You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 06- Six - Felix's Point Of View.

06- Six - Felix's Point Of View.

Location: Far Far From Home.

Cillian all but drug Fallon into the living room. I could help but blush when I saw him. It was kinda embarrassing. Fallon got up and excused himself from the living room to use the restroom. I followed. When Fallon got out of the washroom I was waiting against the hall wall.

" do you think we can talk----"

"I swear I didn't see anything, or I mean I didn't mean----"

"Fallon it's okay, Honestly it was my fault that I didn't say anything. Dakota and I were once close but when he started to be around those pack whores I couldn't deal with it and we stopped talking. He doesn't see what it does to me, I mean that was the first time he ever kissed me, but if you saw me feed on him that was not the first time.”

You could see the excitement in his eyes.

"Fallon I really don't like that look you have in your eyes, it honestly looks like your thinking of something dangerous,” I said looking at Fallon.

"Honestly, I have no idea what you mean.” He said smirking.

I knew this kid was about to start some real shit. I should have stopped it but I didn't even try to. I wanted to see how it would play out.

I stood in the doorway and watched as all the shit hit the fan.

First came the coffee.

Then all the yelling.

Then watching Dakota alpha out.

As the she-wolf Brittney stomped put of the room I went to fetch Val who was crying his poor little head off. I walked back to the living room and sat down on the couch.

"May I hold him, I promise not to harm him,” Dakota asked softly.

I looked at Fallon and he nodded. I handed Val over to him. He looked perfect with Valentine in his arms. He would make a great father, he looked right in his element. It was a massive turn on. It was hard not to watch him with the baby. But it was an odd feeling for me again.

"You look just your daddy,” Dakota said cooing at Valintine.

You could practically feel the pride and joy rolling of Cillian. He was happy about beauty of his heir. Typical alpha's. The ego of them was massive.

"Alpha Dakota--"

"Just Dakota is fine."

"Dakota do you want children?”

He looked at me for a brief second and then down at Valintine.

"Yes I would love to have son's & daughter's of my own but I couldn't have them with just anybody, I would have them with someone special to me."

My mood plummeted when Dakota said someone special. I snatched Valintine from Dakota making him lift and eyebrow.

"What you were hogging him, I don't get to see tiny babies often, you do," I said huffing.

"You could too if you came to visit my pack----"

"Nope. Sorry there's too much you there.”

I said goodbye to Fallon and Cillian and their heir this morning, super early this morning. I would I preferred to sleep in much longer but Dakota would not allow me that. He wanted me to go home with him the same time he did to make sure I was perfectly safe.l didn't want to say that he was the reason I was kidnapped. If he hadn't messed so much with my emotions I wouldn't have drank. But honestly I couldn't blame him even if it was partly that mutts fault.

Currently we were in a plane. The ride would end soon and then it would be all by truck, and then to my dislike I would have to ride on Dakota's wolf form

The plane landed and I didn't even get a chance to stand up. Dakota picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

He was being extremely rough with me. He all but ran off the tarmac and into the huge blacked out trucks. After he picked one a warrior got behind the wheel and he threw me in the back. He crawled in the back with me moments later.

I glared at him. He simply brushed it off.

"Felix. We need to talk.”

I felt anger rise in me. I had been getting so angry recently.

"Oh you think!" I snapped.

I turned and looked out the other window so that I didn't have to look at him. I wanted to punch him, but at the same time I wanted to kiss him and that was terrible. I hated no knowing what I wanted to do when Dakota was involved. I was slowly learning how to test my own self control.

"Felix I didn't ask for the attitude from you.”

I laughed a little before I spoke.

"You didn't have to, I gave it to you. After all you need it."

Instead of him even coming back with a witty comment he grabbed my chin roughly. He forced me to look at him and I could tell he was not in the mood for this.

" Stop it Felix.

I could hear the alpha tone making an appearance. But I wasn't part of the pack so it didn't affect me. But it was enough to make me angry that he tried it on me.

"Let me out, I would rather walk from here,” I said angrily.

He snapped.

"Pull over Leno!"

The warrior did as Dakota asked and he pulled onto the shoulder of the road. Dakota all but threw open my side door. He shoved me out of the car with his foot. What a fucking asshole!

"Get walking then your highness.” He said.

The wolves around him tried not to laugh. But I could hear their laughter.

"Fuck you Dakota! When I get home I'm going to have you banned from my kingdom. Our treaty is no longer valid. Expect visitors.”

"Your father won't allow that."

" Furthermore I hope your mate rejects you and sleeps around on you." I snapped. I knew I crossed the line. Mates were a touchy subject.

He really didn't like that.

He shifted and I couldn't run fast enough. He had me pinned to the ground. He growled in my face. He just wanted to prove he was more powerful then me. I yelped when paw he had on my shoulder cut into my skin. He jumped back and shifted. He immediately tried to look at my wound he made.

My shirt shoulder was already soaked with blood. He got me pretty good.

"Felix let me----"

"Don't ever touch me, You mutt!"

I had never called him a mutt in anyway but a joking way and this was not joking by any means. Once I got up off the ground, I pulled my shirt off and rolled my shoulders to make sure I had no broken bones. After making sure I had no broken bones I turned my attention back to Dakota.

His eyes were black.

"I need a new shirt." I snapped again.

Dakota started to pull of his shirt and I looked at the warrior who was standing by Dakota.

"You, warrior. Give me your shirt.”

He nodded and walked over to hand me the shirt. My hand went to grab the shirt when it was ripped away.

Dakota growled his eyes darker then black...

"You are mine!"

It took me a minute to process that as all there other wolves looked around wondering. I spoke.


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