
Chapter Glossary


Arcane—the gift of magic some people are born with. It is believed by arcane astrophysicists that if one abuses such power at an early age it may diminish; thus, rendering the once gifted user with no magic for the rest of his or her life.

Arcane DNA—the molecular structure of someone born with the gift of magic whether the practitioner is a wizard or witch.

Arcane Intelligence—a being of supreme power that has transcended from the bonds of mortal flesh by means of magic to the immortal cyber realm. An arcane intelligence is also abbreviated as AI, which is often confused with artificial intelligence.

Arcane Kinesis—a spell that is a variation of telekinesis, allowing the conjurer to crush objects regardless of their size or weight.

Conjuration—a school of magic that is usually offered as a curriculum in universities that deal with white magic or elementalism. Though it can be studied as a major, most students select it as a minor. Practitioners of conjuration can teleport objects or people to other locations. Similar to divination, such power can cause dizziness and fainting spells. Only those who have mastered conjuration can conjure peaceful spirits and loved ones who have passed away, but it is never guaranteed to work. In this sense, it is related to necromancy. The main difference between the two is that necromancers tend to evoke undead ghouls as guardians, darker spirits, or even demons. Most students obsessed with conjuring supernatural entities tend to be more drawn to necromancy. Only eleven percent of students in universities major in conjuration. A prerequisite to conjuration is alchemy.

Cosmic Compass—a compass used in outer space. The traditional directions (north, east, south, and west) are only applicable on planets containing a magnetic field. Beyond these worlds, deep in the center of the universe contains the Drift Void, where the strongest magnetic field exists. Therefore, all intergalactic spacecrafts have a built-in map with a cosmic compass revealing the following outer space directions: noqoria (north), esoria (east), soudaria (south), and wescaria (west). The intermediate directions are referred to as the noqorian, esorian, soudarian, and wescarian quadrants.

Cosmodrive—one of many propulsion systems integrated into an interstellar vessel, allowing faster-than-magic (FTM) travel. Although a measurable amount of time passes while using such a velocity, it nevertheless breaks the dimensional barrier and enters a realm between space and time. This is not to be confused with the concept of space time continuum. Rather than general relativity or four-dimensional space, the starship literally shifts within a realm amid two cosmic dimensions without causing them to meet and collapse. Such an effect seems to slow everything down in regular space, but it is an illusion due to the incredible FTM speed.

Dalikonium—an extremely rare alloy naturally infused with magic that is usually used to craft armor. When crafted, it is believed to be the strongest armor. Since it is so expensive, only the highest ranking officers and soldiers have it in the Tal’manac Order.

DAR—an acronym for Dissimilate Augmented Reality. In layman’s terms, this refers to the destruction of an artificial dimension, known to some scientists as the thirteenth dimension.

Därqi’sìsô—a small domesticated animal native to planet Ujhiri. A baby is referred to as a sìsô. They have exotic-colored eyes that match the dazzling hues of gemstones, and the length of their ears are the same size as their three-metered-long tail. While an “urp” is the only sound they are capable of producing, they are incredibly smart and can eventually understand their owner’s body language and tone. They are already adorable pets to billions of people, but those with allergies tend to own them because their fur is short and does not often shed.

Dhi-cha—a mystical form of martial arts that allows attuned people with augmented technology to tap into elements of nature and bend the laws of physics to their will. Only a few denizens in the universe are gifted with the spiritual and scientific technique to conjure extraordinary power that seems supernatural to those who are incapable of harnessing the mystical fighting art.

Dimensional Space—a realm amid dimensions through which an intergalactic vessel travels via a cosmodrive. The ship neither leaves its current dimension nor enters another; it is plunged into a wraithlike domain between space and time and beyond general relativity by means of faster-than-magic (FTM) velocity. Such an ethereal, enigmatic realm is simply known as dimensional space.

