You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 03 - Chapter Three - Emerald Victorian's Point Of View.

03 - Chapter Three - Emerald Victorians Point Of View.

I was rushing around worried about what I was going to wear to dinner, Lucca went through my closet with me and he grabbed my dark brown long sleeve shirt and my tan scarf and white skinny jeans and I put them on, gosh he's a genius. It was ten to six when he asked if I was ready to go. I grabbed my car key and walked to my car and he took my keys just as I was about to unlock the car. He snatched my keys and smiled at me with that perfect white and toothy grin.

"I'm driving "

"Okay," I said as he pulled me with him closing my garage and that when I noticed the shiny fucking sports car on the curbside, I really didn't even see the damn thing before then, but I was pretty sure all my neighbours had.

"How did I not see that car there before?"

You weren't looking for it, I told myself. He opened my door and buckled me in and got around to his side and started the car, it purred to life and I was instantly in love with this car. we arrived at his house at the same time my parents did. Lucca led us inside his arm around my waist, he showed us a lot of things before a familiar voice yelled for him. I knew this voice as the one that called me names just earlier. I found myself smiling at Lucca who walked to the kitchen, pulling me right behind him.

“Is your mate and his family here my darling son? I'm so very excited for him and his family.”

“Yes mama, They are here, English please, for them.”

“Good good, I've been waiting all day to say I'm sorry, I really blew it earlier when I called him names.”

Lucca looked at me and spoke " My birth father is Spanish, he cooks, Hench the reason he has invited you for dinner, he wishes to say he's sorry”

"He spoke perfect English this morning when he called me a prostitute,” I said laughing.

“Indeed he did,” Lucca said his gaze flicking purple again.

"I thought he was Spanish?"

"He is, but he does speak English”



Lucca walked into a large kitchen area dragging me behind him, both his fathers were there. They both smiled and I watched as Lucca’s birth father blushed and looked back at the stove.

"Please come sit?" Lucca’s dad said pointing to the table he was sitting at. My parents went to the table and they began to have a conversation about themselves and other things.

"It's lovely to see you again,” Lucca's birth father said

"Indeed it is, all though I wish we could I met differently” I stated

"Yes agreed, You will have to forgive me for my outburst this morning Lucca is careless and has got bad press coverage over prostitutes and I jumped to conclusions because I want him to be proper with his mate, and I never realized you were his mate because he said nothing.”

"It's alright if my child was the same way I would have done the same thing"

"Yes, My name is Castel My husband's name is Archer, "

“I'm Emerald and my parents are, Layla and Nickolas *

"It's a pleasure to meet you all,” Castel said, waving.

Lucca began to play with my hair,

"You should let your hair grow longer, you could look wonderful.” I touched my fringe hair cut, did he really not like my hair, or was he teasing me. I began to bite my lip in frustration, was I ugly to him? "Emerald, did I say something wrong? you look deep in thought and your lip is bleeding,” Lucca said his eye locked on my face.

I touched my lip and pulled my hand away, I was bleeding.

"Are you alright, here let me have a look" Castel said as he grabbed my chin lightly, Lucca's mama was only a few inches taller than me and slightly more built. Castel asked for something in Spanish and Lucca went to go get it for him. Lucca comes back with some kind of small container. it contained a healing ointment made of Calendula.

Lucca took a little on his finger after he opened the jar and rubbed it on my lip. I tried to calm myself because hell this could turn into sex in about 10 seconds flat. His eye flashed purple and he was about to make this sex but his mama cracked him on the head with a wooden spoon. “Behave, Lucca, Dammit! You are in a kitchen save those special moments for behind tight doors, do you understand son. My kitchen area is not a porn scene and it will never be a porn scene.”

“Yes mom, but he is my mate and I will take him wherever with his permission”

“You are definitely just like your father Lucca, You have no shame son of mine"

Moments later we were all sitting around the table putting food on our plates, Lucca was sat beside me his left hand resting on my thigh, I would catch his parents, his mother mostly shooting him the don't you dare have sex in my dining room look. he would just smile so sweetly back to them,

"So Emerald what do you do?" Archer asked.

I wiped my mouth with the napkin and spoke " I am a doctor, I work at a clinic that delivers babies at the moment though sir *

"That is how you met Lucca?"

"Yes, that's how I actually met Lucca, all though he still hasn't told me quite why he showed up at a clinic made for delivering babies."

"Well, what is your reason for that Lucca?”

"Would you excuse me, this is not at all talk for the dinner table and I have lost my appetite” he walked away from the table in a hurry.

"Lucca wait"

He did not slow down or even stop, he just kept going, he was ignoring me. I hated to be ignored by anyone, but it hurt to be ignored by my mate, my everything. He was not about to do this was he actually? He was supposed to be a grown man, here he was acting like a small boy or at best a teenager who didn't get their own way.

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