You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 08 - Chapter Eight - Leno's Point Of View.

08 - Chapter Eight - Leno's Point Of View.

Diego looked at me and he grabbed my arm roughly. This was so normal for him that I hardly noticed how rough he had actually been with my arm. He was being rougher with me this time though.

"Have you any idea how worried I was, You left without so much as a word."

I was lost for words. But I tugged my arm out of Diego's grip. He raised his eyebrow at me and made a move to grab my arm again. I pulled my arm back and just looked at him. I was far from impressed to see him here. I had left early so that he wouldn't show up and aim to cause nothing but problems for my father who had nothing to do with the stupid fucking letter. I tried not to grind my teeth before I snapped at him in anger.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here because you left with no words and I had to make sure you were here and safe.”

"So this has nothing to do with coming to solve your letter?"

"So what if it does?”

"Then just fucking go away, I've had it with the fucking letter bullshit, it's over suck it up or lose your fucking spot. My father can't help you, help your fucking self you giant whiny baby, I'm fucking over it. I'm done Diego, Just done.”

I turned and left the room. Fuck him. Stomping up the stairs into the room that was always set aside for me I crawled back under the blankets. The last thing I had wanted was for him to show up, now don't get me wrong yes I do want him as a mate but I didn't want to hear him go on about that paper anymore. He wasn't going to get his way the council had decided what they wanted and that was that basically end of the fucking story there. I knew he wasn't going to let this go and it was only going to get far messier and worse the longer he made this fight, he clearly didn't think about anyone but himself, but I knew of the right from the start.

I thought of an idea that made me sick to my stomach but would ensure that Diego gets to keep his spot as a beta. It was a horrible idea but I cared for him deeply. Closing my eyes I tried to drift off to sleep and found it harder than normal. Maybe that was because of the horrible and sick thing I was going to do to make sure Diego had the stupid position he cared so deeply for. There was never going to be a real us and I had settled that fact in my head, he would never see me as his life partner so there was no reason to regret the stupid idea, after all, he would get to keep his fucking spot. Since that was all he cared about.

Arriving at home I was tired. I walked to the cupboard and saw many bottles of alcohol. That horrible thought came back. Get Diego drunk and so on. That would be betraying him in the highest fashion but I couldn't shake the thought. Breathing deeply my fingers wrapped around the neck of the bottle and I took it upstairs. The disgusting feeling in my chest only grew as I allowed myself to really do this. Diego wasn't up there but he was home not long after. He came upstairs where he saw me upstairs with the bottle in my hand.

"You are not old enough to drink."

"Drink with me,” I said a fake smile on my face.

He sighed but agreed to drink with me. I knew just by his face he was stressed out and craving a drink to take the edge off. I kept topping off his glass until he was wrecked. Swallowing my self-disgust I took my hand and ran it down his leg. He grabbed my wrist and held it there. Leaning in he pressed his lips to mine and kissed me deeply. I could have stopped that there but I did not.

I crawled into his lap and rolled my hips against his hardened manhood. Looking into Diego's drunk lust clouded eyes told me he was too far gone now. This was going to happen. I was going to do this disgusting act to him.

Diego stood up with me in his arms and carried me to the bed. He dropped me on my back and I watched as he kicked off his shoes and pulled off his shirt. His skin looked amazing under the moonlight. He unbuttoned his pants and they hung dangerously low on his brief covered pelvis. I drew in a breath as he grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. Diego took his time removing my pants, no doubt trying to use his drunken brain to figure something out.

He removed my boxers after pulling my pants all the way off. I needed to get brave. I grabbed his waist and slid his pants down. He got the memo because he slid his briefs down too. After that, he grabbed the rest of the drink and downed it. He grabbed me and flipped me over. I cringed as I realized how this was going to go down. I was going to be in so much pain.

He spits in his hand and lubed up his manhood before spitting in my crack. Then he forcefully made himself at home in my ass. The pain was horrible but I just kept telling myself I was doing this for him no matter how bad I felt, with it be the pain or the self-disgust boiling inside me. Waking up I noticed a few things. One the pure pain in my backside and two the tingling in my shoulder. Diego snored softly next to me, his naked body pressed up against my back. Regret from last night flooded through me. I felt dirty. I felt so horrible. I knew I shouldn't have done it. The regret inside of me was heartbreaking and so heavy. It was like a ton of bricks had made me there home.

I needed to get out of his bed.

Getting up pain shot through my back and made tears blossom at the corners of my eyes. Limping back to my room I laid in the bed. There was no reversing the mating now. It was done. No doubt when Diego woke up I would be in a world of hurt. He would most definitely beat me for what I did to him. But then again beating me would be the best case thing, he could always kill me for this. He was going to definitely be mad enough. Honestly, right now I felt like death would be pretty peaceful. I had done something so vile to him that if he didnt kill me then I would be shocked. The odd thing about this whole deal was I had once been on track to being a warrior wolf, I had even gone to go pick up Dakota and Felix when they had gotten back after his attack. Now, this was what my life had become.

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