Divination—a school of magic learned in universities specializing in divine spells. If a student wants to major in divination, he or she cannot graduate until passing a test proving their ability to be an oracle. Divination is considered white magic, allowing practitioners to cure minor poisons, heal wounds of fellow magic users, experience visions of the future, sense imminent danger, and sometimes even have visions of a person’s past. Prophecies can sometimes cause fainting spells and amnesia. There are no prerequisites for majoring in divination, but it requires a minor.

DP-823—a data pad used to write letters or notes. It can initially be typed or handwritten on a kinetic link device (KLD). Once finished, the user has the option to transfer the file via email or for it to be pulled out of his or her KLD screen as a digital pad and have it physically delivered to the addressed person.

Drift Void—a massive blood-red hole in the universe. Unlike black holes, starships cannot pass through it. No one knows for sure what lies beyond it. Most scientists have theorized that it leads to one of the twelve dimensions. Mystics and other religious people believe it is a portal where perished souls go through in order to become one with their creator(s). Those who still believe in the existence of Koth’tura believe that is where Maz’hura exiled the Lord of Chaos.

Echoic igsus—a tiny creature known for its ability to capture and mimic lamenting voices from tormented beings. People have always wondered why such a creature doesn’t mimic neutral or harmonious sounds, often leading scientists to think that an igsus is not only sentient but innately drawn to pain. They are usually found in shallow waters or murky shores and tend to inhabit vacant seashells.

Elementalism—a school of magic that focuses on the elements. It is a famous major and minor for students attending universities offering such a curriculum. Practitioners are trained to be multifaceted spell casters who channel every element. In all cases, prerequisite courses involve learning enchantments. Therefore, to become an elementalist one must also become a master enchanter.

Ensar—the name of the universe and its twelve dimensions. It is believed by many people throughout the cosmos that there were once two universes: Order and Chaos. Eons ago, both collided into each other and collapsed, forming one universe known as Ensar. It is a universe filled with both Order and Chaos. Mystics of the Holy Tal’manac believe the eternal Goddess will return at the end times and vanquish Chaos once and for all, at which point Ensar and its twelve dimensions will be reincarnated into a universe where only Order exists.

EX-600—an environmental suit that conforms to one’s DNA. Though one of the most expensive armors to purchase in any market, it is a priceless investment for mercenaries and explorers who often find themselves in many foreign habitats that may otherwise prove to be dangerous.

Eye of Soth’yugon—a primordial relic said to contain the secret powers of a sinister magus who lived eons ago and became tainted by magic, causing him to be imprisoned. According to legend, the primeval artifact has the power to open an arcane gateway into a realm known as the Spectral Pulse in which the sorcerer’s prison may be found.

Feyzala—a small animal of flight native to planets with zitrogen such as Aarda and Pravura. It is usually found near a pond, lake, or beach. Unlike most creatures, it only needs jamna or water to survive. They either have purple or blue eyes, multicolored feathers, and a tiny snout rather than a beak since it only needs water to sustain itself. While their meat is healthy to eat, hunters avoid killing them because people cherish them. The reason feyzalas are adored so much is because of their ability to chirp, creating tranquil songs that have been proven to scientifically heal mental illness. Most humyns have feyzalas for pets.

Fhen’da-re—an alien race from planet Astao in the Zesga’De Xanam Galaxy. Their bodies tend to appear malnourished with birthmarks that resemble tattoos. They also have multicolored eyes akin to the color of a rainbow. This is a hopeless romantic species, thriving on having a social life. It is believed among them that to be alone is to be no different than dead.

Frincraws—a little creature that dwells in the seas and beaches of planet Omav. They have a thick exoskeleton with four limbs. It possesses two pairs of pincers, one located in front of its body and the other at its rear, allowing it to defend itself from both sides. This is a rear creature to find, but rarer is the food it prefers to eat, which is an echoic igsus.

FT-356—a grenade enchanted with frost magic. Upon detonation, it releases a dense wave of icy power capable of freezing enemies or slowing them down.

G12—a technology installed in environmental suits that creates gravity.

