You Are In Hell Boys

Chapter 18

After I talked with the principal about the janitor, we headed to the mall. Mr. Dunn was about to say no when he heard me, but I held my phone and showed him the picture that could have ruined his future with his lovely wife long ago, he said yes. I hate his stalling. He had to tell his wife.

Me, Ian, Roo and Nick got in one car, Nick’s car. Of course, my brothers didn’t let us go, until they finished their threats with the boys. They looked like little lambs those were surrounded by lions.

"What do you want to listen to, ladies?" Nick asked us, the moment Roo heard him, she turned around and looked at me with a wide grin. I knew what she wanted. "The dance?" She asked and I nodded, rather quickly and happily. "The dance," I repeated, but as a statement and waited for the song Dollhouse to start. Ian was so close, I was sitting next to him from the back seats, Aurora sat next to Nick who was driving. Ian, he acted like a little boy and wanted to sit in the front seat, but me being so sincere and thoughtful of Roo and Nick, dragged him next to me. He can’t get that they are on a date?

When the song began pumping, we did our special dance to the song and started singing. As we reached the chorus, I raised my singing voice and Roo lowered it. She knows that it is my best part.

"Places, places

Get in your places

Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces

Everyone thinks that we’re perfect

Please don’t let them look through the curtains

Picture, picture, smile for the picture

Pose with your brother, won’t you be a good sister?

Everyone thinks that we’re perfect

Please don’t let them look through the curtains" Ian looked at me with a shocked expression displaying on his handsome face.

"You can sing," he stated and I laughed. "I got that from mama. She got it from grandma and uncle Davin." I replied then continued with Roo singing, all the way.

When we arrived at the mall, we got out of the car and headed to the movies. I’ll make them date each other. First step: Movies alone. That means me and Ian will have to go and buy stuff that I probably won’t need.

"Nick, you go with Aurora and watch whatever you want. We will be right behind you, I just need to talk with Ian for a bit." I said then grabbed Ian’s arm and started dragging him with me. I looked at Roo and smiled. Her eyes widened after she realized what I meant, then shook her head for me to come back. "We’ll be back," I cleared then we headed to some random shoe store that came to our view.

"I hope that they realize their feelings for each other," I commented and Ian nodded. "Yeah, they are too clueless... Like someone I know," he added but the last part came out as a whisper. "What?" I asked because I thought that I heard him wrong. Was he referring to me?

"What?" He repeated and grabbed yellow sneakers. "What do you think?" He asked. Way to change the subject. I neared him and looked closely at it. "It’s good, but you should try the white ones."' I pointed at the ones that were next to him, from the left. Ian turned his head and smiled after he saw them. "Sure," he grabbed them and put them on, then walked through the store back and forth. Back and forth... Wait... Wait... Oh yeah. ‘Can’t keep falling’ for Lina. It’s a nice song.

"Are they comfy?" I asked after I got rid of my thoughts. "Yeah, I should buy them," he replied and I nodded. "You should, they look good," I confirmed with a smile.

I walked to the women’s section, looked through the collection but nothing caught my eyes. "Did you find anything you like?" Ian stood behind me, with a bag in one hand. He’s too tall. Or I’m just too short?

" No, let’s go to the roof. They have tables and ice cream." I suggested and he approved. "Let’s go then, the movie will be over in one hour and I need some fresh air." With that, we went to the roof. When we reached it, we literally found no one and the ice cream shop was closed. "Just our luck!" I whined with a frown.

Ian showed me his amazing smile, that made me smile in return. "Let’s just sit here and enjoy the view. Look, it’s amazing." He cleared and he was right. We sat near the edge on a table. "Why are we here alone?" I asked as I looked around me. Like an abandoned building.

"Beats me, but it’s better that way," he replied then closed the distance between us until our knees were touching. It felt so good. I looked at his face that was looking right ahead, at the sky. He is too handsome and charming and those lips...

Ian abruptly turned around, which caused me to scream from the sudden action. "Why are you staring at me?" He asked with a smirk. I put my hand on my heart to check my pulse. Yup, it’s still beating and beating too fast.

"You idiot, you scared the shit out of me." I slapped his arm. He laughed. "Sorry, sorry. Are you okay?" He grabbed my wrists and made me look at him. I felt embarrassed all of the sudden. "Yeah," I tried to release my hands from his but he tightened his grip on me. "Ian?" I said as I stared at his eyes. Woohoo, we are too close. My nose is almost touching his. Alert... Alert.

"Yeah?" He whispered while getting his face closer to mine. I blinked twice then sighed. "Let go?" I said, but it came out as a question instead. It was stupid of me but I couldn't help it. "No," he replied with a grin then he crashed lips on mine. I was too shocked by his action to move an inch. Ian is freaking kissing me. Kissing me. Am I dreaming? No, Remi. You are kissing the guy.

He wrapped one hand around my waist and brought me closer to him then he placed his other hand on my cheek. I wrapped my hands around his neck. I felt his warmth in me. His kisses were soft. We were kissing for like one minute or so, then we let go of each other to catch our breaths, however, we didn’t move. I felt my swollen lips with my fingers and heated up. "Did we just..." I started and Ian laughed at me.

"Yeah, we just did and it was amazing!" He put his forehead on mine and let out a deep breath. We were enjoying the perfect moment, until we heard someone clear their throat. Ian and I jumped from our places and stood up. "Did we interrupt something?" Aurora asked with a hint of sly in her voice. That... that girl... Ugh!

"Yes," Ian replied, and annoyance was evident in his tone. "Well, sorry, not sorry man." Nick snickered then patted Ian’s back. "Roo, remind me to kill you when we reach home, btw you’re sleeping in our home tonight." I glared at her and she sent me sorry looks. "Let’s just head home," Nick pointed out and we nodded weakly. What a day. I just had my first kiss. With Ian. My brothers must not know about this.

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