You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 03 - Three  - Fallon's Point Of View.

03 - Three - Fallon's Point Of View.

My mother was excited about her grandchild. She was hopping with joy. We were all sitting around the table eating breakfast.

"You will finally have your own family, a child and a mate.” My mother said clapping

I immediately lost my appetite.

"Would you excuse me, I'm no longer hungry," I said standing up from the table and grabbing my school bag before walking to the bus stop. When the bus came I got on and sat beside Atlas.

" Hey Fall, How did your heat go?"

"That Alpha got his wish. I carry his heir."

"You don't look happy..." Atlas said.

"He forced his mating on me..."

"Fallon Oh My God are you okay?"

"I'm fine I guess... I mean nothing hurts beside my heart but that heart before the mating.”

"I'm sorry Fallon.”

Atlas hugged me.

"So all next week I won't be at school because my parents will be gone and Lucca & Emerald's twins are coming to watch me."

"Really, Aren't they older than your brother?”

"Yeah, I think they're almost like Twenty-Two."

"Wow, lucky them.”


The bus stopped and we got off at school. I felt some pack members’ eyes on me. Yes, the school was in another pack area but some of Cillian's pack went to school here.

"Fallon, do you see them staring at you?"

"Yeah, they probably know about Cillian's heir."

“It's creepy.”

"You think, I hate being stared at.”

The bell rang.



Finally, lunch came.

I walked to the usual spot where Atlas and I ate. My mother had packed me a giant lunch, it had so much stuff. There was a sticky note on my sandwich bag.

- Feed that baby right Love mom

I groaned and showed the note to Atlas who looked just as displeased. I gave half my food to Atlas like I always did. I saw two taller boys making their way over towards us. The tallest of the two spoke.

"Is it true that you're carrying Alpha Cillian's pup.”

"He doesn't have to tell---"

"Shut up pup, I asked him"

"Yes, I'm carrying the Alpha's heir.”

"Congrats on your pup."

I felt the need to vomit again but I pushed it down.

"Thanks..." I said dryly.

" No problem.”

They both walked away after that.

Atlas looked at me and I looked at him.

" Do you think Cillian told them?"

" Probably Atlas, he's finally got his heir.”

"So, that was not the right way to get it."

"He's an Alpha, it doesn't matter.”

" My mother would beat you if you said that around him. He hates the way that Alpha's act.”

" Your mother Quinn is not someone to fight with, I remember when Forest broke his cake tray, he was so mad.”

"I remember that too."

Finally, the bell rang.

Time for history.

I went to the locker and grabbed my books, the walk to the history room was awkward because everyone was staring at me.

Figures I had to open my mouth about the alpha heir I was carrying.

I walked in the history class and got out all my papers for the last chapter we were on which was talking about the first alpha in history. "Okay, class today we're going to be talking about roles in the alpha families."

"Are you fucking kidding me..." I mumbled.

"Did you have something to add to considering you are carrying an Alpha heir, Congrats.”

"No, I had nothing to add.”


I looked out the window the whole lesson not really paying attention to the lesson. The bell rang and it was time for parenting, At least I would have Atlas in my class though.

Atlas met me at my locker and we walked to the parenting room. The teacher Mrs.Evans smiled softly and then called me into the hall. "Congrats on your pup, Cillian spoke to us of his pack this morning and told us of the pup. I am here if you need me, Cillian is old school however so be wise what you talk to him about.”

"I'm not going back to Cillian's pack for a while. I'm staying with my parents.”

"I see, well for heads up we will be talking about Alpha children today, you would do well to listen.”

"Thank you Mrs.Evans.”

"No problem Luna Fallon.”

"Yuck, just call me Fallon, I'm no Luna.”

I walked back to my desk as Mrs.Evans Spoke.

"Alpha Heirs are larger and generally need help to be delivered if the mother is smaller in size, however, some packs still believe that pups can be born without help. This can be dangerous for both the mother and the pup, it's not rare among these pack that pups are lost,”

I felt vomit rise in my throat again. So that's what she meant by Cillian's old school.

Atlas raised his hand and spoke.

"Most Alpha nowadays understand how dangerous this is and do get the proper help for their mates and pups, My parents for example.” "Yes that's true, now guys that's the end of class have a good day.” The bell rang and I shot out of my chair.

Home... time.

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