Ghanis Blade—an enchanted sword whose blade is two feet long. It also has an extended hilt, allowing for a double-handed grip. It is one of the more expensive weapons because it has a longer-lasting enchantment than other swords. While normal blades without enchantments are durable when parrying and riposting against similar weapons, they are known to immediately shatter in an attempt to repel laser, fusion, or plasma beams as well as destructive magic. Ergo, an enchanted sword such as the Ghanis Blade is a fine weapon against all threats.

Ghensoth—an alien race from planet Zieksar, located in the Torpo Giayan Galaxy. This species has a brutish appearance consisting of boney exoskeletons, muscles trice the size of humyns, tresses of hair along their hardened spines, snout-shaped beaks, and blood-soaked eyes with horizontal pupils. They are also between twelve to fifteen feet tall. For decades ghensoths were known to be superior gunsmiths and traded with most races until the cycle of 80483.251 when war ravaged their planet; they quickly ran out of resources and have since then abandoned their homeworld and live as scavengers throughout the galaxy.

Hevala—a female race of flowery beings from a mystical world known as Shomia in the Oga Vay’tos Galaxy. Their vine-shaped hair is filled with colorful blossoms whose pigments match their doll-like eyes. Few scientists know how, but the hevala have the ability to intensify one’s sexual feelings. Since hevalas appear very sensual to people, many of them are prostitutes.

Hyirum—a power source known as liquid mana, created when arcane astrophysicists expand the flow of magic from a seemingly subatomic level to a corporeal form. It is used as fuel to operate machines, various tools, passenger vehicles, and starships.

Jamna—a purple fluid with healing properties, believed to be blessed by the eternal Goddess herself. In ancient times, jamna was as abundant as water. Now it is rarely seen. In fact, it is so rare to come across jamna in the universe now that skeptics think it is nothing more than a myth to give incurable people hope of recovering.

Jintar—a two-legged beast whose single eye stretches across its skimpy forehead. Though it only has one eye, its vision is better than most creatures in the known universe. Not every jintar is sentient, but those few that are can be excellent steeds if trained properly.

Jorga—an alien race of barbarians and knights located on planet Nobia in the Torpo Giayan Galaxy. The jorga have indigo skin and are bald by nature, their irises and pupils completely black. They also have natural tattoos for birthmarks covering their muscular bodies. While there have been several kingdoms developed by jorga, the largest and most powerful one in Nobia is the Kingdom of Larjan. Though aware of the cosmos, they have yet to leave their world and enter the sea of stars.

Kinetic Link Device—a computerized gizmo famously called a KLD, worn on one’s wrist. It is said to be a gateway to an infinite collage of information. The ethernet is merely a fingertip away from the user. More so, it allows people to purchase anything they desire and have it teleported to them in an instant. Items digitally linked to a KLD such as ancient artifacts, weapons, armor, or furniture can also be stored in its databank; this feature is known as cyber storage. The screen may also be expanded by adapting it into a digital display, thus viewing programs or movies at the highest available resolution. In essence, with a KLD the user can do just about anything he or she wants.

Koth’tura—the source of chaos that threatens Ensar, believed to be an entity of immeasurable power. It was never defeated, only exiled from the known universe by the eternal Goddess. It is stated in the scriptures of the Holy Tal’manac that Koth’tura will return in the end times, where a final battle between order and chaos shall take place. Scientists and many skeptics theorize that such an entity was either a powerful alien who was imprisoned during an epoch long before the present era or simply never existed.

Koth’vurian—a race of magical, shape-shifting beings that derive from Koth’tura, also known as the Lord of Chaos. They are the only aliens capable of flying through space without artificial propulsions and can enter black holes without being harmed. Contrary to races like humyns, they do not breath zitrogen. In fact, legend has it that they are beings of pure magic and only need the arcane energy found in stars to survive.

Magical Ion—an arcane atom or a molecule containing myriad electrons infused with magic. It is theorized by most arcane astrophysicists that magical ions are the birth and wellspring of all magic and originate in protostars. Other stars also contain magical ions, but they are not as pure due to the density of radioactive isotopes. Magical ions within a soul form what is referred to as an ionized essence. The overall process of consuming them is known as arcane ionization. While magical ions rejuvenate any wizard or witch whose powers have almost been depleted, they are extremely poisonous to a person without the arcane gift.

