You Are In Hell Boys

Chapter 11


Remi was so different from other girls. I kind of like that fact, however, the video was messing with my head and I felt anxious. As soon as we stepped foot into our new school, we were showered with questions and comments and don’t forget the laughs and sassy comments. Here goes my high school career. Well, our...

I glanced at the boys and saw them pleading for help, they were eyeing Remi and Aurora. The quads were just laughing and it made me think what great best friends we have. "Come on guys, give them some space to breathe. Move people!" Remi shouted then stood in front of me, protectively. I watched her and smiled, uncontrollably. She’s so short. It’s cute, for me. She fits perfectly in my arms... Wait...What? What is wrong with me?

"Yeah, leave," Aurora nodded then stood next to Remi with crossed arms. "Oh no, not her!" she remarked as she looked forward, to the main entrance. I arched my eyebrows in confusion.

I was lost. "Who?" I asked cluelessly. The girls pointed at some girl who was caked up with makeup and her outfit showed a lot of cleavages, she was barely covered. She was not my type and won't ever be, I didn't like those types of girls and it was clear from first glance that she was the queen bee around here. Every school had at least one of them. And I used to date one of her types but for a short period of time, it was really short. I felt like I was in heaven when our ‘thing’ was over after a week.

"Just ignore her, she’s like a glue who never takes hints. She’s literally dumb." Remi whispered and I nodded along with the boys until she stopped in front of us. "Well, hello there. We have some new students here, who are you?" she asked in a kind of a seductive tone. I thought that there was something stuck in her throat that made it come out raspy and annoying.

I contained myself from laughing because my mom raised me better than this. "These guys are not available and not single, so bye, bye, Veronica," Remi waved her hand at her after the white lie that she said about us. Veronica huffed then rolled her black eyes real long. "I can’t believe that all of them are taken. Like you, for example, I can be your girl!" she pointed at me and I gulped. I don’t want to have anything to do with her.

I looked at Remi from the corner of my eye pleading for help. "Um... no, you can’t and I don’t want to," I replied while stuttering. I stutter when I’m annoyed. Don’t judge.

Veronica rolled her eyes once again. "Well, your loss," she stated and I laughed. Yeah sure. Besides, Remi is much more beautiful than her. Ian, enough. When she turned around to leave, she looked at Derek and sent him a kiss in the air. We looked at him and he shuddered in disgust. She’s unbelievable.

"So, should we go to the principal’s office to get you your schedules?" Sammy asked us and we nodded and started heading inside. All eyes were on us and I didn't care because I didn't want any unnecessary attention. Remi looked at us and cleared her throat. "Yeah, and if you ever get in trouble, just call me or Aurora for help. We have our ways with the principal." She told us with a grin and her brothers eyed her except for Derek. Oh, he knows something that his brothers don’t.

"How?" Sammy asked then the brothers stopped in their tracks, waiting for Remi or Aurora to speak. "We won’t tell you," both girls said and walked ahead of us. I guessed for their class. "Bye guys, see you at lunch." Aurora waved her hand and Remi just winked at me. She winked at me. Why? That girl is so confusing.

"Okay boys, we will tell you this; one: Most girls here are the 'one-night stand' type, be careful on who you make a move on. Two: If you see any guy near our sister or Aurora, make sure to tell us or take them to safety because -and I’m proud of that- Remi and Aurora are the prettiest girls in the school, and a lot of brutes tried to force them to go out with them and do other stuff," Cole explained and I felt in a way, angry. Why did I feel angry?

Cole clapped his hands and raised three fingers. "And three: if you ever witness a big fat man who has a long white hair, with a black dog... Just run. That guy is insane and he’s the janitor. Don’t ask why he’s not fired yet, that's a mystery." Cole described everything then the quads went to their classes and I went to mine. I had Nick in my class and the rest were together.

When we entered the class, we were greeted by a lot of female students. We ignored them as the boys advised and they gave up. Easy. "Hey, Ian," Nick called from behind. He was sitting right behind me. "Yeah?" I turned my back and looked at him. "What do think of Aurora?" He asked this random question that took me off guard. Someone likes someone else.

I smirked. "Why you ask?" I asked, acting completely dumb. "Well, you know... Um, ah, never mind, just turn!" He replied nervously and I laughed. He was a shy guy. "I’m sorry man. Yeah, she’s a wonderful girl, and she suits you well," I answered and he became red as a tomato.

"Wha... What? I don’t like her!" He exclaimed in a hushed tone so the teacher wouldn't hear us and I just grinned in victory. "I never said anything about you liking her," I stated and his eyes widened. He looked around and found a pencil case, he grabbed it and threw it at me. Well, he aimed it at me, that was his intention, except it hit the teacher because I dodged it.

I burst out of laughing then the whole class laughed as well. "Mr. Barry and Mr. Barry! Principal office. Now," the teacher yelled at us and our laughter died down. "Sir, it was an accident. I’m sorry," Nick apologized but the teacher glared at him. "And why do I have to go? I didn’t do anything," I spat at him and his glare went deeper but it didn't scare me.

"You laughed," he reasoned and I scoffed. "So? Everyone laughed." I stated and he rolled his eyes. "You were the first one to laugh, so, both of you out, now!" He yelled again and we stood up. Dumb reason.

Before I got out of the classroom, I looked at the teacher with a smirk "I don’t care. By the way, your formula is wrong. It should be x = −b ± √(b2 − 8c) 25. You solved it wrong because you put a equals 4 instead of 2." I explained and everyone was bewildered by my answer. They thought that I was an airhead. Well, think again.

Nick chuckled at the teacher’s reaction then he nudged my shoulder. "Let’s go, Ian," he said and we got out and headed to the principal’s office. "Dude we should call Remi or Aurora, she said if we get in trouble then we should call," Nick suggested. I looked ahead and saw Remi drinking water from a bottle, she was wearing her gym attire. Damn... she looked hot in them.

"Guess we don’t have to call them,” I mentioned then made him look her way. "Great," he commented with a grin. As we were walking towards her, she was pushed to a locker by some guy. She was surprised and tried to wiggle out of his grip but failed and he was forceful. My blood boiled at the sight, therefore, I ran to her rescue and grabbed the guy by his collar.

I threw a punch at his face, then he fell to the ground. "Don’t you ever touch her ever again!" I yelled at him, ready to kick his stomach but was stopped by Remi’s grip. I looked at her and she was telling me with her eyes to stop. So I did.

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