You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 04 - Chapter Four - Atlas' Point Of View.

04 - Chapter Four - Atlas’ Point Of View.

The shadows on either side of me didn't move, they blocked the t.v and I knew they weren't going to move anytime soon, I was tried to stand up only for one of them to push me back on to the couch. I tried again and the outcome was the same, then all of the sudden the twins sat down and threw their arms around me.

" Why were you going to kiss him?" Alex asked his head resting on my shoulder the boys had wrapped themselves around me.

" Do we mean nothing to you?" Benjamin asked his face turned down in shame

"Why mate?" Alex asked his voice sounding raw from screaming. "Why?" Benjamin said his breath fanning across my neck.

I didn't have an answer for any of their questions my mind was a mess, a huge sloppy mess. I just closed my eyes and tried to think, my eyes shot open when lips were pressed to the area by my ear on both sides, my left ear where Benjamin was sitting received a nibbled, he nibbled on the bottom of my ear. I couldn't believe that he would do something like that, he pulled away and licked his lips I looked away and I knew Alex was licking his lips subconsciously as well.

" Are you two really my mate's?"

" You felt the sparks when I touched you "

" well yes, but I thought it was just a shock no----"

"that’s one big factor for mates, the sparks never go away."


" But, Benji and I know you're our mate because your smell alone tells us, then the sparks and not to mention our demon side tells us every- time we are near you to mate you," Alex said not fazed by anything that comes out of his mouth. I, on the other hand, was red as a tomato and my face felt half as hot as the sun.

I wanted to crawl away and hide until all these horrible lust coloured feelings left my body but I could barely move because I was covered with hot, extremely hot twins that were mine, all mine.

They finally let go of me but I could only see it was because they were both having issues controlling their inner demons literally,

" You smell great mate, " Alex said his eyes such a deep purple.

"I agree with you brother, I can smell his arousal from here,” Benji said his eyes the same deep purple that his brothers were. I stood up and tried to back away slowly, keyword tried

the boys had me pinned to a wall and were trying to sent mark me, they nuzzled my body with theirs, when they thought I was coated in enough of their sent they sniffed me the backed up and sniffed the air. all that could be smelt in the air was theirs sent, they covered the sent of my arousal.

They pushed me up against the wall again and they took turns nipping my neck long enough to put a temporary mark on me. my leg gave out when they pulled away from me and I slid down the wall and the both just watched their deep purple eyes drawing me in and making my lust for them even noticeable to me.

I crawled towards them my hips swaying as I tried to get closer to them. Alex was the first on the give into his inner demons, you could notice the difference because the deep dark purple became a light pastel purple colour. Benjamin tried his hardest but even he gave in to the urge. something in me snapped and I backed away only to hear a voice in my head.

~ what are you doing, don't tease our mates are you crazy ~

~ Are you my wolf?~

~who else would I be~

~why are you only speaking to me now?~

~ I've never had a reason to speak to you until now.~

~ you can't let them mark you yet because they are not in control and you will get hurt, we have to think of something to wake them back up and give them controls so to speak.~

~ I think I have an idea~

~idiot, I know that we share thoughts~


I ran to the guess room and grabbed one of Benjamin's books and I took Alex's phone. I ran to the hallway where they were sniffing around for me, they saw me and made a few steps until they noticed I had things in my hands. I ripped a page from Benjamin's book, pun not included and I showed it to him, his eye went dark purple almost black he was pissed. Then I took Alex's phone and I threw it onto the floor, I knew it was probably super broken now. he eyed the phone and his eyes shot black right away.

They both stalked towards me and I tried to apologize but neither of them wanted to listen to me, all of the sudden they must have sensed my fear because their went back normal human colours and they both apologized and then they hugged me, sandwiching me between them it was a dream come true.

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