Mana—the invisible, intangible life force of magic that flows like zitrogen through those gifted with arcane power.

Mana Shield—a tremendously powerful spell known as an ethereal tapestry of magic cast by wizards or witches that envelops a person(s) or object(s) with a barrier akin to a technological force field.

Maz’hura—the eternal Goddess of Tal’manaism. Scriptures of the Holy Tal’manac reveal that she created Ensar and its twelve dimensions. Prior to the creation of Ensar, she existed as Order in another universe. Back then, Maz’hura existed in a realm of purity until Koth’tura breached it, at which point she fought and exiled it. Yet this caused her universe to collapse. Scholars do not know why this occurred; they only know that the occurrence caused both universes to merge as one universe that contains Chaos and Order. She is believed to be eternal and will one day return to vanquish Koth’tura forever.

Medeix Et Victum—a legendary book believed to have been written by an astral being from another dimension eons ago. It is said to contain blasphemous allegories about the true nature of the divine, such as the origin of gods and goddesses, as well as a myth that magic can always be regained from those who lost the arcane gift. Yet the details of such lore were written in an ancient dialect, which requires a scholar to translate it.

MS-783—a medical syringe with a large dose of adrenaline. It is supposed to only be used when someone has been fatally wounded. At times, it helps prevent death or at least allows the injured person to remain conscious and active for several hours.

Necromancy—a school of magic taught in universities offering a major in dark arts. Since the beginning of time, for as long as magic has been recorded in history, necromancy has been a respected form of magic. The philosophy behind it is that magic, regardless of its branch, is neither good nor evil. Such concepts of good and evil are only applicable with the wielder. Aspects of necromancy cross over into the art of divination, but because possible fortune telling in necromancy relies on a spirit rather than the practitioner, it has been divided so students of the art can focus strictly on the dark arts. There are no prerequisites for necromancy.

Nempada Empire—the first official form of humyn civilization on planet Aarda, located in the Quaydric star system within Copia Deiga. Unlike tribes that formed and withered away during ancient times, the Nempada Empire reigned supreme on Aarda’s eastern continents and gradually expanded to the west. Scholars of Nempadian lore have asserted that the Nempada Empire rose to power and dominated the world approximately between 649.123 and 824.678. Yet sometime around or after the first intergalactic millennium (circa 999.999 to 1000.000), all traces of the empire vanished. It is theorized by archeologists that an alien race invaded Aarda and destroyed the empire, leaving only vagabonds alive. Most scholars consider that to be hogwash, asserting there is no definitive evidence to claim such a thing. To this day, the enigmatic disappearance of the Nempada Empire baffles scholars and archeologists.

Quashia—a chemical element only found on a few planets throughout the Ensar universe that is inhaled by ghensoths.

Reon—the primary currency used throughout the universe of Ensar. It started being circulated in the cosmic cycle 38971.465 M.E. on planet Pravura. While some civilizations in other galaxies do not use reons, it is nevertheless accepted in the form of digital payment, which automatically gets converted via the foreign cosmic exchange market (FCXM) to the exact price of what is being purchased.

Reun Uyae University of Medicine—a prestigious college for students who aspire to practice medicine, including the arcane gift of healing.

Rumsira—according to the Holy Tal’manac, it is stated that no one can ever truly define what it is. In the world of science, there are different schools of thought on rumsira. Many scientists tend to think it is a tranquil state of mind while most wizards, templars, and mystics believe it is an actual location beyond the twelve dimensions where Maz’hura dwells.

Ruzurai—an exceptionally powerful witch or wizard chosen by the eternal Goddess to rule the Tal’manac Order. There are a total of twelve, symbolizing the twelve dimensions of Ensar. While they only rule in Copia Deiga, they have attempted to expand the sacred Order in other galaxies and spread Tal’manaism. In recent centuries, the Ruzurai have become far more militaristic than religious, focusing on their soldiers and knights establishing off-world colonies and bringing law and order to regions where chaos reigns.

