to carry to pup, why not have her carry your pup. She thinks------"

Cillian's lips crashed onto mine and his tongue slipped into my mouth. Then he pulled away.

"Fallon you are my mate not her, you carry my pup not her, You are the Luna, not her. she will be punished accordingly, you didn't need to kick her or even slam her to the ground with her hair, that is not Luna like." "Well maybe you should have done something to-----"

"1 am doing something, i'm going to take you to my bed and i'm going to mate you properly, if that is alright with----"

"Walk, Now. Lets go." i said grabbing his hand and pulling him behind me.

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