You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 06 - Six - Fallon's Point Of View.

06 - Six - Fallon's Point Of View.

When we got to the Knightly home I was the first one out of the car, I felt myself smiling. I loved being around Atlas because he was a bright soul and now I get to meet Emerald when I'm older. Atlas told Emerald what happened with Cillian, About my father giving me away and then getting forced to carry his pup. Boy was that ever something really didn't feel like wanting to bring up with everyone.

Atlas pulled me in the door behind me and pulled his shoes off.

"Yo, Help please,” I said smiling.

We as a team managed to get my shoes off and Atlas led me to the living room. Emerald was sitting there watching so show on animals eating each other. Atlas dropped on the couch pulling me down as well. The couch was so damn comfortable and supportive for my back. I wanted it. It was the most amazing thing ever.

"Hello Atlas, hello Fallon how are you?"

"I am well rounded.”

"I see that, when are you due.”

"Not for another two-plus months.”

"So Fallon, who's you and your pups doctor?" Emerald asked.

I looked at my hands before I spoke. "Cillian won't let me get one, he said for centuries werewolves have been giving birth with no doctor needed so I don't need one."

Emerald's face morphed into a look of anger and irritation. I was sure my face looked like I was annoyed as well because I was. Emerald didn't approve of alphas not getting medical help for their babies when it's needed.But he was old school what did he expect. It still made me really nervous about the whole thing. I don’t want to lose my life because he was deeply into his old styled ways.

"He will be the death of our pup..." I mumbled not wanting anyone to really hear me.

I was just starting to relax on the couch when my phone started to ring, it was Cillian's ringtone. I sighed before I picked up my phone. I really didn’t want to pick up the phone. I was having such a good time without him. In a normal and civilized household.

"What do you want Cillian?" I asked dryly

"That's no way to speak to me, Also I want you home now, Not your father's home either her our home." Cillian said yelling.

"Okay good lord sir snarls I'll have Atlas drop me off."

I hung up my phone before I cursed. His home wasn't my house. It was an empty place I wanted to run away from before I got stuck. I felt like I was the only one who even tried to be a normal and non controlling person in our mating. If anything I was losing my freedom slowly and I wasn't sure how much longer I could stand to be imprisoned by him in his home. It was bad enough that thoughts of leaving him after the baby was born and abandoning my child was in my head because of it all.

"Atlas can you drive me to the white water wolf pack, Cillian went home and I have to go there with him." I asked softly

"Yes I'll drive you there, but after we eat no ifs ands or buts.” Atlas said smiling.

"But Cillian will get pissed---"

"Fuck him, you need to take care of your self and that means eating.”

“I guess..."

We all stood up and moved things to the dinning room. Emerald made us a plate and it was so good. I finished my food first and for once I felt like my food was going to stay in my belly. Emerald knew how to make food that wouldn't bother your stomach well carrying a child and that was amazing. If I could have stayed there forever I would have. I would have much rather had them as my parents. After we finished eating it was five-thirty.


Atlas and I went to his car. I felt myself smile as I turned to Atlas. "Maybe one day I'll have what you have Atlas..." I said

Atlas looked at me and stuck his pinky finger out to me.

"I promise you will have what I have, I can feel it."

I laced my pinky finger with Atlas's and then I smiled rubbing little berry who gave me a gentle kick. Maybe I could love this little berry even if its daddy isn't a good guy. After all it wasn't berry who I couldn't stand. Berry was an innocent in the whole deal.

"Hey Atlas, any names picked out yet?" I asked

"Nah not really, We have been talking but nothing really sticks yet, you?"

"Gosh no. Cillian and I haven't talked about anything baby-wise at all beside birthing.”

"How'd that go?"

"He freaked and was all alpha this alpha that.”

"Sounds like him."

"You have no idea. I swear he is so incredibly uncivilized. He's willing to put me in danger over traditions.”

As we pulled into the driveway I was smiling. Cillian was standing on the porch. I wanted to tell Atlas just to take me home with him but that was not about to be the case. Atlas brushed my hand softly.

"I'll take you up to the door.” Atlas said smiling.

"Okay, but you don't have to."

"It's alright, I want to."


We walked up the driveway and onto the porch. I walked over and hugged Cillian. He seemed shocked. I had to kill him with kindness. "Thanks for letting be go to Atlas's I had a wonderful night. Maybe we can hang out another time Atlas.” I said.

"Your welcome over anytime Fallon, Have a goodnight,” Atlas said.

I went inside and sat on the couch waiting for Cillian to come back inside. I called Kane, to tell him Atlas and Cillian had been fighting. He thanked me and then Cillian came inside.

"So I was thinking, Atlas's father and I have a treaty but it's never been finalized how about we finalize that so you can be over there safely. It would make me feel better if I knew it was a law."

"That's a wonderful idea, but even without it, Kane would protect me with his life. He loves me like one of his own children."

I walked over and kissed his forehead. He didn't say anything. He just stayed there.

"I'm going to bed."

Walking up the stairs I was happy that he was going to let me go to Quinn and Kane's without being an ass about it. It made me really wonder about what Atlas had said to Cillian because he had done a full one hundred and eighty spin.

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