Rye’sisyin—a two-legged, mythical creature whose feathery, ivory coat and wings have been described in ancient texts as beyond angelic. Such a legendary animal has been said by many ancient theologians to have originated from another dimension where only purity exists. In the present era, however, the vast majority of people do not even know what a rye’sisyin is, and those very few who do, have either labeled it extinct or a fairy tale.

Sandstalker—a sentient being native to Yevis, a desert world often called The Eternal Oasis in the Zesga’De Xanam Galaxy. They are an aggressive yet religious species who embrace steam-powered machines over advanced technology. Due to their devotion to El’Jetor, it is a sin for them to leave their planet; thus, the reason why overly advanced technology is frowned upon. For millennia, aliens were forbidden to enter their world. In recent cycles, however, sandstalkers have allowed them to visit. A fundamental part of life for all sandstalkers is the Trial of Gin’tala. Believing their Creator is both male and female, upon the second puberty of their existence, they undergo a rigorous trial that involves changing their gender.

Sca’vezi—an alien race from the Maga’Dar Galaxy. Their capital world is called Phikon, located in the Xaglia Zamosus star system. They are known to have the most impressive black-market in Ensar. As for their features: their foreheads (particularly the brow) are usually bulged with either multicolored birthmarks shaped like stripes from nose to spine. All sca’vezi have slit-shaped eyes and are bald, their coarse scalps resembling squashed cones.

Sequila mequla—one of the strongest known liquors in Ensar, originally invented by a sca’vezi terrorist. Though offered in a few famous cities, it is mostly an illegal beverage on most civilized worlds due to its potent, dormant intoxication affect that may cause somebody hours later to get drunk even if he or she only had one serving.

SGW-97 Gravity Cannon—a tremendously powerful weapon placed on battleships capable of extreme destruction. It uses a surge of gravity combined with pulse technology to manifest a wave of energy that tears through most objects in its way.

Sisterhood of Light—a zealous cult of women. They believe the sacred scriptures of the Holy Tal’manac are to be taken literally. Not a single cultist has tolerance for unbelievers or those who abuse the sanctity of life. In fact, if body and soul are abused, they believe it is their Goddess-given right to purge such evil and cast it out of the twelve dimensions no matter the cost. While laypeople argue that they fight evil with evil, the sisterhood denies such claims and deem those who say such things as heretics.

Sky Launch—atmospheric stations that offer international travel via capsules using a network of tubes built throughout the clouds of Pravura. This form of traveling ensures a traffic-less journey to one’s destination.

Spectral Pulse—an unfathomable realm theorized by arcane astrophysicists to exist beyond the Ensar universe. Though it has never been seen or proven to exist with any certainty other than a vague, cryptic scripture within the Holy Talma, some religious scientists claim a gateway can be opened by means of magic to enter the obscure realm that may very well lead beyond the twelve dimensions.

Stellar Ouva—a peaceful, gelatinous animal typified as a free-floating and free-drifting celestial being. It is often considered to be a mystical-looking creature whose body is semitransparent, revealing innards that resemble a mixture of polyp and interstellar clouds. It is the only known creature that is able to roam through space in its natural form. While stellar ouvas primarily live in regions of outer space where there is abundant cosmic dust, they are attracted to planets with water and are therefore often seen floating above oceans. Before starship propulsions such as cosmodrives were invented, people used them as steeds to travel overseas.

Sub-Field Matrix—known better for its acronym, SFM, it is an invisible barrier that reverses attacks for several seconds before allowing a vehicle’s mana shield to sustain damage.

Tal’manac Order—a religious, military government of magicians, soldiers and knights formed eons ago by humyns of faith on their original homeworld: Aarda. After hundreds of cycles, the revered Order spread throughout Copia Deiga and made planet Pravura their capital world. The Order has attempted to continue expanding in other galaxies. They believe in one deity known as Maz’hura and that her scriptures found in the Holy Tal’manac are absolute. The supreme rulers of the Order are known as Ruzurai and are believed to have been divinely chosen by the everlasting Goddess herself to rule in her stead until she returns during the end times.

Tal’manaism—one of many cosmic religions. It is a monotheistic religion based on the divine teachings of Maz’hura, eternal Goddess and creator of Ensar as presented in the Holy Tal’manac. Unlike most belief systems, Tal’manaism bridges faith, magic, and science together. According to the scriptures, Maz’hura herself states that the three are interwoven and that all are a means to commune with her. There are several ways to reach out to the eternal Goddess; one is through prayer and another is by meditation. The basic tenets of meditation in Tal’manaism are known as the Eight Powers: awareness, emptiness of mind, detachment, empathy, balance, acceptance, equanimity, and perseverance. These powers are said to bring growth and prosperity to the soul, and that if the believer lives a life of enlightenment, when he or she dies they will experience rumsira and reunite with Maz’hura. It is stated in the Holy Tal’manac that even a layperson may experience rumsira; ergo, eliminating the barriers of discrimination and judgment. Mystics of the religion believe in a period known as End Times, an epoch where people throughout Ensar will experience a final battle between Order and Chaos. At the end, the universe is supposed to be cleansed by rebirth, sometimes interpreted as reincarnation.

Telecommunication—commonly referred to as TC, it is a medium used for transmitting sounds and images by means of extraterrestrial signals allowing viewers to watch any form of media ranging from news, films, and reality shows. It can be used to contact a friend instead of a KLD, in which case the user would see their contact on the screen. One may also tune into nature signals located in outer space and on distant planets, allowing them to see documentaries pertaining to animals and other phenomena. In addition, gamers can digitally link their nerves to a VD and experience virtual reality games. Overall, the TC is considered to be the primary source of entertainment in most households.

Tetrigonium—an alloy often used in construction for building the hulls of vessels, structures, walls, floors, and even armor.

Transdimensional Ethernet—a realm of cyberspace, most commonly known as TDE or simply the ethernet. Users can log on to the ethernet by having a kinetic link device (KLD). The ethernet is a cosmic system of interconnected networks linked by an array of digital, virtual, and wireless technologies with a dose of magic. For example, if two magic users establish a conversation on the ethernet, either one of them can teleport to the other. The invention of the TDE is recognized as one of the greatest scientific and magical marvels throughout Ensar.

Tyiri—an alien race from a planet called Tyuchstelia in the Syichi Photh-Kos Galaxy. They have a tendency to be politicians or lawyers for criminals. Though dressed in impressive business suits, their teal-pigmented faces are not as appealing with slits on their cheekbones for breathing. And despite them not having noses or teeth, they are able to consume food using dissolving glands in their mouths.

UCN—a humyn broadcasting company known as Universal Cosmic News. Reporters bring news to people from all around the universe whether it be weather, traffic, natural disasters, random majestic phenomena on planets or in space, terror attacks, and political debates. It can be viewed on channel 2044.78 via KLD.

Uganda—a race of technologically advanced beings from planet Ruegan’Uganta in the Fhen’gu Hyron star system. Known for their extensive bodily implants and augments, they are not only spiritual, but also an extremely powerful species. In addition, uganda engineers have found a way to blend science and magic together, tapping into a mystical martial art known as dhi-cha.

Urvantak—one of many factions formed by ghensoths. Unlike most factions that are nothing more than groups consisting of pirates, scavengers, and mercenaries, Urvantak was formed to restore the ghensoth homeworld by traversing through the universe and gathering an unlimited supply of resources. The ghensoths of this faction are considered to be exceedingly hostile and will do whatever it takes to restore their planet back to its former glory, even if it means hiring sca’vezi pirates to do their dirty work.

Uttaziod—an enormous flying mammal with a fleece covering its body, eight tentacles for limbs, and a twenty-foot-long trunk capable of producing a loud yet harmonious sound akin to a trumpet. The animal is a symbol of sovereignty and is revered among xyimorphs. According to an ancient legend in Star City, the first Praetor commanded a uttaziod to gather and build the first xyimorph empire.

Votrigon—an expensive glass-looking material with the strength of tetrigonium. It is usually used as a window for star-scrapers in order to withstand gravity currents. It has also been used in several zoos to contain dangerous animals on display.

Wyrekar—a scaly creature that usually keeps to itself unless it feels threatened. Those who dare invade its territory cause it to become aggressive. To protect itself, its coat of sharp spines is capable of ejecting venomous quills that can turn flesh into stone.

X-Phaser—a teleportation pod or capsule big enough to fit even a ghensoth. It is one of the rare technologies that bring science and magic together. Its technology captures one’s DNA and then initiates a “phaser” that dematerializes the molecular structure and rematerializes it to his or hers chosen destination. For witches or wizards, an enchanted “phaser” in the same pod captures their arcane DNA and teleports them from an outbound to a selected inbound capsule.

Xentari—an alien species obsessed with trading and marketing. It is believed by most people that to see a xentari pirate is like seeing a ghensoth mystic. The xentari are one of the most peaceful races. A xentari’s features consist of a snout, trunk-shaped ears, and wide eyes that match its bulky and somewhat stretched-looking face. It is said among their kind that a superb vendor regardless of race is a xentari in spirit.

Xen’tarza—the god of time, originating from an extinct religion. Philosophers and theologians claim that Xen’tarza was one of the most powerful wizards in ages old, causing the masses to think of him as a god. Whether mortal or divine, such facts have been lost. All that remains are enigmatic legends of his existence and supreme power to manipulate the laws of physics, such as the space-time continuum. It is because of these legends that Xen’tarza is now known as the god of time.

Xyimorph—a political race of beings who embrace technology and magic. They vary from being fair skinned to having purplish or dark- and silvery-colored skin with long ears that curve in a loop down to their chin. Preferring to remain isolated in their heavenly abode called Star City, they are somewhat ignorant of current affairs in the universe and instead tend to quarrel amongst themselves. They are willing to stab each other in the back for the sake of political gain.

Yelium—a chemical element found on the sca’vezi homeworld of Phikon. While the sca’vezi inhale it, ghensoths can breathe it too.

Yolku—one of many animals capable of producing chirp-like songs within the forests of planet Omav. It has two fluffy tails that are identical, as well as four wings, allowing it to move and fly fast.

Yun’sara—in the religion of Tal’manaism, she is believed by all to be the chosen prophetess of Maz’hura. Born circa 1342.51 M.E. on planet Aarda, she was a visionary oracle and physicist who invented the first arcane engine that allowed interstellar travel. Later in her life, due to the planet’s relatively small size, she led an exodus from Aarda to Pravura, the current capital world of humynity. Upon retirement, she proclaimed that she’d received a vision from a supernatural entity dwelling in another dimension. Such an entity was the eternal Goddess herself. Divinely inspired, she wrote the Holy Tal’manac and gave mesmerizing sermons around the world. It is believed by tal’manists that during her final days, she retreated to the peak of a mountain where upon she prayed and meditated until she communed with Maz’hura again, ascending beyond the twelve dimensions. Til this day, in honor of Yun’sara, the militaristic Tal’manac Order does not allow someone to captain a ship unless they are born of magic.

Yushkar Mugasis—a cocktail normally referred to as just yushkar or yushkar cocktail. It was originally a drinkable drug made by humyns. Such a drink was so intoxicating and yet deadly. Authorities had great difficulty preventing people from overdosing due to its addicting taste. In due time, the xentari were able to mimic its flavors and addictive ingredients without the use of drugs.

ZiFi—a cosmic wireless networking technology that allows devices such as a KLD to connect to the Transdimensional Ethernet. It can also be used to transfer resources, tangible or intangible, from one person to another like magic.

Zitrogen—a chemical element abundantly found throughout the Ensar universe that is breathed by several species such as humyns.

ZX-9000—an incredibly sophisticated tank capable of handling extreme weather conditions such as gravity distortions. Though mostly used by military forces due to its durable armor and array of weapons, some wealthy archeologists use it to survey unexplored planets or regions.

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